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TNTET 2018 Exam Notification Latest News Updates

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Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test 2018 Latest  Updates

16-10-2018  : TN TET Exam Notification in 15 days - Hon'ble School Education Minsiter. - Dinamani News.  In a interview at Chennai, the School Education Minsiter of Tamilnadu has informed that the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test  Exam for both Primary and Graduate Teachers will be notified with in 15 days. 
Trb tet exam 2018 notification latest news

News Source : Dinamani, 16-10-2018 


14-10-2018 : TNTET Exam to be conducted based on New School Books Syllabus - Dinamani News. Accoding to the newspaper news it is informed that the School Education Department has ordered to conduct the TET Exam based on the News School Book Syllabus and a committee under the chairmanship of Director of School Education has been discussing about this. 
News Source : Dinamani , 14-10-2018
tntet 2018 new syllabus or old syllabus new books online


10-10-2018 : TNTET Exam New Syllabus to be announced Soon ! - Eenadu News.  The news informs that, recently TRB Chairman has conducted a meeting with Directors of School Education Department and discussed about the feasibility to conduct the upcoming TET exam  based on news school text books. But, it was considered that, only 1,6,9,11 standard books are published now, so it may affect the candidates. So the proper communication about Old Books or New Books will be informed only during the TNTET Exam notification only. 
TNTET Exam New Syllabus Latest News

News Source : Eenadu, 10-10-2018 

21-09-2018  : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) will be conducted in December 2018 - The Hindu Tamil News . The news says one of the officials from TRB has informed that the Teachers Recruitment Board of Tamilnadu is planning to condut the Teachers Eligibility Test Exam with  in December 2018. The news also quoted the recent interview by School Education Minister who informed that the TNTET Exam Notication will be published soon.
Tamilnadu TET Exam 2018 Latest News Notification Date
Screenshot from tamil.thehindu.com website

News Source : Hindu Tamil, 21-9-18

24-07-2018 : Tamilnadu Government has introduced important Change in Teachers Appointment in Tamilnadu. Candidates have to write two separate exams for getting appointed as a Government Teacher.  Here after,  qualifying in Teachers Eligibility Test will be considered as merely an eligibility for attending the Examination for appointment. The mark scored in the appointment exam will only be considered for Appointments.  Thus the previous weightage mark system is abolished in teachers recruitment.

News Source : Vikatan, 24-07-2018

16-07-2018  :  Weightage System in the Teachers Appointments will be Cancelled - Hon'ble School Education Minister Informed. In a interview at Chennai on 16-07-2018, the School Education Minister said there are 82000 TNTET qualified teachers waiting for appointment. The weightage system may be cancelled for the benefit of those awaiting TET qualified teachers. So,  TET Exam marks only will be considered for the  appointment.
Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Exam Latest News

News Source : Dinathanthi, 16-7-18

TNTET 2018 Notification and Exam Dates ?
According to the Annual Planner published by the Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), the  TNTET Exam 2018 Notification is expected to be published on the first week of July 2018 and the Exam will be conducted on 6th, 7th October 2018. Be Prepared ! All the Best !  
tamilnadu tet exam 2018 announcement july 2018

TRB Published Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test 2017 Result Today (30-06-2017). Candidates can check your TNTET 2017 Exam result and marks obtained from the following website link 

TNTET Paper 1, 2 Final  Answerkeys

It is noted in the TRB website that there were 2,41,555 candidates wrote  TET Paper 1 and 5,12,260 candidates wrote TNTET Paper 2 Examination. Among the total candidates,  34979 candidates ( 4.64 %) are become eligible. 

07-06-2017 : TNTET 2017 Answer Sheets Valuation works to be started in next week. TRB has recently published official answer key for TNTET 2017 Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exams. After getting objections from the candidates, the the final answer key preparation is completed. So, the answer sheet valuation works are going to be held from next week onward. 

TET 2017 Result News Source : Dinamalar, 07-06-2017

TNTET Result Date in July 2017 - TRB Annual Planner

According to the TRB Annual Planner 2017 published by the Teachers Recruitment Board, the result of the TNTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exams is scheduled to be published in the month of July 2017. 

TNTET 2017 Official Answerkeys Published at TRB Website


TRB Published Notification for Direct Recruitment of BT Assistant Posts from the previous years (2012, 2013 & 2014) TNTET Qualified candidates.  Candidates who were selected  but not joined in the previous year recruitment also get chance to reapply for the BT Assistant Posts. 

Available BT Assistants Vacancy Details
trb bt assistant recruitment from already tet  qualified candidates
Screenshot from http://trb.tn.nic.in/GA2016/27042017/btnotification.pdf

Recruitment Process
  • There is no need for applying separately for this recruitment. 
  • Only for those already got selected and not joined are requested to apply using the application form available in the TRB website on or before 10th may 2017.
  • TRB will prepare list of candidates for Certificate verification in 1:1 ratio
  • After the certificate verification, the merit list will be prepared based on the current weightage mark system asper GO No.71 dated 30th May 2014.

TRB TET Exam 2017 Hall Ticket for Paper1, Paper 2 Exams Available at TRB Website
TNTET 2017 Model Questions by Dinamalar Newspaper

Download TNTET 2017 Hall Ticket from http://trb.tn.nic.in/

Dirct Link to download TNTET Exam Hall Ticket 

28-04-2017 : TRB TNTET 2017 Exam starts on 29th April 2017. Nearly 7.4 Lakhs candidates attend the TNTET exam this year. 18000 teachers are involved in the exam duty. Candidates are asked to reach the exam centre at morning 8.30 am. Candidates coming after 9 am will not be permitted to enter into the exam hall. 

News Source : Dinamalar, 28-04-2017

21-04-2017 : TRB to introduce Computer Based Tests  in future Teachers Recruitments - Dinamalar News. 

It is informed in the news that, the Tamilnadu School Education Department has decided to recruit teachers with English language skills in upcoming recruitment. For that, as a first step, online application system will be implemented for some exams, following that, TNTET exam also may be conducted  through Computer Based Test. As the first phase towards this remarkable change, now the School Education Department has decided to conduct other department teachers / lecturers exams through Computer Based Tests.  

News Source : Dinamalar , 21-04-2017

12-04-2017 : Hon'ble Madras High Court has ordered that teachers Appointed before 2011 should not be Compelled to write TNTET Examination. Next hearing on this case is scheduled on 18th April 2017. 

News Source : Dinamani, 12-04-2017 

09-04-2017 : More number of understanding type questions are expected in TNTET 2017 - Dinamalar Newspaper. 

The Teachers Eligibility Test Exam is going to be held on 29th and 30th April 2017. According to the newspaper news, their will be more number of questions of understanding type rather than memory or fact based questions.

News Source : Dinamalar, 9-4-2017

07-04-2017 : Existing weightage System will be followed in the upcoming Teachers recruitments also. Honourable School Education Minister informed.
tntet 2017 weightage system
TNTET Latest News from Dinamani.com
News Courtesy : Dinamani, 7-4-2017

10-03-2017 : TNTET Paper-II  BT Recruitment  2017 Online Updation form available at TRB website. Candidates can check and update their information using Roll Number or Date of Birth from the following website links of Teachers Recruitment Board.

