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TRB TNTET 2013 Free Online Model Exam - 150 Questions - ( In Tamil )

TRB TNTET 2013, Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test, TET, Online Mock Test 2013, TNTET Online Exam, TNTET Online Test, TRB Online Mock Test, TNTET Exam Study Materials, online Mock Tests, tntet workout question papers, TET Model Question Papers, TNTET Paper 1 model question papers, tntet paper 2 model question paper, tntet, paper 1, paper 2, online, test, tnpsc portal, tntet online free test, tntet online mock test, tntet free mock test, tntet online test, tntet model test online, tntet online mock test 2013, tntet online exam, tntet online model test, tntet online quiz, tntet mock exam
Greetings, from TNPSC Portal to all the TNTET 2013 Aspirants. Last year there were 6.56 lakhs candidates appeared in the TRB TNTET 2012. But only 19,246 could successfully clear the exam. This year also the Tamilnadu government has announced to recruit 15,000 new teachers through TRB TNTET 2013. 

TNPSC-PORTAL's Free Online Mock Test

There is a haste among the TNTET candidates, whether they have already attended the TNTET 2012 Exam or new to TNTET 2013. TNPSC Portal make this simple and humble attempt to remove the fear of exam among all TNTET 2013 aspirants. This is the very first attempt in India to conduct a full mock test with 150 questions free. This question series will contain 150 questions in Tamil Language, 30 questions from each core 5 parts of the TNTET syllabus.

Before Taking the TNTET 2013 Free Mock Test ....

1. To complete this Online Mock Test, you may need to spend 30 mins to 1 hour. If you have sufficient time only you can continue to take the test. 

2. Your score with the answer key will be sent to your e mail ID. 

3.If you have scored more than 50/150 marks in the exam, your name with rank will be displayed in TNPSC Portal.

4.Your comments and suggestions are welcome . Please contact  me through jjjindia@gmail.com or use the comment box under this post.

5.These model exam questions are prepared by TNPSC Portal authors.

6.Some questions have been taken from the popular newspapers' TNTET Preparation notes. TNPSC Portal acknowledge Dinakaran and Puthiya Thalai Murai Kalvi. All the best for your success !

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13 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. பெயரில்லா13 மே, 2013 அன்று 9:55 AM

    I attend online exam yesterday but I didn't get received any mail

    1. Dear friend , thank you for attending TRB TNTET online model exam on tnpsc portal. Your score will be send to your mail Id when 100 people have attended. The mock test. Please wait , you will get your mail soon.

    2. பெயரில்லா13 மே, 2013 அன்று 4:50 PM

      Ok sir thank you.thanks a lot.I am heartedly says sir.really you are great.

    3. Thank you friend for nots appreciation ... Now only I feel the fruit of my Hard work in preparing for this TRB TNTET 2013 model test . Your comment is really motivating me . You will see more test like this in future

    4. பெயரில்லா13 மே, 2013 அன்று 10:06 PM

      Ok sir.definitely I will attend all the test.and get more marks.this time i want to get job.my whole family depend upon me only sir.

  2. பெயரில்லா13 மே, 2013 அன்று 10:09 PM

    Plz don't mistake me sir.I want to say one thing its my humble request.ple publish tntet study materials through pdf file..ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple ple sir.

  3. Hello sir,please disply answer sir,my mark send me my e-id(saranya.t9@gmail.com)


  5. Dear saranya and other friends ,...the answers for the tntet online model test will be sent to your email this week. please check the answer key posted in this website if you want to see the answers earlier.

  6. sir,we are very thanfulyou for u. but i feel the questions are so simple. we eager to answer the complicated questions because we are in preparation. any how thank you sir................

  7. RESPECTED SIR, i belong to bc tamil medium (F).my score in gr-4 is 153/200,is there any chance to get a job?pls reply me and also pls publish expected cutoff for this exam. thank you.

  8. If I don't mail id how can I attend online test
