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TNTET Passing Percentage Marks Reduced to 55 % for Reservation Candidates

It is a happy news from our Honourable Chief Minister that the TRB Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test (TNTET) Exam Eligibility Marks Percentage has been reduced from 60 % to 55 % for the reservation candidates.

The concession is given with retrospective effect, which means this is eligible to the August 2013 TNTET candidates also.

The Honourable Chief Minister has announced that the pass percentage for SC/ST,BC, BCM, MBC,denotified communities and Differetly-abled  will be 55%.

How much marks eligible for clearing TNTET Exam now ?

So as per the current marks system, a candidate (comes under SC/ST,BC, BCM, MBC,denotified communities and Differetly-abled  ) who secures 82.5 marks out of 150 marks in the TRB TNTET exam will be considered eligible for appointment as teachers in government and government aided schools.

What will be the passing mark in TNTET exam 82 or 83 ?

The Tamilnadu government has clarified that the qualifying marks for the TRB TNTET Exam will be 82 marks.

39 கருத்துகள்

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  1. thts not 83....55% means 82.5...nw whts the pass mark whether its 82 or 83???????????

  2. When the eligible candidates list will be published for certificate verification...

  3. whether the new list for certificate verification published or not?

  4. 55% marks is equal to 82.5marks..54.5% marks is equal to 82 marks..if you are consider 82.5marks will be as 83means 54.5% marks as 55% marks na...so 82 and above marks will be qualified for pass marks...

  5. 55% marks is equal to 82.5marks..54.5% marks is equal to 82 marks..if you are consider 82.5marks will be as 83means 54.5% marks as 55% marks na...so above 82marks will be qualified for pass marks...

  6. my mark is 89 now i passed k but in Dted seniority based isn't it? i have 6 years seniority can i have opportunity to pass?

  7. i got 89 marks but dted ku seniority based thana poduvanga enaku 6 yrs seniority irukku enaku chance iruka sir reply me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  8. I am OC candidate,I got 88 marks in tet I.Am i pass?plssssssss reply

  9. as one question in tamil is deleted when calculating out of 149 82 is pass give ur views please

  10. i got 82 in 2013 tntet and 83 in tntet in 2012 exam what is the use oh god pls reply

  11. hi sir..55% marks is equal to 82.5...54.5% marks is equal to 82...if you are considered 82.5 is to be as 83 means 54.5% is said to be as 55% na....so 82 and above marks will be consider pass marks...am i right sir..

  12. As per mathematical rule 54.66% means there is calculate as 55%...
    So who got 82 marks in tntet exam.. The central govt rules 82 marks was qualified for tntet exam.. So we are all students request to tamilnadu govt cut off marks is 82 fixed.. please this is kindly request to tamilnadu govt..


  13. already i hav gone for CV. I SCORED 91 marks now the govt changed the pass marks means it will affect the postings for us. when will be the appoinment for passed candidates?

  14. intha 5% reduce mark 2012 batchkkum applicable aganum 2012 tntet l en mark 86.

  15. is 82 marks eligibilty in TN tet exams applicable for 2012 results?
