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How many total vacancies in TNTET 2013 Exam ?

TNTET Exam 2013 Vacancies, TNTET Vacancies details, how many vacancies in tntet paper 1 exam, how many vacancies in tntet paper 2 exam, 2013 tntet paper 1 posts vacancies, 2013 tntet vacancies
Updated on 14-07-2014 :  TRB Published Notification for 10726 BT Assistant  (Paper 2)  Vacancies and TNTET Paper 2 Provisional Mark List today.  CLICK HERE to read detailed information.

For latest updates and news on TRB TNTET 2013 Visit this Link

Old News >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> January 2014

The Tamilnadu goverment may consider implementing community based quota reservation system in TNTET exams. Source : Dinamalar Newspaper , 29.01.2014

This Year Total TNTET Exam Passed Candidates
Suceessful Candidates in Paper 1 - 12,596
Suceessful Candidates in Paper 2  -14496

About 27000 candidates have successfully  cleared the TNTET Exam 2013.

But the vacancies are expected to be about 15000 only. As if now, there are about 10500 teachers vacancies, the number may increase to 15000 with adding the retired vacancies of 2013-2014 academic year.   Thus the remaining candidates may be wait listed.

When is the certificate verification for TNTET passed candidates ?

The TNTET 2013 Paper 1 and Paper 2 Sucessful candidates may be called for certification verification in the first week of December 2013.

Date of Appointment ?

According to sources the TNTET 2013 successful candidates may be appointed in respective posts with in the end of December 2013.

There will be employment Seniority Wise Appointment for D.Ted Candidates.

The Graduate Teachers appointment will be purely based on the marks scored in the TNTET Exam 2013.

Thanks : Dinamalar Newspaper News, 07.11.2013

71 கருத்துகள்

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  1. I passed tet exam paper II English major.score 95 weightage 75.can I get job? plz reply

  2. i passed tet exam paper1 and got 108 marks and my seniority date was 15 jan 2009
    .can i get job pls reply

  3. i passed tet exam paper1 and got 108 marks and my seniority date was 15 jan 2009
    .can i get job pls reply

  4. i passed tet paper2 maths.my weightage is78.shall i get job?by Neela

  5. sir i am physically challenged i passed paper1 seniority 2009
    can i get jop?

  6. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  7. Sir I passed in tet paper2 with 95 marks . My weightage is 78. Will I get job? When will be the certificate verification? How about the selection process?

  8. sir I Passed in tet paper 2 English 106 marks, weightage 81 shall i get job?
    how many vacant Engish Major pls tell me
    my no: 9600773781

  9. sir I Passed in tet paper 2 English 106 marks, weightage 81 shall i get job?
    how many vacant Engish Major pls tell me
    my no: 9600773781

  10. This is mohana.B i have passed papper 1 with 95 mark.Will i get job in this slot ?. When will be the certificate verification.

  11. i am bharathi ,my weightage77,english major ,paper 2,plsss...tell me can i get job...

  12. i am bharathi ,my weightage77,english major ,paper 2,plsss...tell me can i get job...

  13. i am bharathi ,my weightage 77,english major ,paper 2 can i get job...plssss

  14. i passed paper2 (social science) tet mark - 92. cutoff - 70. am OC community. can i get job...?please tell me..

  15. sir i am diana..my weightage mark 79..paper 1..pls tell me can i get job?

  16. when will publish CV list for new candidates(belong 82-89 marks)?.................

  17. sir i have passed paper 2...my weightage mark is 64..can i get the job?

  18. I passed in paper 1 with 93 marks i went c.v what is the next process

  19. hi this is sudha. i have passed in tet. my major is physics and my weightage is 74 can i get job

  20. Sir I passed in tet paper 2(English) with 85 marks, my weightage is 65 and my community is MBC...can i get job ?????

  21. i pass in paper 1 with 89 marks my new cut of is 63.12 any chance

  22. பெயரில்லா20 மே, 2014 அன்று 4:09 PM

    Sir I have passed pape1 with 105 marks.. My new cut off is 73.2 mbc.. Can I get job? plsss tell me...

  23. what is next step after finishing cv will i get a job my caste is sc

  24. i an padmini , how many candidates passed in geography major

  25. Sir i passed tet paper2 english major sc canditate weightage new system 59 shal i get job

  26. Sir I Passed Papers 1 & 2 65&63.77 My New WeigtEge SC Can Get The Jop Total Posting In English H Much?

  27. Paper 1=65.07
    Paper 2=63.7Englis
    Caste=SC Can I Get The Jop

  28. Sir ,I am finished Bsc (CS),and B.ED. I will write the TET exam. where....

  29. This is Rajesh. I got 60% as weightage mark in History. I belongs to MBC... Is there any possible to get job............. Kindly reply...


  30. Hi Kessai,

    Just i heard that based on new weightage and cut-off marks there are around 58000 people - cancelled. and also i came to know that there are few vacancies instead of told that 15000.... is it true....

  31. kindly inform to me that how many postings are there in DTEd and also what is the cut of new weightage sir

  32. Awaited enough sir, When is the appointment??????????????????

  33. i was passed in tet paper 1. can i get a job

  34. hello sir, my weightages mark 59.95 socialscience mycaste sc

  35. Respected sir.my new weightage mark is 62 paper 2 English my Caste Bc.can I get job sir.

  36. Sir my waitage is 61.81 in english belongs to bc community may i get jop

  37. sir my new weight-age mark is 59.54 in paper II English my caste is B.c. can i get job sir? plz reply immediately sir

  38. sir my new weight age mark is 59.54 in paper II English my caste is BC can i get job sir?plz reply me immediately sir

  39. Dear sir, How many candidates passed in Geography in Paper 11 (August 2013)


  40. please announce the date of publishing the date of final rank list& selection list for paper 1.

  41. Can anyone tell how many passed in History in TNTET2013?. In Kalvi sethi website, they have said that 6129 and they got it from court using thagaval-ariyum-urimai-sattam. Is it really true? Will it come under this act?

  42. sir my name is SIVA.B.C... my weightage 58.25 . I belong to S.C community.my major is English. can I get job... please give information about welfare school posting details...

  43. My weightage63.7 can I get ajob caste s.c

  44. my weightage mark is 69.05% in paper 1.Can i expect my name in the selection list? I am belongs to MBC caste

  45. my major english weightage 60.48 . shall i get a jop

  46. I am passed paper 1 my weitage 64.46 MBC Girls Quota.shall i get a jop sir

  47. பெயரில்லா17 மே, 2018 அன்று 6:52 PM

    I am passed Tet exam 2013 in the Tamil.weightmark.60.78.can I excepted selection list.b.c.caste.