Read  instruction from TRB website 

Online Updation Form Direct Link

08-03-2017 : Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board to fill 1111 BT vacancies from previous years TET qualified candidates. Official Merit List of candidates is expected to be published on 10th March 2017. The distribution of vacancies are 286 current vacancies, 623 backlog vacancies in School Education Directorate and 202 vacancies for RMSA. All the above vacancies will be filled from the TNTET 2012, 2013 and 2014 candidates. Official merit list will be published in the TRB website www.trb.tn.nic.in. If any clarification on the list,  candidates can upload their documents through TRB website from 10th to 20th March 2017.

06-03-2017 : TET Application forms will be issued from today (6th March 2017). Candidates can receive application forms from the list of centers mentioned in the TRB website http://trb.tn.nic.in/. 

03-03-2017 : 3000 Teachers will be recruited through the upcoming TNTET Exam - Hon'ble School Education  Sengottaiyan informed. He also informed particular percentage of teachers will be recruited from the previous year Teachers Eligibility Test Qualified Candidates. 

TET Exam Latest News Source : Dinathanthi, 3-3-17. http://www.dailythanthi.com/News/State/2017/03/03021808/3-thousand-teachers-assigned-by-the-teacher-eligibility.vpf

28-02-2017 : TNTET Application Forms Issue Centres List Published. To view the list of application form issue and submission centres visit the TRB Official Website  http://trb.tn.nic.in/TET2017/02032017/msg.htm.  The Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Paper 1 and Paper 2 Application forms sale will start on 06.03.2017  and you can purchase the application forms till 22.03.2017.  You can submit the filled TNTET application form from  06.03.2017 to 23.03.2017( last date to submit TET application forms).

28-02-2017 : Removal of Cut off System in the TET Exam is under consideration - Honourable School Education Minister K. A. Sengottaiyan  has informed. 

News Source : Dinamani, 28-02-2017

27-02-2017 : Teachers Eligibility Test Application forms to be used with manually added minor changes. It was in the news that due to some minor printing mistakes in the TET application forms, they are planned to send for scrap. But, now it seems that the School Education Minister has ordered the officials to use the same application forms with addition of minor changes in the required portions. 

TRB TET Latest News Source : Dinamalar, 27-02-2017, http://www.dinamalar.com/news_detail.asp?id=1719827

Where to get Application Form and Prospectus ? 
Application  forms & Prospectus Sales and Receiving Centres list will be published by Teachers Recruitment Board soon. Please follow TRB's official website for TET Exam 2017 related information. http://trb.tn.nic.in/TET2017/24022017/msg.htm

PG TRB Exam 2017 Notification to be published Soon

20-02-2017 : TNTET 2017 Notification will be published soon - Hon'ble School Education Minister K. A. Sengottaiyan has informed today.  
TET Exam Latest News Source :Dinakaran 

17-02-2017 : School Education Directorate orders all CEO offices to  send back 7 Lakh TET Exam Applications - Dinakaran News. It is mentioned in the news published in the Dinakaran newspaper website that due to printing mistakes in the TNTET application forms, all CEO offices were ordered to resend the application forms.  New application forms the TRB TET Exam are expected to be issued in the first week of March 2017. The  Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test  is tentatively scheduled to be conducted on 29th, 30th April 2017.

News source : Dinakaran, 17.2.17
11-02-2017 : TET Exam Notification in Next Week - Dinamalar News. The news informs 15 lakh applications have been printed and distributed to all CEO Offices. There was a meeting regarding the application forms issue at TRB  yesterday . So, the official notification for the TNTET 2017 is expected to be published at any time.
News Source : dinamalar.com
02-02-2017 : School Education Department instructed Private Aided Schools not to appoint new teachers with out TET qualification - Dinamalar News, 02-02-2017.  Minority aided schools, in their teachers recruitment, got exception from Teachers Eligibility Test by a court judgement. But, non-minority aided schools should appoint teachers with TET qualification only. Now School Education Department has instructed all non-minority aided schools not to appoint teachers without TET Qualification. 
News Source : http://www.dinamalar.com/news_detail.asp?id=1702921

01-02-2017 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam will be conducted on 29th, 30th April 2017- Hon'ble School Education Minister Ma Foi K.Pandiarajan informed. In a answer to the question raised by the Opposition Party Leader M.K.Stalin in the Assembly about the TNTET Exam, the Minister has replied that the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam will be conducted on 29,30 April 2017. 
News Source : Dinamalar, 01-02-2017
30-01-2017 : TNTET Exam Dates Announced - The Hindu Tamil News.  As per the news,  the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam will be conducted on 29th, 30th April 2017. 11 lakhs applications printing process is going on. Official notification from the TRB regarding the Teachers Eligibility Test is expected soon.

TNTET Tentative Exam Dates 

TNTET Paper 1 - 29th April 2017 (Saturday)
TNTET Paper 2 - 30th April 2017 (Sunday) 

When Application Form ?

Application forms will be available in all districts from 15th February 2017 to 8th March 2017. 

News Source : Tamil.TheHindu.Com

28-01-2017 : TNTET Notification will be published today ? The examinations are expected to be conducted before 30th April 2017 - Dinamani Newspaper (28-01-2017) 

The Official Notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) Website

27-01-2017 : Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) will be conducted with in 30th April 2017. The official notification from Teachers Recruitment Board will be published with in two days - Hon'ble School Education Minister  Ma Foi K.Pandiarajan informed.

TET Latest News Courtesy : Dinakaran.com
26-01-2017 : TET Exam Notification tomorrow ?  Vikatan.com news informs the TNTET 2017 Notification will be published tomorrow - Vikatan News
News Link  : http://www.vikatan.com/news/tamilnadu/78793-tet-exam-date-will-declare-says-minister.art

26-01-2017 : Hon'ble School Education Minister has informed that the Teachers Eligibility Test will be conducted in Tamilnadu in the month of April 2017. The detailed notification for the TNTET Exam 2017 will be published soon. 

News Courtesy : Dailythanthi.com

11-01-2017 : 8000 Government School Teachers Vacancies in Tamilnadu to be filled soon, The Teachers vacancies will be filled from the existing TNTET qualified candidates. No need of immediate TNTET Exam - Hon'ble School Education Minister Ma Foi K.Pandiarajan has informed to the newspersons today (11-01-2017). 

The Hon'ble School Education Minister has informed that the Teachers Vacancies will be filled from the candidates already have the TNTET qualification and not by a new TET exam.  The Government also keen to fill the non teaching vacancies in the Government Aided schools in Tamilnadu.  

TET Exam 2017 Latest News Source : Maalai Malar 
05-01-2017 : Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test Candidates can apply for TNTET 2012, 2013 Exams Duplicate Certificates through an application form available at  TRB official website http://trb.tn.nic.in/TET2013/30122016/msg.htm. Afte

Application form for Duplicate TNTET Certificate

Instructions : How to apply ? 


