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Difference between TNPSC and TNTET Exams : a Comparison

TNPSC TNTET Exam Comparison, TNTET Syllabus and TNPSC Syllabus comparison, Can I pass TNPSC preparing for TNTET, TNTET TNPSC Syllabus Exam pattern Similarities, TNPSC TNTET Exams prepare same time, How to prepare tnpsc and tntet exams same time, Common syllabus in tnpsc and tntet
Today, there are plenty of chances for the youth in Tamil Nadu to get a government job with a very good salary. Particularly, TRB and TNPSC play a vital role in providing government job oportunities to mejority of Aspirants in Tamilnadu. Recently, for two days there are open gate in front of all who are ready to work hard with sincerity to get a job.

This year (2013) TNPSC is going to recruit about 15,000 government employees through various group exams. This year about 100000 government staff going to retire. Thus we can expect soon a great number of recruitment in this year or 2014.

TRB is going to announce TNTET Exam to recruit more than 20,000 teachers this year 2013.

Can a TNTET candidate pass TNPSC Exam ?

This is the most common question asked by all candidates. My answer is yes ! One who prepare sincerely for TNTET exam can pass TNPSC group 1,group 2, group 4, VAO exam in a single attempt.

I can list out some possible chances for a TNTET candidates to clear TNPSC exam in a single attempt.

1. State Board Books

TRB has clearly instructed that all TNTET questions will be taken from Tamilnadu State Board Text Books. See, for years TNPSC also take questions from Tamilnadu State Board books. So if you study state board books 6th to 10th (11th ,12th if you can) not missing any single points, you have bright future to pass any TNPSC exam in the very first attempt.

2. General Tamil / General English

GT or GE covers 50% (100 questions) of TNPSC group exams. In TNTET syllabus also there are about 20 % (30 questions out of 150) of total questions will be from Tamil related questions  . So it is very easy for TNTET candidates to pass TNPSC exams.

All the best ! If you have any doubt , mention in the comment area. It will be answered immediately.

12 கருத்துகள்

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  1. sir please provide tnpsc coaching centres materials for free of cost or test materials with key answers for tnpsc/tet.


  3. hi sir... why there is no summary pdf for tamil after july 26th? (samacheer kalvi tamil paada kuripugal class 6?).. i am waiting for ur summary for science and social science sir...

    1. Dear nikita ... We are preparing for all classes without leaving. A single fact. All will be posted at one time because some people copy our materials and post it illegally in their websites .... Soon you will get all books thanks

  4. Sir, please let me know for Inter Cast Marriage any reservation in TRB and TNPSC exams?

  5. sir , please let me know { PRIORITY}for inter caste marriage any reservation in TNPSC exams?

  6. Hi sir, I'm Mary , I have recently joined this portal website.. I don know how to start?, where to study and write tests? n when?.. Pls guide me sir..

  7. Hello sir.
    If I study TNPSC group 4, it is easy to pass in TNTET exam?

  8. Hi sir I am prepare tnpsc group 4 exams notes, same notes follow to read Tet exams if it's possible sir pls tell me
