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சமச்சீர் கல்வி தமிழ் பாட குறிப்புகள் - வகுப்பு 6 | Download PDF

சமச்சீர் கல்வி தமிழ் பாட குறிப்புகள் - வகுப்பு 6 | Download PDF 

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15 கருத்துகள்

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  1. Thanks friend....sp.daisy, we will soon upload all Class Samacheer Kalvi Notes. But there is no that much of response from the readers...any how we will do our duty ...thanks

  2. Kessal sir,your notes are very helpful.... sharp notes that you made... great work.. pls upload all Samacheer Kalvi Notes as soon as possible...i'm waiting... THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

  3. Dear Kessel sir,
    Just now i see this notes..this notes is very sharp to learn quickly pls update this kind of notes for all standards in Generally tamil..pls sir update quickly..sir

  4. Please upload all Class Samacheer Kalvi Notes, that will help us more and more to remember once red the books.

  5. Hello Admin,

    Thanks a lot 😊 for the fantabulous notes.
    Could you please upload the notes for the remaining standards too.
    That would be really helpful.

  6. பகிர்வுக்கு நன்றி! பயனுள்ள பதிவு! வாழ்த்துகள்!

  7. hai sir this is jayasankari i am preparing for group 2a exam. i am need some clarification regarding online test and also some month current affairs not viewed in this site and samacheer notes line by line where it found