06-12-2016 : Refresher Courses for Minority School Teachers should be conducted - Suggestion by Madurai Bench of Madras High Court.  Madras High Court Bench has suggested the Government Aided and Minority Schools to consider conducting refresher courses for the Teachers. It is noted that in August 2016, the Court held that the TET Exam is not mandatory for teachers working in Government Aided and Minority Schools. 

News Source and Courtesy : The Hindu, 06-12-2016

30-11-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) notification 2016 is expected to be published soon, the examination is expected to be conducted in the last week of January 2017 or first week of February 2017 - Newspaper News. 

News Source :Kalviseithi Website

23-11-2016 : How many vacancies in upcoming TNTET Exam 2017 ? There is a news spreading  across the internet and social media which claims that there will be around 1000 BT Assistant Posts vacant in School Education Department, which may be included in upcoming TNTET Exam  2017. But, it should be noted that, Hon'ble School Education Minister has recently informed that there will be  about 4500 Teachers Appointment through upcoming teachers eligibility test 2017 notification. So, the remaining 3500 vacancies are expected from Primary / Secondary Schools, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department Schools and Corporation Schools.  We should wait for the official notification from the TRB for the total vacancies in the upcoming TET Examination. 
Tamilnadu TET Exam 2017 News Courtesy : KalviSeithi.Net

Happy News for TET Aspirants ! TNTET 2016 Notification with in One Week - Hon'ble School Education Minister Informed

 TNTET Case - A Brief Backround

  • The first ever Teachers Eligibility Test (TET)  Exam in Tamilnadu was conducted in the year 2012. Though the vacancies were more than 10,000, only 2000 candidates scored eligible marks in the first TNTET Exam and they got appointment orders. So re-exam was conducted in the same year and about 15000 candidates got eligible and all were appointed as Teachers.
  • In 2013, third TNTET Exam was conducted with 5% Mark relaxation for certain communities. This affected about 30,000 candidates ( 7500 DTed Candidates and  22000 BEd Candidates) who secured more than 90 Marks.
  • TNTET Case : The Candidates by the Mark Relaxation and Weightage System brought the issue to Court. And finally, the Hon'ble Supreme Court has given the Judgement making the Government' Orders related to TNTET Exam are valid. 

When is the Next TNTET Exam Notification in 2016?
          It is expected the upcoming TNTET  Exam 2016 Notification to be published very soon. Most probably, with in this November 2016. 
tntet 2016 notification date latest news
Screenshot from epaper.dinamalar.com 

News Courtesy : Dinamalar, 10-11-2016
So be prepared . All the best !
09-11-2016 : TNTET Exam Case Judgement Released : The Hon'ble Supreme Court Ruled the Tamilnadu Government Orders of School Education Department for 5% Mark Relaxation to certain communities and Weightage Pattern  are valid. So, we can expect the Teachers Eligibility Test in Tamilnadu to be announced soon. All the best !

Download the Judgement Copy of TNTET Exam Case from Kalvi Seithi Website 

07-11-2016 : TNTET Case Final Judgement Expected within 12th November : It seems Hon'ble Judge who heard the case is going to retire on 12th November 2016. So, the final Judgement is expected to be published before 12-11-2016.  It is expected that the Tamilnadu Government will publish the notification for the  TET Exam based on the judgement. 

News Source : Kalviseithi

27-10-2016 : Final Hearing was conducted for Tamilnadu TET Exam Related Cases  on 25th October 2016  in the Hon'ble Supreme Court. The Hon'ble Judge ordered the two parties to submit their written argument. Tamilnadu Government has submitted its written argument on 27th October 2016 . After submission of the written argument by both parties in the Supreme Court, the final judgement in the Teachers Eligibility Test will be made.    

25-10-2016 : The TN Teachers Eligibility Test related cases Final Hearing is completed at Hon'ble Supreme Court and the case is adjourned without another date being set. The Final Judgement is expected to be published soon. 

News Source : Dinathanthi 26-10-2016


25-10-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) related Cases to be heard at Hon'ble Supreme Court today (25th October 2016).

News Courtesy : kalviseithi Website. Read detailed news from the below link.


06-10-2016 : Teachers Eligibility Test Cases come for hearing on 18th October 2016 . Since the TNTET Exam related cases are being continuously heard in the Hon'ble Supreme Court , we can expect the final judgement to be given soon. So, be prepared for the next TNTET exam. All the best !

News Source : Kalviseithi.Net


05-10-2016 : Teachers Eligibility Test Case Updates : The Supreme court has asked the Tamil Nadu Government to submit the present Teachers Vacancy List today (5-10-2016) . And also, asked the complainants to provide the details about how many candidates are affected by the existing Teachers Eligibility Test weightage method.

The case is listed and to be heared today (5-10-2016) also.
TNTET Latest News Source : http://m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/tamil/dinamani-epaper-dinamani/aasiriyar+takuthith+tervu+vazhakku+kali+idangal+battiyalai+inru+takkal+seyya+utharavu-newsid-58704097

04-10-2016 : Teachers Eligibility Test Case Final Hearing Expected Today : The TNTET related cases come for hearing today as fist case in the Court Number 12 before Hon'ble Mr.Justice Shiva Kirti Singh and Hon'ble Mrs.Justice R.Banumathi.

News Source : Kalviseithi Website


15-09-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Case Latest Updates : All cases related to TNTET Exam are to be heared together as final hearing and the final hearing date is scheduled to be conducted on 4th October 2016.  
             So, good news is awaiting for the TNTET Exam 2016  aspirants, the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam 2016 notification may be published by the TRB based on the Judgement. Be prepared. All the best !

Cases in Details : 
  • GO. No.25  : Give 5% Marks Concission.
  • GO. No.71 : Weightage Marks Method during the appointment. 

What Opponents Say ?
1.The marks concission can be provided only for SC/ST candidates asper rules. But GO No. 25 gives mark concision to all other categories also.
2. The present weightage system asper GO No. 71 will affect the candidates who completed the degree before 5 to 10 years. Because the freshers have higher percentage than the senior candidates. 

News Source : Dinathanthi , 15-9-2016

09-09-2016 : TET Exams will be conducted soon after finishing the Cases - TRB Member Secretary Informed. TRB Member Secretary Rajarajeswari has recently infomed that the Teachers Eligibility Test related cases in the Supreme Court is coming for hearing on 13th September  2016 and the Government will inform its policy decision. So, it seems the the Tamilnadu Government is keen to finish the TET related cases as soon as possible and the TNTET Exam 2016 may be conducted very soon. 

News Source : Dinamalar 9-9-2016 

25-08-2016 : Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Examination is Not Required for Minority Run Education Institutions - Madras High Court Judgement.   Read More about the Judgement

10-08-2016 :   During the Shool Education Department Maniyakorikkai  (Policy Note)  discussion ,  Hon'ble Minister for School Education Mr.Benjamin has replied  to a question asked by DMK MLA and former School Education Minister Mr.Thangam Thennarasu regarding Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Exam in Tamilnadu, that  the Tamilnadu Government is giving special attention to finish the Supreme Court Cases against the  Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exams . Once, the cases are finished the notification for the upcoming Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Examination will be published.  
News Courtesy : KalviSeithi Website

             Recently, the Principal Secretary to School Education, Tamilnadu Government,  in her explanation to the Central Government has informed that the Teachers Recruitment in Tamilnadu was not conducted in recent years due to the pending cases on Teachers Eligibility Test Exam in the Hon'ble Supreme Court. So, once the cases are finished, the TRB TNTET exam may be called soon.  Be prepared for the tough competition this time , all the best !

