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TRB TNTET Exam 2013 - 2014 Latest News | trb tn nic in

Latest news on TNTET 2014, TNTET 2014 Announcement, TNTET Exam 2014 Exam Date, TNTET 2014 Exam Date, Tntet exact exam date, tntet 2014 exam date announcement by TRB, Latest news about tntet exam date, tntet 2014 exam date, tntet exam date announced by trb, july 2014 tntet exam date, tntet 2014 application form download, trb,tn,nic,in tntet 2014 announcement, tntet online application, last date to apply tntet exam 2014, tntet exam 2014 dinamalar tamil newspaper news, tamilnandu tet announcements, TRB, TNTET, Application Date, Last Date to appy, TNTET 2014 Paper 1 Exam Date, TNTET 2014 Paper 2 Exam Date, TNTET Exam August 2014, rumours about tamilnadu tntet 2014, rumours trb tntet 2014, rumours tet exam, TNTET Exam hall ticket issue date, tntet 2014 hall ticket download date, tntet 2014 hall ticket publish date, tntet 2014 admit card download, trb.nic.in tntet hall ticket 2013, trb tn tet exam hall ticket, trb tntet hall ticket download, tntet 2014 hall ticket download date announced, trb announced hall ticket issue date for TNTET Exam 2014, www.trb.tn.nic.in, tntet 2014 hall ticket download link, tntet 2014 hall ticket, tntet paper 1 17-08-2013 exam hall ticket, tntet 18-08-2013 exam hall ticket, tntet hall ticket download link, www.trb.tn.nic.in tet2013 hall ticket, www.trb.tn.nic.in 18 08 2013 exam hall ticket ,link tntet admit card, tntet hall ticket download link, tntet admit card 2013 link, tntet hall ticket link , tntet 2013 hall ticket link, tn tet hall ticket 2013, tntet paper 1 tamilnadu candidate hall ticket, trb tntet hall ticket download direct link, tntet paper 2 hall ticket download direct link, tntet exam 2013 hall ticket download direct link, tntet direct link to download hall ticket, Direct link to download tntet paper 1 hall ticket, direct link to download paper 2 hall ticket, tntet hall ticket download direct links, tntet hall tickets download alternate links, tntet hall ticket download alternative links, trb.tn.nic.in website tntet hall ticket 2013, tntet paper 1 hall ticket 2013, tntet paper 2 hall ticket 2013, trb tntet 2013 results, trb tntet paper 1 results, trb tntet 2013 paper1 exam results, trb tntet 2013 results publishing date, dinamalar news, thinathanthi news, dinathanthi news, daily thanthi news, tntet 2013 results, trb tntet 2013 paper 2 results, trb.tn.nic.in tntet results 2013, trb tet 2013 results, trb.tn.nic.in tnet paper 2 results 2013, TRB TNTET results announced date, results announcement date, tntet 2013 paper 1 results, trb.tn.nic.in tntet results published, tntet exam 2013 results published date, tntet exam 2013 results, trb tet results 2013, tntet 2013 results, madras high court judgement, tntet results madras high court judgement, tntet 2013 results, tntet 2013 results announced, tamilnadu tet results 2013, direct link to check tntet 2013 results, tntet 2013 final answer key, tntet 2013 paper 1 results, tntet 2013 paper 2 results, TNTET2013 Results, TNTET Results Check, TRB TET Results 2013, TRB TN TET Results 2013, TN TET 2013 Results, tntet.result 2013,2013 tntet results for paper 2,cut-off marks for tntet 2013, TNTET Paper 1 Cut Off Mark, TNTET Paper 2 Cut Off Mark, TNTET Final Rank List Published Date in Tamilnadu, TNTET Paper 2 Subject Wise Vacancies, TNTET Paper 2 Tamil, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, History, Geography, TNTET Paper 1 Vacancies 2014, tntet paper 2 final selection list, paper 1 selection list, trb bt assistant recruitment 2014, tntet recent news, trb tntet paper 2 final selection list 2014 for english, tamil, maths, physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, paper 1 final selection list, trb, pgt tntet paper 1, paper 2 district wise counselling places, venues of counselling, trb tntet case latest news, madurai high court weightage mark case latest news, tntet weightage mark case status, tntet weightage marks case , trb tet case 2014 results, tntet madurai high court judgement, tntet madras high court judgement, tntet court case latest news 2014, paper 1 second list, paper 2 second list published date, trb latest news
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06-02-2015 : PG TRB Exam 2015 Result and Final Answer Keys published by Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) in its official website www.trb.nic.in.

Check your PG TRB result  2015 from the following links

21-12-2014: Teachers Eligibility Tests (TNTET) should be conducted every year. - Honourable Madras High Court to Government of Tamilnadu . Dinamani News,21-12-2014 . Read all latest news about TNTET Exam 2015.
News Courtesy epaper.dinamani.com

03-12-2014 : The next TNTET Exam ( 2014 - 2015 ) Notification may be published by TRB only after all the TNTET related cases in Honourable Supreme Court come to end. News in Todays Dinamani Newspaper . Read news

21-11-2014 : Tamilnadu Government Schools Special Teachers Recruitment 2014 -2015 - Notification soon : Physical Education, Drawing, Sewing and Music Teachers in the Tamilnadu Government Schools to be recruited through TRB. Official notification for the written examination is expected to be published Soon Read more

25-10-2014 : Candidates who have failed to download the TNTET Paper 1 / Paper 2 Exams Eligibility Certificates may get another chance to download their certificates. It seems, TRB has made arrangement for providing the TNTET certificates (for who didn't download )through CEO offices. The official notification from TRB regarding this will be published soon.  News Courtesy : தி இந்து - ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி சான்றிதழ் பதிவிறக்கம் செய்ய தவறியவர்களுக்கு மாற்று ஏற்பாடு Read news
20-10-2014 : Today TRB has published provisional mark list of  TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment 2012 and  Provisional list of PG Assistants Recruitment 2012-2013 selected candidates for certificate verification.  TRB yet to publish the provisionally selected candidates list of  TNTET Paper 1 (Secondary  Grade Teachers) for the Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools , the list is also expected to be published soon. 

19-10-2014: 2010-2011 Appointed Graduate Teachers need not write TNTET Exam. The Tamilnadu Directorate of School Education has clarified that the graduate teachers (BT Assistants)  who had certificate verification before 23-08-2010 and received appointment orders in the year 2011 need not qualify in TNTET  Exam conducted by TRB.

