TNPSC Group 2A Result Published Today (07.03.2018)
TNPSC Group II A 2017 (Exam Date : 06.08.2017) Result is Published
Visit TNPSC Official Website
Direct Link to Check Group 2A 2017 Result
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Screenshot of TNPSC Group 2A Result Page |
Group 2A Official Answer keys Published in TNPSC Website
Group 2A Free Mock Tests (pdf) by Iyachamy Academy
TNPSC Group 2A Notification 2017 Details
TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2017 notification was published by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on 27th April 2017. This time, the TNPSC has given a big surprise to all Group 2A Exam Aspirants with increase in the number of vacancies. In its Annual Planner, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has informed that the tentative vacancies in the Group 2A 2017 will be 682. But in the official Group 2A notification, the number of vacancies was 1953. It was about three times more than the number mentioned in the annual planner . So, any candidate with very sincere preparation can surely get a job in upcoming TNPSC Group 2A 2017 Exam itself. All the best !
Important Dates in Group 2A Non Interview Exam 2017
Group 2A 2017 Notification Date : 27-04-2017
Date of Exam :06-08-2017
Last Date to Apply Online : 26-05-2017
Last Date to pay fee offline : 29-05-2017
Important Dates in Group 2A Non Interview Exam 2017
Group 2A 2017 Notification Date : 27-04-2017
Date of Exam :06-08-2017
Last Date to Apply Online : 26-05-2017
Last Date to pay fee offline : 29-05-2017
Total Number of Vacancies in Group 2A Notification - 1953
List of Vacancies in TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Exam 2017
- Personal Clerk - 7
- Steno Typist - 6
- Lower Division Clerk -12
- Assistant - 1928
Salary of TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts
Salary for all Group 2A Non Interview Posts including Personal Clerk, Steno-Typist and Assistan posts will be Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB1). (Nearly Rs.22,000/- First Month Salary)
Group 2A Notification Website
TNPSC Group 2A Online Application Website
Download Group 2A Non Interview Exam Syllabus as PDF
General Studies | Pothu Tamil | General English
TNPSC Group 2A Examination Preparation Tips
TNPSC Group 2A Syllabus in Tamil and Books List (PDF)
Group 2A Syllabus and Book List English (PDF)
(Courtesy :
Group 2 A Previous Year Question Papers With Answers
Group 2A 2016 (Exam Date : 24.01.2016)
Group 2A 2014 (Exam Date: 29.06.2014)
General Studies | General English | Pothu Tamil
Total Number of Vacancies in Group 2A Notification - 1953
- Personal Clerk - 7
- Steno Typist - 6
- Lower Division Clerk -12
- Assistant - 1928
Salary of TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts
Salary for all Group 2A Non Interview Posts including Personal Clerk, Steno-Typist and Assistan posts will be Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB1). (Nearly Rs.22,000/- First Month Salary)
TNPSC Group 2A Online Application Website
Download Group 2A Non Interview Exam Syllabus as PDF
General Studies | Pothu Tamil | General English
TNPSC Group 2A Examination Preparation Tips
TNPSC Group 2A Syllabus in Tamil and Books List (PDF)
Group 2A Syllabus and Book List English (PDF)
(Courtesy :
Group 2 A Previous Year Question Papers With Answers
Group 2A 2016 (Exam Date : 24.01.2016)
Group 2A 2014 (Exam Date: 29.06.2014)
General Studies | General English | Pothu Tamil
Download Group 2A Non Interview Exam Syllabus as PDF
General Studies | Pothu Tamil | General English
TNPSC Group 2A Examination Preparation Tips
TNPSC Group 2A Syllabus in Tamil and Books List (PDF)
Group 2A Syllabus and Book List English (PDF)
(Courtesy :
Group 2 A Previous Year Question Papers With Answers
Group 2A 2016 (Exam Date : 24.01.2016)
Group 2A 2014 (Exam Date: 29.06.2014)
General Studies | General English | Pothu Tamil
TNPSC Group 2A Examination Fee details
One Time Registration Fee : Rs.150 / -
Exam Fee : Rs. 100/-
Note :
- TNPSC has revised One Time Registration (OTR) fee with effect from 01.03.2017 .
- Applicants already registered in OTR paying Rs.50/- before 01.03.2017 and those who have registered for OTR on or after 01.03.2017 by paying Rs.150/- are exempted from paying the registration fee for this recruitment.