06-06-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam 2016 Related Latest News in Dinamalar Today (06-06-2016) .  The Dinamalar news article states that 1665 teachers who are working in the government schools with condition to clear the TNTET examination before November 2016 are awaiting for the upcoming TNTET notification in the year 2016.
30-05-2016 : Latest News about Tamilnadu Teachers Elegibility Test Exam in today's dinamalar newspaper. About one lakh Graduates are waiting for the TNTET exam 2016. 

27-05-2016 :  Dinamalar News article published on 27th May 2016 says that the  TRB TET Exams were conducted in Tamilnadu in the years 2012 and 2013. But there was no Teachers Eligibility Test exams conducted in the years 2014 and 2015 . Mr.Ramamurthy, Director of Ayakudi Coaching Centre has requested the State Government to conduct new Tamilnadu TRB TET Exam in this year 2016. 

Source : http://www.dinamalar.com/news_detail.asp?id=1529735

29-04-2016 : TET Related Cases are adjourned by Hon'ble Supreme Court. TNTET Exam Latest News Courtesy : Kalviseithi website

Read Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test Cases latest news from the below link http://www.kalviseithi.net/2016/04/blog-post_939.html

24-04-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Related Cases are expected to come for hearing at Hon'ble Supreme Court on 27th April 2016. 
News Courtesy : Kalviseithi Website

07-03-2016 : Teachers Eligibility Test is compulsory for teaching   6-14 years age group children - Tamilnadu School Education Department's Clarification on TNTET . In a answer to the CM Cell petition asking 'whether the TNTET Exam in Tamilnadu is compulsory to work as a teacher in Tamilnadu ?', the Tamilnadu Government's School Education Department has clarified that the  Teachers Eligibility Test has been made mandatory to teach 6-14 years students, according to the Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009. So all D.Ted or B.Ed qualified teachers  taking classes for 6 - 14 years has to clear the Teachers Eligibility Test Exam conducted by TRB. 

Tamilnadu TET Exam 2016 Latest News Source : Dinamalar 7-3-2016

04-02-2016 : Tamilnadu Teachers Associations have requested the Principal Secretary , Tamil Nadu School Education Department to speed up the TNTET Weightage Marks related cases. 

News source : Dinamalar 4-3-2016

23-01-2016 : M. H. Jawahirullah, one of the Members of Legislative Assembly, in the Tamilnadu State Assembly has requested the Tamilnadu Government to conduct the Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Exam as soon as possible. In a thanking speech to Governor's address in the Tamilnadu State Legislative Assembly Session conducted on January 2016, the MLA has requested the Tamilnadu Government to take necessary steps to conduct the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Exam soon as many B.Ed and D.T.Ed candidates are waiting for the TET examination for more than two years. 

TNTET Latest News Source : Tamil Hindu Newspaper, 23-01-2016

06-01-2016 : TNTET Candidates can now download their TET Examination certificates from the Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board's official website http://trb.tn.nic.in/. TRB gives this facility to re-download the certificates for the candidates who lost their TNTET Eligibility Certificates in the natural calamity (Rain or Flood) of December 2015.

Last Date to download the TNTET Certificate  - 05-02-2016 

Tamilndau TET Exam Certificate Download Website 

Direct Link to download TNTET Exam Certificate

Note : The TNTET certificates will open in Internet Explorer or Firebox browsers only

10-12-2015 : The TNTET candidates who have lost their TET Exam Certificate in rain can download their lost Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Exam Certificates from the TRB official website www.trb.tn.nic.in. There is an official notification from Secretary of Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board regarding TET Exam Certificates Download.  The certificates download date will be announced very soon.

17-10-2015 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test - TNTET  Exam related case in Honourable Supreme Court is likely to be heard on 06-11-2015 . TRB TET Exam Latest News Courtesy : Kalvi Seithi Education News website. Read the original news about Teachers Elegibility Test  from the following link of Kalviseithi website.

19-09-2015 : When Next Teachers Eligibility Test Notification in Tamilnadu ? - There is a latest news article about TRB Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TN TET Exam) in the Dinamalar Newspaper today. The news paper article says that so many D.Ted and B.Ed candidates of Tamilnadu are awaiting for upcoming TNTET Exam notification from TRB. But there is no news about the TNTET Exam Notification date in the news article. You may read the original news from dinamalar website

17-09-2015 : 858 Teachers posts vacant in the Tamilnadu Government Adi Dravidar welfare schools to be filled soon  - Honourable Minister N.Subramaniyan has informed in the Tamilnadu Legislative Assembly yesterday. 

03-09-2015 : Tamilnadu TET Exam Related cases are expected to be heared on 06-10-2015 .  News source & Courtesy : Kalviseithi  website (http://www.kalviseithi.net)

02-09-2015 :  TNTET Weightage and 5% Mark Relaxation Case 01-09-2015 News.  TN Teachers Eligibility Test case was listed in the Court Number 9 of SC as the 3rd hearing. The Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test case was heard at the Supreme Court on 01-09-2015. The Court ordered the complainants to file reply on the Tamilnadu Government's Appeal. 

Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Case Full Details
  • According to Government Order Number 25, Five Percentage Marks Relaxation was provided for the candidates who comes under reservation criteria . 
  • As per G.O. Number 71, TNTET Weightage Marks System was followed in the Teachers appointment in Tamilnadu. 
  • The complaintants have opposed the 5 % marks relaxation aswell as weightage mark system followed  by the Government.  Cases related to Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test were filed in the Chennai and Madurai Bench. 
Two Different Judgements in TNTET Case
  • Honourable Chennai High Court has given judgement infavour of Tamilnadu Government. Accepted the existing Government Orders regarding the TNTET Exam Pattern. 
  • When it came for hearing at the Marurai Bench of Madras High Court, the court gave Judgement in favor of complainants. Madurai Bench stayed the Government's Order regarding the TNTET exam pattern. 
Appeal by Tamilnadu Government 
         Nearly one year after the Honourable Madurai Bench's Judgement on the TRB' Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam(TNTET), the Tamilnadu Government has made appeal in the Honourable Supreme Court. 

Current Status of the TNTET Case 
            The Honourable Supreme Court has ordered the openants to file reply for the Tamilnadu Government's appeal. 

31-08-2015 : Tamilnadu School Education Department Maniakorikkai (Policy Document) on 1st September 2015 in Tamilnadu Assembly. We can expect some important announcement regarding upcoming PGT / BT Teachers recruitments and TNTET 2016 Exam in Tamilnadu. 

18-08-2015 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TET Exam) 5% Relaxation and Weightage Marks case in Honourable Supreme Court - hearing date postponed to 1st September 2015 (01-09-2015) .
News source & courtesy : Kalvi Seithi website.