16-10-2014 : Provisional Selection List of  TRB TNTET Paper 1 candidates (Secondary Grade Teachers) for the Minority Subjects (in School Education deparments and other departments) is published by TRB today. For more details visit http://trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/16102014/msg.htm

14-10-2014 : TRB Published Provisional Selection List of TNTET Paper 2 candidates for the Direct Recruitment of BT Assistants for Minority Subjects in the Department of School Education, Elementary Education, BC and Welfare Deptartment, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Chennai Corporation Schools and Coimbatore Corparation Schools.  

Visit TRB Official Website http://www.trb.tn.nic.in/ for more details.

14-10-2014 : Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) issued notification for the recruitment of 652 Computer Science Teachers (Computer Instructor) for Tamilnadu Government Higher Secondary  Schools under Department of School Education . The recruitment will be based on State Level Employment Seniority . For more details visit TRB Official Notification Page http://www.trb.tn.nic.in/Comp%20Instructor%202014/13102014/msg.htm
12-10-2014 : Latest news on TNTET 5% Relaxation case from http://www.gurugulam.com . On 25-09-2014, the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court quashed the 5% relaxation order by Tamilnadu Government in the TRB TNTET Exams. A TNTET candidate from Madurai has asked whether the government goes for appeal in the TNTET 5% relaxation through CM Cell. For that query, the government has answered that after receiving the order copy necessary steps on the feasibility of filing an appeal in the above case will be taken. 

Courtesy, http://www.gurugulam.com/2014/10/flash-news-5.html

07-10-2014 : News about TRB TNTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Second List - in  todays The Hindu Tamil (தி இந்து)  newspaper. 
Thanks, தி இந்து, 07-10-2014
News Summery : Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has quashed the Tamilnadu Government's order to grant 5% marks relaxation in TNTET Exams. Because of this court order, TRB is in a confusion whether to publish the list with 5% relaxation or with out 5% relaxation. If the government goes for appeal in the TNTET 5% relaxation case and gets judgement in favour for 5% relaxation, the list will be published with 5% relaxation. Otherwise the candidates with 90 marks will only be considered. The candidates have to wait till the government's next move in this case.

29-09-2014 : Will TRB conduct TNTET Exam in 2014 ? - Latest News in Hindu Tamil Newspaper . Read news

27-09-2014 : 900 Post Graduate Teachers to be appointed for 100 upgraded schools through PGTRB Exam Read more

26-09-2014 : Madurai Bench of Madras High Court Quashed TNTET 5% Marks relaxation. Today's newspaper news. 
தி இந்து : ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வுக்கு மதிப்பெண் சலுகை அளிக்கும் அரசாணை செல்லாது: உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு  Read news
தினமணி : ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு: சலுகை மதிப்பெண் வழங்கும் அரசாணையை ரத்து செய்து உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு Read news
தினமலர், கல்வி : ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வில் மதிப்பெண் சலுகை; தமிழக அரசின் உத்தரவு ரத்து Read news

25-09-2014 :Today, Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has quashed the Government Order for 5 % marks relaxation in the TNTET exam conducted by TRB. This judgement will not affect the candidates already got appointment orders issued based on the 5% relaxation.   News Courtesy : www.Vikatan.com
ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு: 5% மதிப்பெண் தளர்வு வழங்கிய அரசாணை ரத்து!  Read news

Appointment orders of newly selected teachers through TRB TNTET Exams are issued from today's (25-09-2014) afternoon onwards. Candidates can receive their appointment orders from the respective counselling centres where they have attended counselling. All the best !

24-09-2014 :Teachers appointment stay order removed  in Madurai Bench of Madras High court today. 

News Courtesy -மாலை மலர் : ஆசிரியர் நியமனம் தொடர்பான வழக்கு: தனி நீதிபதி பிறப்பித்த இடைக்கால உத்தரவு ரத்து Read news
23-09-2014 : The government  to seek Madurai Bench of Madras High Court to remove the stay order in the teachers appointment .| The appointment orders to be issued immediately after getting stay order removed. | Candidates affected by TNTET weightage marks to appeal in Supreme Court . A detailed news report about TNTET cases by Dinamalar newspaper, 23-09-2014. 
வெயிட்டேஜ்' பிரச்னைக்கு சுப்ரீம் கோர்ட்டில் முறையீடு : கல்வி துறையை எதிர்த்து முற்றுகிறது போராட்டம் Read news
When will be the appointment orders issued ?  Dinamani newspaper, 23-09-2014 . நீதிமன்றத் தீர்ப்பு எதிரொலி: 13 ஆயிரம் ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு பணி நியமன ஆணை எப்போது கிடைக்கும்? Read news

22-09-2014 :TRB TNTET Weightage related cases dismissed  in Madras High Court. 
News Courtesy Malaimalar 
வெயிட்டேஜ் முறையை ரத்து செய்ய கோரிய வழக்குகள் தள்ளுபடி Read news

20-09-2014 : 10,000 TNTET both Paper 1 and Paper 2 passed candidates have not downloaded the Certificate. Already TRB has instructed the candidates that they should download the certificates from    http://tntet.in/TRB/
website before 25-09-2014 . Only 5 more days for the deadline, if you have not downloaded the certificate, please download it as soon as possible.  
News courtesy : Dinamani , 20-09-2014 

15-09-2014 : TNTET Cases taken for hearing today at Madras High Court. Morning 5 % TNTET Marks relaxation case was heared and evening cases related to G.O 71 . Hearings to be continued tomorrow also. 
14-09-2014 : Tomorrow ( 15-09-2014 ) TNTET related cases coming for hearing in Madras High Court . Since the Tamilnadu government's appeal in the Madurai Bench did not come for hearing till yesterday, we can expect some important news about in the TNTET weightage case tomorrow. 
Visit Madras High Court Daily Cause List for TNTET case hearing details.


13-09-2014 : 22000 TNTET Eligible candidates not downloaded the TNTET Certificate from the http://tntet.in/TRB/ website. TRB instructs the candidates to download the certificates before 25-09-2014.

News Courtesy : http://www.dinamani.com
ஆசிரியர் தகுதிச் சான்றிதழை 22,000 பேர் பதிவிறக்கம் செய்யவில்லை Read news 12-09-2014 : Committee to be appointed according to the court's guidance to solve the TNTET Weightage Marks Problem. Honourable School Education Minister K.C.Veeramani informed. News Source Malaimalar.
ஆசிரியர் தகுதி தேர்வு வெயிட்டேஜ் முறைக்கு தீர்வு காண குழு: அமைச்சர் கே.சி.வீரமணி தகவல் Read news
10-09-2014 : Problems in teachers appointment may be solved with in this week - Dinamalar news.

