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22,269 Teachers to be recruited by Tamilnadu Government in 2013

TNTET 2013, Tamilnadu Government Announcement about the Teachers Recruitment in the State Assembly, Over 22000 Teachers vacancy in Tamilnadu
Tamilnadu Government today (28.03.2013) announced in the State Assembly about the Teachers Vacancy and New Teachers Posts Recruitment for the Year 2013. Honourable Minister K.P.Munusamy in the State Assembly has announced that the Government is going to recruit 22,269 Teachers Posts this year 2013. He told that the recruitment process for the above said posts are going on. We may expect soon a new advertisement from TRB for the TNTET Exam 2013.

Will TNTET 2013 be announced soon ?

But he has not hinted about the recruitment method, whether through TRB TNTET (Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test ) or through Employment Seniority. We can expect the government will follow the TNTET Exam and announce a new TNTET in 2013 also for this bulk postings. As our Chief Minister gives preference for the competitive exams than the employment seniority in filling all government jobs, the TNTET aspirants can strongly believe this time also recruitment through TNTET 2013 only. So start preparation today itself.

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