16-08-2015 : Tamilnadu Teachers Elegibility Test 2015 Latest News published in Dinamalar Newspaper Today.

News Excerpts 
  • Teachers Elegibility Tests (TET) through out India was introduced in the year 2010. TRB was made the nodal agency to conduct the TNTET Exam in Tamilnadu. 
  • The first ever TNTET Exam in Tamilnadu was conducted in July 2012. About 6 lakh candidates wrote the examination and only 2000 were successful. Considering poor pass outs, the TNTET Exam timings was increased from 1.5 Hours to 3 Hours. As a result, about 15000 candidates have successfully cleared the Teachers Eligibility Test examination and got placed as Government School Teachers. 
  • TNTET 2013 - In the 2013 Teachers Eligibility Test Exam , after publishing the result of the TET Exam, the government introduced 5 % relaxation for BC/MBC/SC/ST candidates. Now the minimum qualifying marks in the TRB TET exam was reduced from 90 to 82 marks. About 7500 candidates who got 90 marks and more in the TET exam were affected by this 5% relaxation. 
TNTET Case Status 

So the  affected candidates in the existing selection pattern filed cases in Madurai Bench of Chennai High Court as well as  in the Chennai  High Court.  Since, the judgement made  by these two courts were varied , the case came to Supreme Court. 

Now Tamilnadu Government has appealed in the Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET Exam) case . 

When is the next Teachers Eligibility Test in Tamilnadu ? 

According to the Dinamalar News, there are 8 lakh DTEd/BEd/MEd candidates in Tamilnadu have registered in Employment Offices and  waiting for the next Teachers Eligibility Test 2015. When asked about next TET exam, the TRB officials informed that the TET Examination Notification may be published at any time if the government releases the order for the same. 

News Source and Courtesy : Dinamalar, 16-08-2015 Read News

08-08-2015 : TNTET 5 % Relaxation and Weightage Marks Case Latest News - Tamilnadu Government made Appeal in TNTET 5 % Relaxation and Weightage Marks Case against the Madurai Bench Judgement. Case is expected to be heard on 18th August 2015 . After the case result, we may expect the next Teachers Eligibility Test Notification from the TRB soon.
News Source : Dinamalar, 8-8-15. 'டெட்' தேர்வு பிரச்னை : ஆக.18ல் இறுதி விசாரணை

06-08-2015 : TNTET Paper 1 Exam 2012, 2013 - Secondary Grade Teachers vacancies in Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities Department -Provisional Revised Selection List of Successful Candidates is published in the TRB Website. 

Visit http://www.trb.tn.nic.in/Sec%20Grade%202014/04082015/msg.htm to download the selection list pdf file. 

28-07-2015 : There is a news in Tamil Hindu Newspaper about Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Exam 2015. According to the news article, TRB officials have informed that the TNTET 5 % relaxation of Marks case is pending in the Supreme court and the case was adjourned on 21-07-2015 when it came for hearing. So no official information about the TNTET 2015 till now. We have to wait for the Court Case results. 
News source : The Hindu Tamil,28-07-2015. ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வை எதிர்நோக்கி காத்திருக்கும் பி.எட். பட்டதாரிகள்

21-07-2015 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET)  - Weightage Marks Case in Honourable Supreme Court - Latest News today. The case was taken for hearing today, the Tamilnadu Government replied that the Government is going to make appeal against the Madurai High Court Branch's judgement of removing the 5% marks relaxation in Teachers Eligibility Test in Tamilnadu. The case was further adjourned for two weeks.  
News source & Courtesy : Kalviseithi Website

Download Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test Exam Syllabus 

Download TNTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 Syllabus from  TRB Official Website www.trb.tn.nic.in

04-07-2015 :  TRB TNTET Exam  for Secondary Grade Teachers in Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department Schools in Tamilnadu- Counselling Schedule for the appointment is published at the Tamilnadu Government website www.tn.gov.in  Read more

23-06-2015 : TNTET 2015 Exam Notification Soon - Dinamalar (Vellore Edition) News . The news article says that the TNTET Exam 2015 Notification will be announced soon and the TET examination date will be two months from the notification date. [ Dear all TRB TET 2015 aspirants, now it is almost a confirmed news that the TRB will conduct Teacher Eligibility Test this year, so start your sincere preparation from now itself.]

16-06-2015 : TRB Published Provisional Selection List of Candidates selected for Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department Schools (Secondary Grade Teachers Recruitment 2012-2013) . The list of candidates selected through TRB TNTET Exam has been published at the Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board's (TRB) Official website.

Download the Result from TRB Official Website 

Direct Link for the Selected Candidates List 

15-0-2015 : Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) and Government Aided Minority Schools Teachers Appointments - Latest Judgement of Madras High Court. Click here to read from the Kalvi Seithi website
News Source : www.kalviseithi.net

26-05-2015 : Dear TNTET 2015 aspirants, hope , good times are coming soon... be prepared to face the tough competition in the upcoming TRB TET Exam. Note that the vacancies for this year will be lesser than previous year TET Exams. Now the School Education Department has successfully conducted the Lab Assistant Exam 2015. Though there is no official news about the Tamilnadu TET Exam 2015 notification date from TRB till now, we can hopefully expect  the next important announcement from the TRB  may be the TNTET 2015 . Remember, the Houn'ble School Education Minister has already informed that the notification for TNTET 2015 is coming soon. So start your sincere preparation from now itself. All the  best for your success !!!

22-05-2015 : TRB published provisional selection list of candidates for the BT Assistant 2012-2013 Urdu medium vacancies for the language and subjects.  Candidates can visit TRB Official website www.trb.tn.nic.in to download the provisional selection list of candidates. Or just click on the following direct link.

20-05-2015 : Happy News for TNTET Candidates !!! Hon'ble School Education Minister has informed that the Tamilnadu TET Exam Notification for the year 2015 will be published soon . - The Hindu Tamil News

Total Number of expected vacancies in the upcoming TNTET 2015 will be around  4000 (Nearly Four Thousand). Vacancy may increase little more. 

News Courtesy : Tamil Hindu, 19-5-2015 Read Original News

Dear TNTET 2015 Aspirants study hard to become one among the 4000 .All the best !

19-05-2015 : 25000 Teachers working in Private and Government Aided Schools should pass the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) exam before November 2016 - Tamilnadu School Education Department's Latest Communication about TNTET time limit. 
News Source and Courtesy : Dinamalar Newspaper

18-05-2015 : All pending cases in Tamilnadu School Education Department to be completed with in one or two months -Dinamalar News. The higher officials are instructed by TN School Education Dept. There are different Directorates under School Education Department of Tamilnadu, the important among them are TRB, Diectorate of School Education, Directorate of Public Libraries, SCERT etc. Due to the various cases  against school education department, the function of the Directorates get difficulties. Thus to get rid of all hurdles in the department, it has been planned to complete all the pending cases soon. 
News Source and Courtesy : Dinamalar, 18-5-2015

28-04-2015 : Tamilnadu Government Free TNTET Coaching for ST candidates

The Tamilnadu State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) has planned to organize a 40 days free coaching classes for  ST candidates preparing for the Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) . 