புதிய ஆசிரியருக்கு ஏற்பட்டுள்ள பிரச்னை இந்த வார இறுதிக்குள் தீர்வு: கல்வித்துறை Read news
10-09-2014 : Appointment Orders for 12,347 teachers are ready to be issued and waiting for the High Court Order.  -தி இந்து newspaper.
12,347 ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு பணி நியமன ஆணை தயார்: அதிகாரிகள் தகவல். Read news  

03-09-2014 : Download TNTET Paper 1, Paper 2 Certificate from TRB Website. TRB TNTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Certificates can be downloaded from the following website.

Instructions to download the certificate 


Note : You will be allowed to download the TNTET certificate only two times. So before downloading the certificate read the "how to download instruction" provided in the website carefully. 
03-09-2014 :  Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has stayed Secondary Grade Teachers and Graduate Assistants Appoinment based on TNTET Weightage Marks. Court allowed to conduct the counselling.

Read the Newspaper Sources

Times of India  - Read here

Dinamalar  - Read here  

Dinamani - Read here
Tamil Hindu - Read here 
31-08-2014 : TRB PGT Counselling for Candidates Own Districts was held on 30-08-2014. According to School Education Director 906 candidates were issued appointment orders. Today  (31-08-2014) 1400 candidates (Other than own districts posts) are to be issued appointment orders.

30-08-2014 :  PGT Counselling starts today. Best wishes for all selected candidates ! May GOD Bless your Teaching Career !

28-08-2014 :  Counselling Dates for  PGT , BT Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers Announced.
PGT Counselling Dates

Vacancies with in own  District -  30-08-2014
Vacancies in Other  Districts -  31-08-2014

BT Assistants Counselling Dates 

Vacancies with in own  District -  03-09-2014
Vacancies in Other  Districts -  04,05 -09-2014

Secondary Grade Teachers Counselling Dates 

Vacancies with in own  District -  01-09-2014
Vacancies in Other  Districts -  02 -09-2014
Honourable Chief Minister Issued Appointment Orders  for 14,700 newly selected PGT, BT Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers . In a function in Chennai, today, Hon'ble Chief Minister provided appointment orders for 7 candidates from the  newly selected PGT, BT Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers. 

 27-08-2014 : TNTET Paper 1 Provisional Selection List for Secondary Grade Teachers Recruitment 2012-2013 Published today.

Direct Link http://trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/27082014/msg1.htm

Individual Query

Consolidated List by Name as PDF

26-08-2014 : TRB Published TNTET Paper 2 - BT Assistant Tamil  Additional List of Selected Candidates for the appointment. 
Individual Query Link
25-08-2014 : TNTET Paper 2 Additional Vacancies Published on TRB Website . TRB has published details of additional BT Assistants Posts for the 2012-2013 recruitments. The additional vacancies are from Adi-Dravidar Welfare DepartmentSchool, BC and MBC Welfare Department Schools and Chennai CoimbatoreCorporation Schools. 

In this Second List Tamil Subject and B.T.Assistant vacancies in minority language medium (Telugu, Malayalam,Kannada and Urdu) for School Education Department also published in the notification. 

Read the original notification : 

Notification as PDF : 

23-08-2014 :  TRB published important instructions for  TNTET Paper 2 Selected candidates who are also qualified in Paper 1 . According to the instructions , those who are willing to prefer Paper 1 Post and cancel their selection in Paper 2 Posts can report  the TRB Office, Chennai on 25-08-2014. 

Read the original Instruction from TRB Website : 

22-08-2014 :  TRB handovers selection list to School Education Department. News Teachers appointments will be soon.
தினமலர் : 12 ஆயிரம் புதிய ஆசிரியர் பட்டியல் ஒப்படைப்பு : பணி நியமன உத்தரவை முதல்வர் வழங்குகிறார் Read News

21-08-2014 :  Notification for Direct Recruitment of Secondary Grade Teachers (with number of vacancy details for paper 1 candidates)  is published in TRB website today. 

Notification Link : http://trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/21082014/msg.htm

Notification as pdf : http://trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/21082014/Notification.pdf
20-08-2014 :  12588 teachers appointment soon - Ms.D.Sabitha.IAS. In an official meeting at Dindigul District, the Principal Secretary, School Education has informed that this year 12588 teachers including 1267 PGT and 11321 Graduate Teachers will be appointed.

Courtesy - Dinamalar, 20-08-2014
12,588 ஆசிரியர்கள் விரைவில் நியமனம் : பள்ளிக்கல்வித்துறைச் செயலர் தகவல் - Read News

19-08-2014 : 11900 teachers to be appointed soon. School Education Department Principal Secretary Ms. D.Sabitha.I.A.S., informed this in an official meeting at Tanjore on 18-08-2014.

18-08-2014 : Counselling for Selected PGT and TNTET Paper 2 candidates with in one or two Weeks - Dinamani News, 18-08-2014

Dinamani Newspaper article says the TRB will handover the selection list to the Elimentary Education and School Education Directorates with in this week.

Based on the selection list Online counselling will be conducted for appointment of the selected candidates.

The appointment orders for the selected candidates will be issued in the function presided by Honourable Chief Minister. The date of the function is to be decided with in one or two days.

The Selection List of Paper 1 Candidates and remaining PGTs will be published before the function date.  

Thanks and Courtesy தினமணி, 18-08-2014.
ஓரிரு வாரங்களில் ஆசிரியர் பணி நியமன கலந்தாய்வு - Read News
17-08-2014 : According to today's Dinamalar Newspaper, TRB is to give the selection list of selected PGT and BT Candidates  to School Education Department . After receiving proper communifiation from the TRB, the School Education Department will proceed the appointment process.

14-08-2014 : In a official meeting at Thiruvallur on 13-08-2014, Honourable School Education Minister Veeramani has informed that 12600 teachers will be appointed soon. The posts includes 1367 PG Teachers and 11321 GT's.

Read the Original News : தி இந்து -12,600 பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியர்கள் அரசு பள்ளிகளில் விரைவில் நியமனம்: அமைச்சர் வீரமணி தகவல்

11-08-2014 :  Expected salary of newly selected Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) ,  BT and Secondary Grade Teachers.