TNPSC Group 2A Maximum Age Limit
- SCA/SC/ST/BC/BCM/MBC/Denotified Communities/ Destitute Widows of all castes - No Maximum Age Limit
- Others (Other than SCA/SC/ST/BC/BCM/MBC) - 30 Years
TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam Pattern (Objective Type)
- General Studies (Degree Standard) - 75 Questions
- Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (S.S.L.C. Std.) - 25 Questions
- General Tamil / General English (S.S.L.C. Std.) - 100 Questions
- Total 200 Questions for 300 Marks
For more information, please refer Group 2A Official notification from TNPSC Website through the below link
TNPSC Annual Planner 2017-2018 dated 01-02-2017 gives a new hope to all TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam 2017 Aspirants. Official notification for about 682 TNPSC Group 2 Non Interview Posts will be published by the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission in the first week of April 2017 and the TNPSC Group two non interview posts exam 2017 is scheduled to be conducted on 6th August 2017. So, start your sincere preparation for the Group 2A Exam from today itself, all the best !
TNPSC Group 2A Examination Fee details
One Time Registration Fee : Rs.150 / -
Exam Fee : Rs. 100/-
Note :
- TNPSC has revised One Time Registration (OTR) fee with effect from 01.03.2017 .
- Applicants already registered in OTR paying Rs.50/- before 01.03.2017 and those who have registered for OTR on or after 01.03.2017 by paying Rs.150/- are exempted from paying the registration fee for this recruitment.
TNPSC Group 2A Maximum Age Limit
- SCA/SC/ST/BC/BCM/MBC/Denotified Communities/ Destitute Widows of all castes - No Maximum Age Limit
- Others (Other than SCA/SC/ST/BC/BCM/MBC) - 30 Years
TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam Pattern (Objective Type)
- General Studies (Degree Standard) - 75 Questions
- Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (S.S.L.C. Std.) - 25 Questions
- General Tamil / General English (S.S.L.C. Std.) - 100 Questions
- Total 200 Questions for 300 Marks
For more information, please refer Group 2A Official notification from TNPSC Website through the below link
TNPSC Annual Planner 2017-2018 dated 01-02-2017 gives a new hope to all TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam 2017 Aspirants. Official notification for about 682 TNPSC Group 2 Non Interview Posts will be published by the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission in the first week of April 2017 and the TNPSC Group two non interview posts exam 2017 is scheduled to be conducted on 6th August 2017. So, start your sincere preparation for the Group 2A Exam from today itself, all the best !
Group 2A 2016 Second Phase Counselling Announced
26-04-2017 : TNPSC Group 2A ( 24.01.2016) Exam Second Phase Counselling list published in the TNPSC Website. The Counselling is scheduled to be conducted from 15.05.2017 to 17.05.2017 at Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Office, Chennai.
Download TNPSC Group 2A Counselling Candidates List
Group Two Non Interview Posts Exam 2017 Important Dates in Annual Planner 2016-17
According to the Annual Planner 2016 - 2017 available in the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission's Website, the TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2017 Notification was tentatively scheduled to be published in the first week of November 2016. The exam date for TNPSC Group 2A Examination 2017 was scheduled to be conducted in the month of February 2017. But the official notification is not published yet by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission .
Name of the Post
Group 2A Result date
Oral Test
1st week of Nov. 2016
05.02.2017 (Sunday)
4th week of Apr. 2017
CV: 3rd week of May, 2017
1st week of June,2017
Source : Group Two Non Interview Posts (Group 2A) Exam in TNPSC Annual Planner 2016 - 2017
03-11-2016 : TNPSC Group 2A 2016 First Phase Counselling -Candidates List Published at TNPSC Official Website - Check Soon. The list of register numbers of candidates who have been provisionally called for the first phase of Group 2A counselling is published in the TNPSC Official Website
The Group 2A Non Interview Posts Exam 2016 Counselling is scheduled to be held from 21-11-2016 to 02-12-2016 at TNPSC Office, Chennai - 600003.
Group 2A Certification Verification Schedule Published at TNPSC Website
TNPSC Group 2A Result Website
TNPSC Group 2A (Non Interview Posts) Exam Certificate Verification started on Fourth July 2016.
TNPSC Group 2A Counselling Schedule for Assistant posts
Counselling schedule for Group 2A Personal Clerk posts
The TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts Exam Certificate Verification is scheduled to be conducted from 4th July 2016 to 19th July 2016.
TNPSC Group 2A Result Published Check Soon
Check your Marks and Communal and over all ranks of Group 2A Exam from the below link
TNPSC Group 2A Examination First Phase Certificate Verification for the selected candidates is expected to be conducted from 4th July 2016. All the best for the candidates who get chance in the first phase of Certificate Verification ! All the best for other Candidates to perform successfully in upcoming TNPSC Exams this year !