Eligibility to apply free TET coaching by Government

ST candiates with B.Ed.

How to apply for TNTET free Coaching Class ?

The eligible candidates should register their name in person at the DIET offices in their respective districts. Last date to register for TET free guidance is 30-04-2015 . 
News source : Tamil Hindu, 27-04-2014

21-04-2015 : TNTET Weightage Marks Case in the Hon'ble Supreme Court adjourned to 14-07-2015 . 
News source and courtesy : http://www.puthiyathalaimurai.tv

14-04-2015 : TRB TNTET Weightage and Reservation cases in Hon'ble Supreme Court - Final hearing is expected on 21st April 2015. News Source : Tamil Hindu, 13-4-2015.  Read more

10-04-2015 : Free TET Exam Coaching for SC /ST candidates by SCERT, Tamilnadu Government announced. Read more. 

31-03-2015 : TNTET Weightage Marks and 5% Relaxation Cases in Supreme Court adjourned for two weeks - PuthiyaTalaimurai News. Read more

18-03-2015 : TRB may conduct the next TNTET Exam in the month of August 2015. Details about tentative total number of vacancies this year - A newspaper article. Dear all TNTET candidates, start your preparation from today itself. All the best !

Thanks and Courtesy : www.gurugulam.com


(Updated on 11-03-2015)
01-03-2015 : 2,34,890 Primary Teachers and  4,47,669 Graduate Teachers ( B.Ed ) have registered in  Employment Offices through out Tamilnadu  till 31-12-2014 . 
News Source and courtesy : Tamil Hindu, 03-1-2015, வேலைவாய்ப்பு அலுவலகத்தில் பதிவுதாரர் எண்ணிக்கை 84 லட்சத்தை கடந்தது

18-02-2015 : Latest news about Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment in  Governor Speech on 17-2-2015. It was informed by the Honorable Governor that out of 76,338 new teachers posts were sanctioned by the Tamilnadu Government, about 72597 teachers have been appointed during the last 4 years.  Source : Dinamani Newspaper , 18-02-2015. நான்கு ஆண்டுகளில் 72 ஆயிரத்து 597 ஆசிரியர்கள் நியமனம்

08-02-2015 : There is latest news article in the today's Dinamalar newspaper about the TRB TET Exam in Tamilnadu.  Read news

21-01-2015 : 616 Teachers posts vacancy in Tamilnadu Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools. In a reply to a information requested through RTI, the Public Information Officer has informed this. In Tamilnadu, there are 1096 Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools, 229 Scheduled Tribes welfare schools and 2 residential schools. In these schools, 1831 Primary Teachers, 2014 BT Assistants and 671 PG Assistants are working. Now according to the RTI information, 475 Primary Teachers, 96 BT Assistants, 45 Special Teachers are vacant.- News Source and Courtesy : Dinamalar 
ஆதிதிராவிடர் நலத்துறை பள்ளிகளில் 616 ஆசிரியர் பணியிடங்கள் காலி 

18-01-2015 : TRB TNTET 2012 - 2013 Successful Candidates who failed to download their TNTET eligibility certificates can get it downloaded from respective CEO offices . The facility will be made available from 19-01-2015 to 14-02-2015.  News source and courtesy: www.kalvisolai.com

21-12-2014: Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Tests (TN TET) Should be conducted Every Year - Honourable Madras High Court to Government of Tamilnadu - Dinamani Newspaper latest News.  ஆண்டு தோறும் அதிக அளவில் ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு நடத்த வேண்டும் : தமிழக அரசுக்கு உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு Read original news

03-12-2014 : Tamilnadu TET Exam 2014-2015 news in Dinamani Newspaper today. According to the news, the officials in TRB have informed that the TNTET Exam 2014-2015 Notification will be published only after all the pending cases in Honourable Supreme Court of India come to end .  Source and Courtesy - Dinamani. 

ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு எப்போது? Read original News

_________________ OLD NEWS OF 2014__________________

17-10-2014 : TRB may not conduct TNTET Examination in the year 2014 ? . A news article in today's Dinakaran Newspaper. The newspaper article says that there might be no TRB TET Exam in Tamilnadu this year.
தேர்வு வாரியம் முடிவு : ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு இந்தாண்டு இல்லை Read news

16-10-2014 : There is a news in the today's Dinamalar Newspaper about TNTET Exam 2014 - 2015. The news says that recently TRB has discussed conducting a TNTET exam this year in a board meeting, and decided not to conduct a Teachers Eligibility Test this year. Since this is not TRB's official news, we should wait for the proper official communication from TRB. Thanks Dinamalar, 16/10/14.

08-10-2014 : Another news about TNTET 2014 Exam announcement from todays dinamalar newspaper. 
தகுதித் தேர்வு அறிவிப்புக்காக காத்திருக்கும் ஆசிரியர்கள் Read news
29-09-2014 : When will be TNTET Exam for this year ?  
The Central Government has conducted two Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) this year (2014) . In Tamilnadu the TNTET Exam was conducted previously on 17, 18-08-2013 . About 72,000 candidates became eligible through this test and nearly 13,000 candidates of them got appointments. According to National Council for Teachers Education, atleast one Teachers Eligibility Test to be conducted for a year . So there is a big expectation among Paper 1 and Paper 2 candidates for a TNTET notification in 2014 . But till now, there is no official information from the TRB about the TNTET Exam 2014  .

News Courtesy :தி இந்து , 29-09-2014

07-09-2014 : There is an article published in the today's (07-09-2014) Dinamalar Newspaper about the TNTET Exam 2014 - 2015.  The article analyse the opportunities for TET notification this year itself. 

Courtesy Dinamalar Newspaper : இந்த ஆண்டு ஆசிரியர் தகுதி தேர்வு நடக்குமா?இதுவரை அறிவிப்பு இல்லாததால் சந்தேகம். Read News

04-02-2014  : Tamilnadu Government announced TNTET Exam Passing Marks Percentage reduced from 60 % to 55 % for reservation category candidates like SC/ST,BC, BCM, MBC, Differently Abled

The Tamilnadu Government may consider implementing community based reservation system in TRB Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Source : Dinamalar News, Dated 29.01.2014.

"Will the government announce Teacher Eligibility Test for 2014?" is the hot question asked by the TNTET aspirants of Tamilnadu. As the certificate verification for TNTET 2013 is on the process, the Teachers Recruitment Board, TRB may release advertisement for the TNTET 2014 after the appointment process over. Most probably it is expected that this year also the government may announce TNTET and the exam date will be in June or July 2014. 

All the latest news about the TRB TNTET Exam will be published in this website(www.tnpscportal.in) . Please share if you have any latest news about TNTET 2014 in this comment form.