PG Teachers -   Pay Scale    : Rs. 9300-34800+4800
                                                       Rs. 30880 /-  
                                                     ( If MPhil holder Rs.32680/-)
Graduate Teachers-             : Rs. 9300-34800+4600
                                                       Rs. 28780 /-  
( If PG holder Rs 30460 /-, If M.Ed or M.Phil holder -  Rs.32240/- )

Secondary  Grade Teachers :Rs. 5200 - 20200+2800 +PP :750

Thanks and Courtesy www.kalviseithi.net

10-08-2014 : TRB TNTET Paper 2 Final Selection List Published Today. 
Check Your Status ( Individual Query) 

Complete Selection List of Candidates as PDF

08-08-2014 : According to Dinamani Newspaper dated 08-08-2014, senior Officer from TRB has informed that the teachers recruitments including PGT, BT Assistants, Secondary Grade teachers will be completed with in one month.

He also assured that BT Assistant Final Selection List and PGT Final Lists will be published with in 7 - 10 days. After that, Secondary Grade Teachers selection list will be published.

News Courtesy : Dinamani, 08-08-2014 Click to read the news

 Topper's Interview with Mr. Yogarajan, a visually challenged candidate from chennai who scored 114 / 150 in the TNTET Exam 2013- Read Here

06.08.2014 : TNTET Paper 1 Provisional Mark List and Notification for  Secondary Grade Teachers Recruitment 2012-2013 Published. 

TRB Website : http://trb.tn.nic.in/

Secondary Grade Recruitment Notification : http://trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/06082014/Notification.pdf

Provisional Mark List :

04.08.2014 : TRB Published Paper 2 Additional Vacancies in the Department of School Education and Department of Elementary Education.

Visit  http://trb.tn.nic.in/B.T%20Asst%202014/01082014/msg.htm

According to Dinamani Newspaper, (Click to read the news) the  TNTET Paper 2 Final Selection List is expected to be published on today ( 04-08-2014 ). The list may be out any time . But please note that, there is no official announcement from the TRB regarding this.  If there any news from TRB, soon we will update here. You may visit the TRB's Official Website frequently.

01-08-2014 : TNTET Paper 2 Final Selection List for BT Assistant 2012-2013 Recruitment to be published soon. -Dinamalar News Paper News

30-07-2014 :TNTET Paper 2 - BT Assistants Selection List  to be published with in one or two days- According to today's (30-07-2014) The Hindu Tamil Newspaper, one of the official from TRB has assured that the TNTET Paper 2 Selection List for the appointment of BT Assistants Recruitment is ready and may be published with in one or two days.

24-07-2014 : Appointment Orders for 15,000 Teachers with in 3 Weeks - Honourable School Education Minister. Yesterday (23-07-2014) answering to a question by a communist MLA, the Minister replied the appointment orders for about 15,000 teachers will be issued with in 3 weeks based on the TNTET Rank List. So the TNTET Paper 1 Provisional Mark List and Final Selection list may be expected with in this month end.  

18-07-2014 : 3459 School Teachers to be appointed this year  - Honourable School Education Minister's Announcment - Click here for details

17-07-2014 : Some newspaper articles says that the cut off for history and english might be slightly lower this time because of increase in vacancies for those subjects .

15-07-2014 :  A higher Official from TRB has informed that the Final Selection List of  ( TNTET Paper 2 ) BT Assistant 2012 - 2013 Recruitment will be published on 30-07-2014 . Source : Today's Thinathanthi News Paper.

14-07-2014  :  TRB Published TNTET Provisional Mark List for Paper 2 Candidates and Notification for Direct Recruitment of BT Assistant 2012 -2013

Please visit   the following links for more information
To see BT Assistant 2012- 13 Notification  :
 If the above link not opens, copy and paste the following direct link to download notification  [ http://trb.tn.nic.in/B.T%20Asst%202014/14072014/Notification.pdf ]
To Check Your Paper 2 weightage Mark  : 

BT Assistants Vacancies 2012 - 2013 At a Glance

Subject / Vacancies Tamil English Maths Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology History Geography
Backlog Vacancies 261 253 381 133 185 22 25 141 9
Current Vacancies 511 2569 530 454 402 229 226 3451 890
Total / By Subjects 772 2822 911 587 587 251 251 3592 899

Total Paper 2 Vacancies = 10672 ( Except Elementary Education Vacancies – Given Below)

 Elementary Education Vacancies

Subject / Vacancies Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology
Backlog Vacancies 7 2 1
Current Vacancies 11 16 8 9
Total / By Subjects 18 18 9 9

Total Elementary Education Vacancies – 54

Note :  
1. Data as per TRB's Notification published on trb.tn.nic.in/B.T Asst 2014/14072014/Notification.pdf
2. Just for visualization of total number of vacancies only. For original data and clear information you should rely on TRB's official website trb.tn.nic.in only.

13-07-2014 :  Teachers Appointed after 23-08-2014 Should Complete TNTET Exam before August 2015. The teachers who have been appointed after 23-08-2010 should pass TNTET exam with in 5 years. It is applicable to Private School Teachers also. So, if  such candidates want to continue as teachers , they should complete TNTET exam before August 2015.

Source : Dinamalar News Paper, 13-07-2014

12-07-2014  : Honourable Minister's Speech about Teachers Appointment : Today there is a hot news and discussions in all Education and Teachers  related websites about the Honourable School Education Minister's speech about Teachers Appointment 2014 . According to the news, the Minister has informed, 18000 teachers  posts will be filled with in 15 days.  So we can expect the TNTET final rank list and Final Selection list to be published soon. All the best !

Source and courtesy  : http://www.kalviseithi.net/2014/07/18000.html

26.06.2014 : Case Filed Against TRB 's New TNTET  Weightage Mark System
A new case was filed against new TNTET weightage mark system in Madurai High Court Branch . The case was filed by Prabhakar , a M.Sc., M.Ed., and TNTET qualified candidate from Puthukkottai.  The main arguement was made on the Plus Two and Degree Weightage Marks calculation. He argued that the current weightage calculation method will affect the candidates who studied plus two and degree 10 years ago.

21.06.2014 : Recently TRB has published Paper 2 Results of TRB Special TET candidates on 13-06-2014 .  So it is expected TRB will soon publish the final Rank List and Selection List for the TNTET 2013 candidates. This time the appointment process will also be in speed mode, as all schools are already opened in Tamilnadu.

Source : Dinamalar Newspaper , 26-06-2014

06.06.2014 : The Total Vacancies of TNTET this year may increase  - Latest news. - Click to Read

05.06.2014 : TRB to publish TNTET Rank List and TNTET Final Selection List soon

TRB announced TNTET Paper 1, Paper 2 New Weightage Marks - Government Order - How to calculate - full information.