06-06-2016 : TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Exam Result to be published soon - TNPSC Chairman Informed. In an interview to the media persons, the Chairman has informed the results of Group 1 , 2 and VAO Exams will be published soon.
TNPSC Group 2A 2016 Vacancies - Detailed List for various posts are published in the TNPSC Official Website
TNPSC Group 2A 2016 Result date is tentatively scheduled to be published in the Month of April 2016. Source : TNPSC Annual Planner 2016 -2017
Name of the Post
Oral Test
4th week of April 2016
CV: 2nd week of May 2016
4th week of June 2016
( Source : Information given in the TNPSC Annual Planner 2016-2017 about the TNPSC Group 2A Exam Result Date )
Official Website for TNPSC Group 2A Results
07-04-2016 : TNPSC Group 2A (Exam Date 29.06.2014) Counselling Announced for Fourth Phase (IV Phase)
TNPSC Group 2A Certificate Verification Dates
Group 2A Assistant and Personal Clerk Posts - 12.04.2016
Group 2A Non Interview Posts Counselling Dates
Group Two Non Interview - Assistant Posts and Personal Clerk - 13.04.2016
To know your rank position in the Group 2A Exam 2014 visit
To know department wise vacancy position and counselling schedule of TNPSC Group II A Posts visit
Download TNPSC Group 2A 2016 Exam Official Answerkey from TNPSC Website
TNPSC Group 2A Expected Cut Off Marks
TNPSC VAO 2016 Cut off marks (Expected)
TNPSC VAO 2016 Cut off marks (Expected)
TNPSC Group 2A 24-01-2016 Answer Key
TNPSC Group 2A January 2016 Exam Hall Ticket is published in the TNPSC official website and ready to be downloaded now. You can download and print the Group Two Non Interview Postings Exam 2015 Hall ticket from TNPSC Official Website If your Group Two Non Interview Posts Exam January 2016 hall ticket / admit card is not available in the TNPSC website, please check the same in the rejection list of candidates published in the TNPSC website. If your TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Posts 2016 Exam application details is not available in the rejection list published in the TNPSC Website also, you can contact TNPSC office with required documents to recover your hall tickets soon. All the best for your success in the upcoming TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2016!
TNPSC Group Two 2016 Hall Ticket Download Link
Direct Link to download Gr 2A Non Interview Hall Ticket
15-01-2016 : 8.5 lakhs candidates applied for 1947 TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Posts Examination 2016. Now the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has published the TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Posts Exam 2016 Hall Ticket in the website. You can download the Group 2A Hall Ticket from the TNPSC official website . If your Group Two Non Interview Exam Call Letter is not found in the rejection list published in the TNPSC Website, you can contact the TNPSC office with sufficient documents through
TNPSC Group 2A Latest News Source : Dinamalar, 15-01-2016
24-11-2015 : Eight Lakhs Total Candidates applied for 1,947 Group Two Non Interview Posts - TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam 2015 was applied by more than Eight Lakh Graduates through out Tamilnadu. Source : The Hindu Tamil News Paper Today(24-11-2015).So the competition in the Group Two Non Interview Post Exam 2015 is expected to be tough this time, prepare yourself to face the tough competition in the Group Two Non Interview Exam . All the best !
In the TNPSC Group 2A 2015 Notification, the last date for applying Group Two Non Interview Exam online was mentioned as 11-11-2015. Now the TNPSC has Changed the last date to apply online for the Group Two Non Interview posts exam to 18-11-2015. The last date to pay fee in offline mode (through Bank or Post Office) is also postponed to 20-11-2015. If you have not applied for the Group 2A Exam 2015 yet, apply online from website soon.
TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam Online Application Website
Important News !!! TNPSC Group 2A Exam Date is changed to 24th January 2016.
The Group 2A Non Interview Posts Exam 2015 was scheduled to be conducted on 27th December 2015 . Now the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission haspostponed the Group 2A Exam date to 24th January 2016. TNPSC has informed that the candidates who have already successfully applied for the TNPSC Group 2A exam 2015 need not apply again for the 24-01-2016 examination.
Note : Last date for applying TNPSC Group 2A 2015 Examination Online will be 18th November 2015. If you have not applied for the TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2015, please apply the Group IIA Exam January 2016 soon before 18-11-2015, the last date to apply. All the best !
Newly added posts in Group 2A Supplementary Notification Details ( Total 84 posts)
TNPSC Group 2A Supplement Notification for 84 posts Published on 20-10-2015
84 additional posts added . Now total number of TNPSC Group 2A 2015 posts became 1947. Below is the list of additionally added vacancies in the TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Exam 2015 through the supplement notification published in the TNPSC Website.