TRB TET - Syllabus / Scheme of Examination 

TNTET Paper 1 Question Pattern 

Child Development and and Pedagogy - 30 Questions
Language 1 - Tamil /Language/Malayalam/
Kannada/Urudu - 30 Questions
Language 2 - English - 30 Questions
Mathematics - 30 Questions
Environmental Studies - 30 Questions

Total - 150 Questions

TNTET Exam Paper 2 Question Pattern

  1. Child Development and and Pedagogy - 30 Questions    (Age group 11 – 14 Years ) - 30 Questions
  2. Language 1 - Tamil /Language/Malayalam/Kannada/Urudu - 30 Questions
  3. Language 2 - English - 30 Questions
  4. Subject  - 60 Questions 
a)For Mathematics and Science Teacher: Mathematics and Science
b)For Mathematics and ScienceTeacher: Mathematics and Science
Total Questions : 150

A Brief History of Teachers Eligibility Test in India

Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) has been made mandatory for the appointment of Secondary and BT Assistants posts in Government and Government Aided Schools as per the Right To Education Act - RTE ACT (section 23 - sub section 1) and the notification by National Council for Teacher Education - NCTE . 

For all TNPSC Exams 2015 Latest News Click here

130 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. sir i completed Bsc chemistry.i did BEd in 2005 optional 1 subject is english.then i did B.A English in 2011.sir i wish to apply Tet exam in paper2 in engish.sir whether its eligible for posting or not.pls reply sir as soon as possible. mail me sir my mail id ramanv463@gmail.com thank u sir.

  2. பெயரில்லா24 மே, 2014 அன்று 12:33 PM

    when will announce vacancy list

  3. பெயரில்லா29 மே, 2014 அன்று 4:24 PM

    when will announce the vacancy & appointment

  4. sir i passed my tet exam my mark is 96 in geography.i want my vacancy numbers in tamilnadu how can i view?

  5. When will be issuing the 2014 TET application form

  6. My new weight age mark is 66.0825 in B.A English I want to know my place. Will I get any chance for my job?

  7. Sir, weather B.Sc applied chemistry equivalent to BSc chemistry? Is there any go for it?

  8. Sir when will be the announcement date of 2014 batch

  9. Sir, is there any preference given to dependant of ex-serviceman in appointment of teachers in Tamilnadu government ?

  10. How many candidates are passed in English paper 2?

  11. i finished m.sc hospital administration.i dont know where i ll get d job

  12. Sir take Qualification certificate last date tomorrow.I complaint cannot take this certificate.Bt trb donot give any information.what to do.

  13. will there be the tet exam in 2014 if so which month

  14. sir we are waiting for another chance in tntet 2014. many of us are preparing for the next tet. it will much helpful and happier if we know the notification of the tet. please inform us. will there be the tet text exam in 2014-15

  15. if there is any chance for computer science

  16. pls tell me tet 1 paper exam date now

  17. When is the next tet exam announced sir? V r waiting eagerly

  18. how to see answer key for trb in commerce

  19. is there any chance for computer science student in this year

  20. sir, i am waiting for PGTRB result and tell me cut-off mark for SC,sir. If already availed in the Internet means how to find out,sir.

  21. When is tet exam come sir?pls reply sir

  22. When will be conducted tet exam?

  23. when will you start online coaching classes for tntet 2015 sir?

  24. My new weight age mark is 71.48 in paper 1 I want to know my place. Will I get any chance for my job?

  25. .NITHYA.AV
    When will announce tet exam date 2015 in tamilnadu

  26. Anybody selected pg assistant 2012-13 adi dravida dept

  27. my weight age mark is 70.45.i want to know my position.e-mail: sujisanti456@gmail.com

  28. i have completed m.s.c. bed computer science. when will appoint the computer teachers.my email. magiraj2005@gmail.com

  29. sir my sister has completed BSC- physics and BED . I want to know whether is possible to apply for DTED exam and study materials details email. s.sumisekar89@gmail.com

  30. hello sir i have finished MA,B.ed.i am ready to attend pg trb.when will you contact pg trb exam

    1. Hello sir.I'm completed the degree BA( English) and also B.Ed.My weightage mark:76.5.I'm waiting for the TET examination.When will be conducted the examination from this year(2015) pls reply me

  31. hello sir,i am qualified to appear for pg trb exam.There will be any possibility to contact the exam for 2015-2016 academic year.

  32. Hello sir,
    I have completed M.Sc biochemistry and also B.Ed in the same major... am i eligible for appearing the TET exam or not?
    kindly reply me as soon as possible...

  33. Sir..whether M.E student can apply ah

  34. if there is having tet for c.s or not

  35. Sir I have already passed in tntet exam .I got 107 marks in paper 1.but I can't get the job because my weightage is 74.45 (BC) , is there any chance to get the job sir........please reply...

  36. hello sir i have passed in TET exam my mark is 82. my major was English and my wait age mark is 62. is there any chance to get the job sir, please reply me sir

  37. when 2015 tet exam date will announance

  38. When is the next tet exam announced sir?. quikly annouced tet exam not wait the tet waitage judgement V r waiting

  39. whether this year tntet exams will be conducted or not?If so when will do sir?

  40. 27/5/15
    in TNTET if any chance is there for computer science

  41. I am working in aided school my oppoinment date is 7.3.2011,I am not pass in the TET exam what I can do

  42. My oppoinment date is7.3.2011; I am not pass in the TET exam what I can do,

  43. பெயரில்லா11 மே, 2015 அன்று 3:49 PM

    AMMA CAB BACK .. every year will be TNTET

  44. பெயரில்லா22 மே, 2015 அன்று 8:31 AM

    I got 85 in ctet .in Tamil nadu whether it is pass ..I belong to BC .
    Can I apply for govt job.

  45. பெயரில்லா24 மே, 2015 அன்று 11:21 PM

    sir I'm complted DTED,BLITT, so can I apply papper 2 exam?

  46. பெயரில்லா25 மே, 2015 அன்று 4:04 PM

    Hi all,
    i hope Tntet 2015 Summary
    1. Notification Date : Auguest Month.
    2.Exam Date : october
    3,Result Date: December
    4.Verification :FEB.
    5. final Selection List after election. no chance to give final list before election.

  47. பெயரில்லா25 மே, 2015 அன்று 4:07 PM

    hello minority ,

    u people dont select English , its very competetion compare to minority launges.
    i have seen many example last year . most of the people didnt select for english , but even less score more peoples got job in minority..

  48. i am complete b.sc., b.ed., . when is tntet exam call fare . ples tell me.

  49. i requesting you to all , next time onwards you dont ask any single question about selection process.

    all information present in TRB wesight. what is the cutoff and what bases are selcting.... dont waste your time ,please prepare well.

  50. I have done B.Sc., and M.Sc., Biotechnology with B.Ed., in Biological Science. Am I eligible to write TET?

  51. i am requesting amma to provide good news to TET .

  52. becasue of above news , people confident going to be reduced . who is preparing for tet.

    i hope this is 5th time to postpone judgement date.
    :) based on that news no TET in 2015

  53. then , is not required court judgement?
    for TET notification:

  54. elections are there so TET will be there . but iam not sure about 5% relaxation marks. election is there so 5% relaxation also is there. no doubt. waiting for amma blessing.