22.04.2014 : TRB Announced TNTET Paper 2  Call Letter for Certificate Verification of 5% Relaxation Candidates - The CV for 25333 candidates of TRB TNTET Paper 2 is scheduled to be conducted from 06-05-2014 to 12-05-2014. So we can expect the appointments of the successful candidates before June 2014.

Important Links 

List of Candidates Called for TNTET Paper 2 Certificate Verification Click Here

Direct Link to download Call Letter, List of Centres for Certificate Verification Click here 

Download TRB TNTET Paper 2 Call Letter for Certificate Verification - Direct Link

Download Paper 2 Certificate Verification Centre List  

02.04.2014 : TRB has already finished the Certificate Verification process of TNTET 2013 Paper 1 Candidates who come under 5% marks relaxation.

Now all the Paper 2 candidates (nearly 27,000) are awaiting for their term for certificate verification. Since, the election code won't affect TRB Certificate verification process, Paper 2 Certificate Verification is expected to be started with in one or two weeks. The Call Letter, Bio date form and Identification Certificates may be issued through online with in a week. 

Keep in touch for latest updations. 

Check this direct link of TRB TNTET Certificate Verification Announcement Page http://trb.tn.nic.in/TET2013/26022014/msg1.htm

25.03.2014 : The announcement for this year TNTET 2014 Exam notification may come after the Parliamentary Elections 2014. Any how, till today, there is no proper notification from the TRB about the TNTET exam 2014. 

28.02.2014 : TRB has announced the rank wise mark list of the successful candidates, who have benefited from the 5% relaxation of marks. Click the following link to check your name on the District wise list.


15.02.2014 : TRB Announced new weightage marks for TNTET Exam Click Here

07.02.2014 :   82 Marks are the eligibility marks to pass TRB Tntet exam. Tamilnadu government announced. Click Here for Full Information

06.02.2014 :  If same cut off marks for more than one candidates in TRB TNTET exam, the date of birth / age will be considered. -TRB (Source : Tamil Hindu Newspaper, 06.02.2014)


04.02.2014  : TNTET Exam Passing Marks Percentage has been reduced from 60 % to 55 % for reservation categories. - Click here to read in details

29.01.2014 : Tamilnadu Government may consider the reservation system in TRB TNTET (Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exams). The news on dinamalar website dated 29.01.2014 says the government is on serious discussion about this issue. If the government decides about implementing Community Reservation in TET Exam, the Honourable Chief Minister may announce the good news to all TNET aspirant of Tamilnadu.

TNPSC Portal நடத்தும் TNTET 2014 க்கான இலவச இணைய வழிப் பயிற்சி அறிவிப்பு விரைவில் ...

TRB TN TET 2013 Result Published

TRB has published the results of TNTET 2013 Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exams held on 17.8.2013 & 18.08.2013. Check soon in the TRB Website.TRB has informed that about 4.80% of the candidates have successfully cleared (qualified) the exam. This shows there is about 5/20 candidates have successfully got qualified in the TRB TN TET 2013 Exam. Thus the marks scored in the exam may play vital role in deciding the candidates' fate.

TNTET 2013 Results Quick Links

TNTET 2013 Final Answer Key

TNTET Final Answer Key  Paper 1

TNTET Final Answer Key  Paper2

TNTET 2013 Results

TNTET 2013 Paper 1 Results (TN) | (Pondicherry)

TNTET 2013 Paper 2 Results

TNTET 2013 Cutoff Marks for Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be Published Later.

"TNTET Results 2013 Publication can not be stopped - Madras High Court Judgement"

The Madras High Court has informed that the publication of TNTET 2013 results can not be banned. But, the results will be bound by the High Court Judgement dated 18.11.2013. So we can expect the results in one or two days.

Source : www.dailythanthi.com

This year about 13,000 posts to be filled through TNTET Exam 2013. Among them about 10,000 posts are Graduate Teachers and about 3000 posts are Secondary School Teachers.

According to Hindu Tamil Newspaper, almost all the results publication works are over and the TNTET Exam 2013 Results to be published with in a week.

TRB TNTET Exam 2013 Results to be Published with in 10 days - Dinathanthi News dated 11.10.2013

The Thina Thanthi News Paper news informed that the   Answer Sheet Evaluation Works Over and now the verification process is going on. About 90 % of the works are over and the TNTET 2013 Results to be published with in 10 days.     

Read the www.dailythanthi.com News about TNTET Exam Results Online
The most waited results of Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test 2013 are expected to be published this week. Most probably the TNTET 2013 Results may be published tomorrow. Because, trb has recently published PGT exam results other than tamil subjects, so  it is strongly  expected that the TNTET Exam 2013 Results also may be published immediately, with in this week.

The Official TRB Website to Check TNTET 2013 Results

The reason for this delay may be the major cases in the High Court and the recent judgement regarding the PG TRB Tamil Subject Re-Exam. The TRB TNTET 2013 Results are expected to be published in this week(First week of October). But there is no authorised news from TRB yet. Because, 20.09.2013 Dinamalar Newspaper news informed that the Results of TRB TNTET Exam 2013 will be published in the Last week of September 2013 or in the first week of October 2013.Note, this year around 50,000 candidates are expected to clear the TNTET 2013 Exam successfully. So the real competition is with the higher marks you score in the result. All the best !

New TNTET Oriented Syllabus for Teachers Training Students 

In order to prepare the Teachers Training Students for TNTET Paper 1 Exam, the government has decided to introduce, TET Syllabus Oriented papers in their studies. The new changes are expected to be implemented in the year 2014.

 Updated on 08.08.2013

TRB has published the Hall Tickets for the TRB Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test ( TN TET) 2013 Exam to be conducted on 17.08.2013 ( Paper 1) , 18-05-2013 ( Paper 2) . Previously there were some news saying the Hall Ticket Publishing Date as  yesterday 05-08-2013 , but it was published on 06.08.2013 (After 3.00 pm) only.

Since about 7 lacks candidates download tntet hall tickets, you may find difficulty in opening the exact links as the server busy some times, so use these direct links to download TNTET Exam 2013 Hall Ticket.

TNTET 2013 Hall Ticket Download Link


TNTET Paper 1 Direct Hall Ticket Download Links (Main Page) (Tamilnadu Candidates) (Puducheri Candidates)

TNTET Paper 2 Direct Hall Ticket Download Links  (Main Page)  (TN Candidates) (Puducheri Candidates)

-----------------------------------------------------------Old News-------------------------------------------------

Updated on 15.07.2013

Dear TNTET 2013 Aspirants, don't confuse about the rumours about the TNTET 2013 Postings. Be concentrated on your preparations. TRB has again announced there will be very straight selection process, no place for malpractices. Study hard. All the best !


