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TNTET Hall Ticket 2013 Download from www.trb.tn.nic.in Website for Paper 1 and Paper 2

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 Updated on  08.08.2013. 

TRB has published Hall Ticket for TNTET 2013 in its website yesterday 06.07.2013.  There may some server busy and you could not open the exact hall tickets pages, here is the list of important links to download TNTET 2013 hall tickets.

Since about 7 lakhs candidate are downloading the hall tickets, you may find difficult to download tntet hall ticket, here are the real quick links, you can use to download the hall tickets / admit cards.

TNTET 2013 Hall Ticket Download Links

http://www.trb.tn.nic.in/TET2013/06082013/msg.htm (First Page)

TNTET Paper 1 Direct Hall Ticket Download Links (Main Page) (Tamilnadu Candidates) (Puducheri Candidates)

TNTET Paper 2 Direct Hall Ticket Download Links  (Main Page) (Tamilnadu) (Puducheri)


TRB has publish Hall Ticket (Admit Card) for the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test TNTET 2013 Exams to be conducted on 17.08.2013 and 18.08.2013. The TNTET Admit Cards can be downloaded from the following TRB Website.


This year, about 2,68000 candidates have applied for TRB TNTET Paper 1 Exam and 4,11,794 candidates applied for TRB TNTET Paper 2 Exa. So we could expect a strong competition than the last year TNTET Exam. Be prepared ! All the Best !


Background of TNTET Exam in Tamilnadu

According to "Right to Free Education" Act of the government of India, TNTET Exam in Tamilnadu is conducted by TRB. Last year (2012) there were 23,000 teachers posts were announced to be filled via TNTET Exam. But there were only 10397 D.Ted and 8,849 B.Ed candidates could successfully pass the exams in the two TNTET exams in the year 2012. So, there are about 10,000 posts are still being vacancy.

How many vacancies this year TNTET 2013 ?

As I already mentioned, there are 10,000 last year vacancy positions are unfilled and this year Tamilnadu Government has allocated about 5000 vacancy positions to be filled through TRB TNTET 2013. Thus totally 15,000 posts are to be filled via TNTET 2013.

B.Ed / Graduate Teachers Vacancies - 13,0000

D.Ted / Secondary Teachers Vacancies  - 2000

New Changes in Selection and Appointment Procedure in TNTET 2013

At first, certification verification for all eligible candidates who secured 60 % or 90 marks in the TNTET 2013.

Secondly, Eligibility Certificates will be issued for the qualified persons.

Third, Vacancy details will be announced, the qualified and eligible candidates should apply for the vacancy position.

For Graduate Teachers - TNTET Mark Score + Plus Two Marks + Degree Marks + B.Ed Marks will be considered for preparing Merit List by TRB.

For D.TEd candidates - State Level Employment Seniority List will be considered for Merit List. (Based on recent Judgement by Supreme Court of India )

TNTET 2013 Exam Date :

Paper 1 : August 17, 2013

Paper 2 : August 18, 2013

Exam Timing : Morning 10 AM - 1 PM

How to Apply for TNTET 2013 ?

Issue of Application Forms   - Applications can be purchased from all Government Higher Secondary Schools.

Cost of the Application Form  - Rs.50 /-

TNTET Examination Fee   - Rs.500 / -  ( For SC/ST and Specially Talended  Candiates Examination Fee is Rs.250/-)

Where to Submit Filled Application Forms ?

Filled application forms should be submitted in the District Education Officers's Office.

Last Date for submission of filled application  forms -
1st July 2013
Following posts also useful for you in TNTET 2013 Preparation :

All the best for all TNPSC-Portal Readers !

22 கருத்துகள்

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  1. பெயரில்லா23 மே, 2013 அன்று 4:18 PM

    Sir. I am B.Sc computer science and B.Ed candidate.Can I apply for TNTET, is it elligible? Please reply sir.

  2. Dear friend... A candidate with B.Sc Computer Science B.Ed can apply for TNTET 2013 Examination. All the best !

  3. பெயரில்லா24 மே, 2013 அன்று 2:07 AM

    Hello sir
    I m rekha I completed B.E cse, and like to apply for J.R in co-operative, when was the exam, and how many vacciencies, can u tell me the details please

  4. Hello Sir,
    I am a BES (Bachelor of Electronic Science) graduate from Madras University with allied subject ( Physics and Maths). Could you please kindly let me know whether am I eligilbe to take the exam??

    1. Dear friend ... Read todays daily thanthi newspaper for the news on list of related subjects and core subjects for TNTET exam 2013

    2. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  5. Sir I am Bsc. B.Ed computer science. i have applied for tntet. Can i write the exam? will i get hall ticket for the exam? because there was no subject code for computer science. Anyway, i have applied for that. Will you please make sure that can i write the tet exam? sir please send your valuable reply.

  6. Any good-self clarify the below

    did any priority plays any role during employment?

  7. Dear TET candidates, today 05.08.2013 TRB TNTET Hall Tickets / Admit Cards can be downloaded from TRB Website www.trb.tn.nic.in

  8. They are ( TRB ) simply not believing our school and college certificates..so they conduct exams to select knowledged candidate ..then they should put postings regarding the marks obtained from TET exam but..again they are comparing School marks , degree marks, and B.ed marks..instead for this even they put postings regarding SENIORITY..illa na only should put posting about merit like bank exams...but they simply confusing Young Teachers..All are in confusion becoz of often changing rules..!!!

  9. I have passed tet 2 2013 exam and my major is english. Can any one tell me the possibility of getting job.

  10. Can you please tell me the % of passing candiates in TN TET and Paper 2 ?

  11. Hi,
    I have scored 95 marks out of 150 and i got eligibility for this year. If I am not shortlisted in this 2013 batch, is there any possibility to get selected in next year batch without writing next year exam?!!

  12. Sir i am a bsc(I.T)holders with b.ed can i appear tntet? If i have passed,how much possibilities to get an appoinment order

  13. Sir i got 79 wg marks tntet paper1 and i got 153/200 marks bc male any chance i get job

  14. give the subject wise vacancy list to be filled up by tet paper2 candidates(tet2013)

  15. Dear sir, I am preparing for group II Mains, please tell me important questions sir.

  16. I passed my tntet at 2013 so i need my hallticket copy to apply my certificate. but this webside is not opening. please do the needful.