  55. Tet intha varuma varatha. Varum ana varathu intha dialogue thavira vera yethavadu sollungalen

  56. hello all,

    i got one news from one of my friend and he is working as a govt Teacher.

    all AEO's are collecting the vacant list for TET 2015. hope we will expect tet notification in 2015.

  57. Sir Tamil major mark 99.cutoff 67.03 paperll posting kidaiakka vaaipu irukka sir

    1. forget about old one... try to make it get job in 2015 TET.

      many people are expecting job who got pass marks in 2013 . but its not true. forgot about 2013 TET. Taht and all Govt Trick. last time almost 50000 were seleted but given posts only 15000, see reaming people thinking that amma given chance we all are passed in TET and expecting job. but finally nothing happen. WE need job . not PASS makes in TET. what we will do with PASS makes. my advice is do prorer things at proper time. dont waste time.

  58. need to increse Teachers salary. what ever getting its not sufficient for good.
    then how to family will grow.

    now a days who is going daily labour . they are getting more than Teachers salary. at the same time all iteam prices are incresed.

  59. we got some news from you long back.... its related to court judgement on 06/10/2015 what happen sir?

  60. what happen ... some one has committed that every year TET will be conduct in Tamil Nadu.... then what happen who committed that. i need that details.

  61. I have done B.Sc., and M.Sc., Biotechnology with B.Ed., in Biological Science. Am I eligible to write TET?

  62. I have done B.Sc Biotechnology with B.Ed . Am i eligible to write TET

  63. Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test - TNTET related case in Honorable Supreme Court is likely to be heard on 06-11-2015 . News Courtesy : Kalvi Seithi website. Read the original news from the below link.

    what about that news which is posted by you on 17-10-2015

  64. 6/11/15 tet case details pls say anybdy

  65. hello dude,

    no TET for this year may be after election once amma became C.m other wise ...... old techers will come to the market based on seniority .

  66. please pray god , may amma will give chance to us ... our next 19th C.M also our amma only . be confident and prepare well dude.

  67. I am completed Dted last on 2014. So I am request to TN GOVT please announce a Tntet exam date soonly. Please give me chance one time to write a exam.
    sincerely ask to
    Yours faithfully


  69. with out notification why need to study yar.
    after notification two months time will give by TRB
    that time is enough to get qualified in TET. i am not sure about job.
    last time many are upset ,got above 90 marks and waited for job.
    finally got jobs only less people that to 1st paper was very too much some people got above 75% also not getting job.
    this time rules has to be change. based on post availability release the results and give job to them. unnecessary don't make problem again.
    we have seen last time many were involved in strike and even some persons got attempted for suicide. that is my opinion . good people will take decision.

    suggestion can give any one if that is good for People.

    all The best who are preparing for TET 2016.

  70. what question should i ask you with out Notification. we need to fight both way other wise we will not get TET notification . oaky.

  71. பதில்கள்
    1. what question you asked? here many are waiting for Teacher job who already passed TET in 2013 and 2014 and almost 6L people are waiting for TET notification. B.E students came to here means there is no meaning for B.E..

  72. when TNTET exam for 2016 would be held & when the application will be issued sir,

  73. best people in the world who got seleted for Teacher jobs in TET .

    next year on wards we dont what will be ....................................

  74. பெயரில்லா18 மே, 2016 அன்று 11:25 AM

    exit polls results are came opposite to amma , we have to thing for next TET .
    other wise as per new govt will give post based on employment seniority. dont worry some body will get job

  75. congrats ... be prepare for Next TEST exam. amma back again good news for all teachers.

  76. i got news like no TET until resolve court cases and many schools teachers are more and students are less for that teachers are moving here and there to adjust then only we will get final list of availability based on that TET notification will be realsed. i hope it will be in MP elections .

  77. TNPSC Madras High Court jobs announced and exam date is 28.08.2016. But already TANGEDCO exam announced same day. So that not able to apply for TNPSC. Any possible to change the TNPSC exam.

  78. Govt has to tell about some info about TET related news. when it will conduct . wht is the problem behind that.

  79. Tnpsc high court exam tnpsc gp4 mathiriya I mean same salary ah

  80. :( when can we expect final judgment. keep on postpone . can we expect after some time. as per our previous experience court judgment will take time . meanwhile prepare well. ALL the best

  81. I already pass the tet held in 2013. When will i get job sir

  82. TNPSC GROUP IV - 2016


    2. AGE 29
    4. PSTM

    MY CONTACT NO 9629459859...

  83. Respected Sir

    I am preparing for TET paper 2. I have some doubt regarding CHILD DEVELOPMENT & PEDAGOGY syllabus. Which book to be followed for that? Current B.Ed psychology book is enough for that?
    Please clarify my doubt..

  84. I have finished b.sc b.ed computer science. Am i eligible for coming tet. Plz clarify...

  85. amma not here and no more here. we dont know waht will be the next step, please wait until confromation

  86. Exam eluthatavanga nilamai?????

  87. Case podalama..... Exam vaikka vendum...

  88. which news to beleave??? diff people telling diff stories. wait until published in TRB websight.

  89. Computer science studentku epoyavathu Tet iruka ila naanga b.ed padichathe wasteah sir

  90. தமிழ்நாடு அரசுக்கு சின்ன வேண்டுகோள் கடைசியாக TET தேர்ச்சி பெற்றவர்களுக்கு சாதி ிமற்றும்மதிப்பெண் வித்தியாசம் பாக்காமல் அனைவரையும் seneryarity முறையில் பணி அமர்த்த கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன்

  91. sir please inform tet eligible for computer science before application issue

  92. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  93. Sir, i am out of state now, can somebody apply for TET on behalf of me??
    please reply. my mail id is david7frank@gmail.com

  94. Computer science ku TET or trb yethachum iruka pa

  95. where is official news about TET?

    not sure some one telling 15L applications are printed with out notification how applications will print.

    see what is going on

  96. Dear All,

    Please enquiry about job posting for the candidates who passed and kept in waiting in the last TNTET Exam....

    Thanks and regards,
    Bala ..

  97. TET Notification making many people in bad mood because 3000 posting and 15L application printed and 15L students are putting effort to get job.

    many will think less posting why need to studay.
    15L(application)*500(application cost)= 75 cores here govt going to get more benefits.

    3000 posting per month salary an average = 3000*25000 = 75L. so 100 months salary getting from application cost and given salary to selected teachers.

    if they are getting every year TET means govt will get more money and they will realse less posting.

    this is true.

    many are waiting for job who got selected last TET and they got good score in TET above 100 marks. i will not apply TET . why to waste 500/- and effort.

    if govt given more posting i will appreciate govt.

  98. பெயரில்லா25 மே, 2017 அன்று 10:42 AM

    Tetpaper1Evs:velore mutiny take place answer July 10 trb give July 21 wrong answer refer book 8thsocialvelore mutiny

  99. பெயரில்லா25 மே, 2017 அன்று 10:44 AM

    Tamil paper1tamizhakathil ezhuppapatta muthal kopuram tanjai thiruvutaiyar kovil refer book 5th tamil