Updated on 30.06.2013

Till date, about 7.5 lakhs applications were sold out. 4.8 lakhs filled applications have been recieved by
TRB . Since tomorrow 01.07.2013 is the last date to submit TRB TNTET exam, it is expected atleast 6.5 lakhs applications this year.

TNTET 2013 Exam Hall ticket issue date will be announced soon by the TRB.

Updated on 31.05.2013

TRB has not published the TNTET Exam 2013 syllabus. It is expected the TRB will update the latest syllabus for the TNTET 2013 Exam in the first week of June 2013. TNPSC Portal will update the latest syllabus immediately when TRB publishes a new syllabus in their website www.trb.tn.nic.in.

Updated On 28.05.2013 .

Visit www.trb.tn.nic.in for the advertisement about TNTET 2013.

TNTET 2013 Exam has been announced by TRB on 22.05.2013 , See  Advertisements in Dinathanthi Newspaper. Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board, TRB has announced Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test 2013, Application Issue Date, Last Date of Application and TNTET 2013 Paper 1 and Paper 2 Examinations Dates.

Application Issue Date : 17.06.2013

Last Date to apply for TNTET 2013 : 01.07.2013

Date of Examination of TNTET 2013 :  

Paper 1 - 17.08.2013

Paper 2 - 18.08.2013

Updated on 18.05.2013  (Rumours around the TNTET 2013 Exam)
Recently, a friend told this news..... It may be a shock to all of you ...........
 Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board is going to conduct the Teachers Eligibility Test 2013 or TNTET 2013 in the December month of 2013. The government has already set a policy that there should be atleast 2 1/2 months gap between the TNTET Exam announcement and the TNTET Exam date. So the announcement may come in the month of June, July or August.

One more Information   Dinamani newspaper Dated 16.05.2013, in a article has mentioned that TRB TNTET 2013 announcement will come in two or three weeks. 

 Update on 10.11.2013 No Changes in TNTET 2013 Cut off Marks or no reduction in the Minimum eligibility marks. from 60 % . .Announced by the Government.
Updated News on 09.05.2013 - As you all know that TRB has released the advertisement of PG Assistant Teachers and Special Teachers on 9/5/13 and 8/5/13, Teachers Eligibility Test advertisement also is expected to be announced on 10/05/2013 or with in this week or next week. Keep in touch for latest updates and news about the TRB TNTET 2013 announcement.

Updated News on 05.05.2013 Source : Dinamalar 05.05.2013 TRB is going to announce Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test TNTET for the year 2013 in the next week. TNTET 2013 exam is expected to be conducted in the month of July 2013 . Last year also the exam was conducted in July month.
According to a Tamil Newspaper, TRB sources has informed that, there should be 2.5 months gap beween TRB TNTET 2013 Exam notification and the TRB TNTET 2013 Exam date. It seems that TRB has planned to conduct the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam 2013 in the month of June 2013 or July 2013. Thus it is expected the announcement may come very soon, may be Last week of April 2013 or First week of May 2013.
For More Information on TNET 2013 Click Here

Since, the Tamilnadu Government has already announced recruitment of nearly 20,000 teachers this year. There is an eagerness among the D.Ted, B.Ed Eligible candidates for the next Tamilnadu TRB Teachers Eligibility. TRB is the conduction authority of TNTET 2013. But there is no proper announcement about the TNTET 2013 Exam.

Will TRB Questions Easy this year in 2013 ?

Last year ( 2012 ), in the first exam, there were about 6.72 Lakhs aspirants wrote the Teachers Eligibility Test conducted by TRB. Only  0.36 % of candidates could successfully clear the exam. Total 2,448 candidates only came out successfully. ( 1735 DTed candidates and 713 BEd candidates).

In the second re-exam 19,246  candidates has successfully cleared TNTET exam. It was about 3 % of the total applicants of about 6.56 lakhs candidates.

All the successful candidates were appointed as Teachers by the Tamilnadu Goverment.

Thus, to avoid two repetitive exams, TRB may this time make the questions in the Teachers Eligibility Test easier than that of previous year questions.

Why TNTET Exam 2013  announcement  getting late ?

There are so many reasons are said by the people, but the real reason is the B.Ed Examination Date. This year B.Ed Examination date has been set to start on 29th May 2013. More than 70,000 students of 665 Teachers Education Colleges  are going to write the examination. TRB may be delaying the Teachers Eligibility Test TNTET 2013 Notification for this reason. Any how the Notification is going to come on the first week of May. Because TNTET exams have been planned to be conducted in the month of June 2013 or July  2013. 

145 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. hi I finished B.sc computer science and B.ed Computer science1 please tell I am eligible to write Tet exam?

  2. Dear Thenmozhi, the Tamilnadu TRB TNTET results for Paper 1 and Paper 2 are expected to be published in this week, it may come at any time. Last week Dinamalar Newspaper News informed that the results of Teachers Eligibility Test will be published before last week of September 2013 or first week of October 2013

  3. Dear Thenmozhi , TRB has published the TNTET 2013 Exam Results in their website www.trb.tn.nic.in.

    For quick links to check TNTET Paper 1, Paper 2 Exam Results see the above updated post

  4. What will be the expected Cut off for passed candidates in category wise?

    1. The expected cutoff marks for the TNTET 2013 Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be announced by TRB Soon, because the High Court has already announced that the TRB TN TET 2013 results will be bound by the Judgement of 18.11.2013

  5. எனது நண்பர் TET paper 2-வில் 93
    மதிப்பெண்கள் பெற்றுள்ளார்..
    ஆனால் அவர் B.Ed 2-ம்
    ஆண்டுதற்பொழுது பயின்று வருகிறார்...
    அவர் DTEd + B.Lit முடித்துள்ளார்..
    +2 + DTEd+ B.Lit
    தகுதிக்கு பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியர்
    பணிநியமனம் கிடைக்க
    வாய்ப்பு இருக்கிறதா?
    சென்ற முறை +2 +DTEd + B.Lit
    தகுதி ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்பட்டது , ஆனால்
    இந்த முறை அது நடைமுறையில்
    இல்லை என்பதையும் நான் கேள்விப்பட்டேன்
    அதைத் தாண்டிய வேறு ஏதேனும்
    செய்திகள் ஏதேனும் உண்டா தோழர்களே...?
    இது தொடர்பாக வழக்குகள் ஏதேனும்
    இந்த பாதிப்பு உள்ள நண்பர்கள் யாரேனும்
    நம் நட்புவட்டாரத்தில் உள்ளனரா?

  6. divya,

    my friend pass tet paper 2. she used her husband initial in application, is there is any problem in certificate verification. please tell me..

  7. I have passed tet and cv also finished. now i like to do a degree of B.lit tamil in Annamalai University. Can u tell me whether B.lit tamil with Dted is equal to B.ed and plese give the G.O. No. for the same.

  8. i complete my cv weightage 81 ENGLISH major MBC JOB Kidaikuma..............pls tell me my no:9600773781

  9. I completed my cv weightage 70 English. BC job kedaikuma? Pls anyone know tell me. Pass pannuna ellarukum vaelai kedaikuma?

  10. Dear all my wife completed BSC Botany. Now she is going to complete B ed 2014.please advice what tnpsc exam she can write


  11. sir what is the age limit of tntet exam pls reply sir


  13. sir, I'm eagerly waiting for TET 2014 க்கான இலவச இணைய வழிப் பயிற்சி ...

  14. 2012 TET exam la 82 ku mele eduthu irukavanga nilamai enna agum...? govt itharku nalla resulttharuvangala...?

  15. hi sir i m passed in tet with 83 mark but i know i get job or not

  16. hi i'm completed degree through dde bt not clooected the consolidate marklist now tet cv they ask the consolidate it is important or nt? hw i get it quickly

  17. exam date and verification date is same ..plz give suggestion to us

  18. university exam and tet verification date is same ..wt can i do?may be afternoon verification attern

  19. sir,
    I have called for CV paper 2.I hv passed diploma then degrees.Now i lost diploma two marksheets.But i have diploma certificate.Is it ok?
    Pl guide me.

  20. anusuya anakku pepar2 cv vanthuvtathu ana biodeda form varavllai aan? pls reply

  21. Hai, am tamil major with 73 weightage in TET paper II .Is it possible to get job? And when the postings will be filled?

    1. no chance. highest mark only because tamil & english few vacancies. tamil & english passed candidates more.

  22. Hai 90 marks eduthu pass panni cv mudichavangaluku velai kidaikuma kidaikatha

  23. how many candidates passed in tet exam for geography major?

  24. sir,how many geography major candidates passed in the tet 2013 exam

  25. sir i passed in tet paper 2 maths my new weightage 70.18 can i get the job

  26. This is sathish from t.v.malai , I have passed in tet exam with good marks but the trb board is making horror in my life. when i was studying in madras University there is no practical mark for us, but now pupils are getting practical marks of 25 in college .so i am suffering from weightage marks .Eventhough i got 102 marks (sc) i feel very upset by this methods , it seems not good for tamilnadu govrnment , please hope guys

  27. which is the first mark in tntet 2013 paper 2 in which subject. i passed in tet paper 2 chemistry.my new weightage 73 can i get job

  28. Hi,

    The final rank list already prepared and will be announced soon.. Total vacancy for paper1 & 2 is 12000 only, not 15000. They will fill vacancy for only 12000 candidates. The rank list is fully based on only new weightage based, not by any cotta like SC/ST/MBC/BC... Its TRUE..


  29. Hi 65 marks paper1 job kidaikuma reply

  30. My weightage is 67.45,paper 2,mathematics, bc. Job. Kidaikuma?

  31. When will issue the rank list my weightage mark is 72 maths major.caste - OC

  32. sir we are so suffer in tet appointment. please give a final fullstop. when it possible sir

  33. Tet mark base panni appointment pannunga athan better. Student future la vilayadathinga

  34. When Will Appoint tet posting? 2015 layavadhu appointment pannuvangala Sir.

  35. TRB: please give posting based on tet markes otherwise you will miss the better teacher.
    i dont know how you got idea give posting based on 12 and Degeree marks.

    plus+2 markes are came based on subject. science group will get more marks and they have pratical marks so scope of marks will be increse . arts group will get less marks .

    i hope your idea is not good.

  36. Even IAS IPS any bank related jobs also giving based on Rank . and they will not include any 12+ marks and degree marks. while making G.O please think 100 times and give better to the people . see andhra Engineering seats give based on EAMCET Rank not Based on marks. marks any one can get if he studied 10 days. rank will come based on knoweldge.

  37. when will you publish the final rank list. we are waiting for your answer. please release it.

  38. please announce the particular date for releasing the final rank list. how many posts for paper 1?

    1. paper 1 around 3000. who got 72 marks above as per weightage they may got job sure.

    2. i have 63.72% in tet weitage mark. BC. 15.04.1986. can i get a job this time or go to waiting list? may i attend the tet exam next time?

    3. i too dont know frind . we have to wait until realsing the ranl list.. ALL the best.

  39. when the selection list will release

  40. why are you not display my comments.

  41. 16th is final CV we may expect final rank list before current month end.

  42. my weightage is 67.86in paper2. maths, sc can i get a job?

  43. how many members passed in tet paper2 chemistry which is the first cut off in chemistry
    i passed in p2 chemistry cut off 69.2 can i get a job

  44. dear teachers, how many of you got above 72 marks above in maths(BC Women). please reply

  45. paper 1 weightage mark is 62. sc women dob 1990 can I get a job? pls reply sir.

  46. hope things are going good. as of now second paper posting 10600 and reaming for first paper. educational minister told to fill 18000 postings. so first paper hope to get 6500 posting. who got above 70 % may they will get job. even SC ST BC also. think pratically.

    total selected 27000 and this year going to be fill 18000 so reaming will be waiting.

  47. Hi friends, what will be the cut off mark for BC W candidates for Maths? I have got 71 and will there be any chance to get through?

  48. Halo sir my weightage mark 67.58.chemistry..job kedaikuma?

  49. when TRB providing chance for paper I correction. ? now they given chance for paper two

    next week.

  50. Hello sir. pls clear my doubt sir. last year 1000 postings SC fill agalainu oru roomur irukku. athu trueva? illa athu roomur thana? other doubt communty wise postinga? illa weightage wise mattuma?

  51. hai, when you publish the paper 1 rank list & selection list? how many vacancies filled in this year paper 1?

  52. once done second paper II may be realising for papaer I

  53. hi,

    any body missed CV late time , please attend now with out fail.

    any support required please see the TRB main Page.

  54. why friends no comments are posting .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    who got above 70 keep on hopes less than that less hopes dont put much tension. these could have takecare while choosing the field. and studing the course.

  55. https://vidiyalarni.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/tet-2013-paper-ii-estimated-cut-off.pdf

    Cutoff for Second paper as per Private websight

  56. tntet 2013 paper II passed :42084
    vacancy :10726
    waiting :31358
    History people will get gob even less percentage.

  57. sir enakku 60 weidge history mbc chance irukka

  58. My wt is 64.03 bc female english major please tell me can I get job this time reply me

  59. Still selection list is not published.............AIYO...AIYO...

  60. furom morning we are eagerly waiting for to see the selection list sir. why you didnt publish anything sir please consider our feelings.

  61. Is trb release the final selection list or not?

  62. why are you giving fake news i will put case against about your sight.

    you are playing with student life.

  63. How many candidates are passed in English paper 2?

    1. 10716 passed English II .. why are you asking otheres u could have search in google you can get. do you know how to use internet

  64. Hi,

    Good morning!

    First thanks for update about trb news.

    When will come the final selection list for trb paper II?

    Kindly tell us the correct date. Am awaiting for your response.

    1. u should ask this question to TRB officer not who maintain these sight.

      he also knows as like us.

  65. 2012 la tet examla 55% mark eduthavangalukum chance kudutha nalla irukum....

  66. just now realsed paper 1 mark list

  67. Thanks Sir for ur support for finding the results. and do you have any idea about miniority language my frined was looking

  68. sir ihave passed history paper2 but my language is malayalam what about the selection

    1. even i had same issue, please provide your contact number we will discuss .

    2. contacted trb they told that we'd be considered for minority language medium school the no of vacancies and the list'd publish soon. what's your major?

    3. Thanks sir : TELUGU

  69. examla pass panni select agama irukkuravanga meentum select pannuvangala please yaravathu sollunga

  70. examla pass panni select agathavanga meentum select pannuvangala please yarravathu sollunga

  71. i have m.sc b.ed.,m.phil in computer science,but i m not have opening in goverment tet examination.plz reply me

  72. tntet PaperII 2nd list soon. is it correct i got this news from one of the trb officer

  73. hello sir my wtg is 67.23 in paper 1. any chance for me?

  74. hi sir my wtg is 66.43 in paper 1.

  75. who belongs to telugu minority laguange,

    total 87 posts and total passed paer 1 is 130 . so every one will get job

  76. Just now Realsed first paper selection list....

  77. hi sir,
    with out realsing minority list how jaya madam realsing posting order to seven people.
    govt is thinking that minority is waste or what? . its not all good.

    i will goto the court . TRB is not giving priority to minority list . its realsed for tamil selection list , where is minority list with out list CM going to give order to the 7 people . its means tamil medium peoples only talent not minority .

  78. hi sir ,

    i am not telling wrong anything about Madam , madam is the one of good leader across the world . i am telling to TRB officer to give same priority with tamil medium people .
    please give same priority ....

  79. when will announce the computer teacher postings? pls reply me...

  80. hello where is minority list.... may be it having 200 posting . how much time will take for realsing final list.... .... no information about that ,even TRB helpline number is not working this the way u are helping the people . take respnsbility...

  81. hello,

    who already selected u dont worry , again we will only get job if they processed based on tet marks also . we are topper of the batch. 200 ,300 psotings will be change . Govt given good chance to the Teachers but we are not utalise. last month they told again 1200 postings are going to be fill. topper always be the topper only who dont have confidence they only will choose wrong root. G.o-71 realsed on may end. at the what u people are doing ... now ur making strike.

  82. please, do not call for exam.. give a posting to all who had passed.. this year or next year


    CHENNAI - 6
    CHENNAI - 6
    R4 L.UMA
    R1 TO 4 SERVED ON 17/04/2014
    AND For Stay
    MP.1/2014 - DO -

  84. Hai,,i can not download my tet certificate,what can i do pls tell me

  85. Court Judgement after sep 15 until do Japam... waste fellows

  86. I have downloaded my certificate through mobilemso i got certificate without any of my details.plz give me a solution

  87. Dont strike go and studay for next TET exam.

  88. I tried to download TET certificate as per the instruction given in website, but unfortunately i am not able to download and getting the error that already exceeded the limit. When i tries first time i got this error. Please give me the solution to donwload the certificate.

  89. Next time on wards give stuff question we will see how many teachers will passs

  90. suppose Judgement came as per Tntet makes , some people may loose the job. who already select . my friend slected for english 65.7% and his tet marks is 87 . sure he wont get the job as per Tet marks,

  91. as per your communication . Posting order relase once case dismissed by Madurai High court. or it will take more time?

  92. Thanks who maintain the site ... please provide your phone number it will very use full

  93. hello sir,

    minority list will realse or not ?

  94. Sorry amma, dont worry who did good things for them only god will give funishment.
    see the ramayanam: rama is nice person and he did good things for people finally what happen he went to forest.
    even same story for : mahabharatham also. amma your most like Rama for us.. dont worry waste fellows will do waste things.

  95. hi sir,
    as per notification for first paper still 907 posting have to fill TRB.
    Telugu+urdu+maliyalam+kanada+Adi-Dravidar Welfare Department+BC and MBC Welfare Department (Kallar Reclamation Schools)

    if you need any clarifiction please verify First paper notification in TRB websight

  96. Second paper :506 should be ralese as per notifictaion. where the chance to realse for 2000 posts for second paper.
    if you need any clarifiaction please visit TRB web sight.

  97. Thanks TRB ,
    finally i got selected.. if i wrote any thing wrong about TRB please forgive me . thanks a lot sir.

  98. Paper I minority also realsed. thanks TRB sir.

  99. TRB TNTET 2013-2014 summary
    Exam date 08-17-2013 and 08-18-2013
    Result date: 11-05-2013
    CV date: 01-22-2014
    final Slection List :08-10-204.
    so almost one year is over. i am telling who are going to be attend for next tntet please aware of the dates.

  100. do u have any idea about counselling for minority.

  101. hi sir,
    i got selected for paper I and i need to join in B.ed . is there any chance to join b.ed.
    my idea is i will take loss of pay and i will continue my b.ed course. once join in Job is there any chance to do regular B.ed course..

  102. sir when is councelling for minority selected peoples ...............................................................................................................................................................

  103. Minority first paper councelling on 8 -nov . please attend without fail. if u need any clarification , please call your friends.

  104. Sir, I did't download the tntet 2014 eligilibility certificate. Please help me to download the eligibility certificate

  105. why are u not display my comments
    is there any wrong?
    why cheting the people.

  106. if any chance to get paper 1 second selection list? when?

  107. what do you think , why u need second list. prepare for next TET exam.

  108. Hi sir eppo yet call far pannuvanga

  109. Sir my weightage is 63.30 tamil medium physics paper 2 .passed 2013 .job varuma 2018 enthalist la