1. Assistant post in Tamilnadu Forest Department - 36 posts
2.Assistant in Stationery and Printing Department - 30 posts
3. Assistant in Survey and Settlement Department - 10 posts
4.Personal Clerk in Secretariat (Other than Law and Finance Department) - 6 ST + 1 MBC/DC (Deaf)
5.Personal Clerk in Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - 1 BC Muslim(BCM) Category
The most awaited TNPSC Group 2A Exam Notification is Announced by TNPSC. The Official notification advertisement is published in the Dinathanthi Newspaper Today, Page No. 9. and in the TNPSC's Official website also. The TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Posts Exam 2015 (Group 2A) Exam Announcement has total 1863 vacancies. The vacancies include various posts in 32 government departments like Civil Supplies, Commercial Dept, Jail, Transport, Registration Department and other departments. Among the total number of posts, Engineering candidates can apply for about 1524 posts only.
Important Dates for TNPSC Group 2A 2015 Examination
Group 2A Exam Date : 27-12-2015 (10AM to 1PM)
Last Date to Apply Online : 11-11-2015
TNPSC Official Website for TNPSC Group 2A 2015 -2016 Notification
TNPSC Group 2A Result Date Latest News
Total Number of Vacancies : 1863. The TNPSC Group 2A 2014 Vacancies include Personal Clerk, Assistants, Planning Junior Assistant, Lower Division Clerk, Junior Co-operative Auditor in various departments under Tamilnadu Government.
All any degree qualification posts in the TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2016 can be applied by all Engineering candidates who have completed the degree with out arrears. The Group 2A 2015 notification has 1524 posts in any Degree Qualification Category. So, dear engineering candidates, if you study hard with a plan, surely you will get a job in this year Group Two Non Interview Exam 2016 itself. All the best for your success !
List of Group 2A Assistants posts for which Engineering Graduates are eligible to apply
Name of the Group 2A Post
No. of Posts
Civil Supplies
Industries and Commerce
| |
Commissioner of Revenue Administration
| |
Land Administration
| |
Land Reforms
| |
Prison Department
| |
Medical and Rural Health Services
| |
| |
| |
Rural Development Punchayat Raj
| |
Backward Classes Dept
| |
Fisheries Dept
| |
Technical Education
| |
| |
Public Health
| |
School Education
| |
Vigilance and Anti corruption
| |
Survey and Land Records
| |
Urban Land Ceiling and Land Tax Dept
| |
Commissioner of Commercial Tax
| |
Commercial Tax, Chennai (South)
| |
Commercial Tax, Trichy Division
| |
Commercial Tax, Salem Division
| |
Commercial Tax, Vellore Division
| |
Commercial Tax, Coimbatore Division
Commercial Tax, Madurai Division
| |
Commercial Tax, Tiruelveli Division
| |
| |
TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts Selection Procedure
The TNPSC Group Two Non Interview Posts selection is done on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination following the reservation rules separately for each categories of posts.
About Person Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) Reservations 20%
According Tamilnadu Government Order, G.O. (Ms.) No.145, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 30.09.2010, and G.O.(Ms.)No.40 Personnel and Administrative Reforms(S) Department dated 30.04.2014 , upto 20% of all vacancies in Direct Recruitment will be preferred to persons who studied the Prescribed Qualification Tamil Medium. In TNPSC Group 2A Exam, to avail PSTM Reservation, the candidates must have studied the Degree or any other required qualifications through Tamil Medium.
TNPSC Group 2A Posts Age Limit ( Age Limit as on 1st July )
Minimum Age Limit to apply TNPSC Group 2A Exam - 18 Years
Maximum Age Limit for applying TNPSC Group 2A Exam
- SC/SCA/ST/BC/BCM/MBC - No Maximum Age Limit
- Others than SC/SCA/ST/BC/MBC - 30 Years
Generally the education qualification is set as "ANY DEGREE" for the Group 2 A posts. But, for some posts, technical qualifications are required.
Here is the list of some important posts which are coming under TNPSC Group 2 Non Interview Posts Examination and their educational qualifications based on TNPSC Group 2A notification published in the year 2014.
1. Lower Division Clerk - B.A / B.Sc/B.Com of any recognised univeristy.
2. Assistants in various government departments - Any Degree
3. Assistant in Commissioner Revenue Administration - B.A / B.Sc/B.Com of any recognised univeristy or B.O.L of Annamalai University or B.B.A of Madurai Kamarajar University or B.Litt., of Madras University or B.B.M or B. Litt., of Bharathiyar University
4.Personal Clerk in TNPSC, Secretariat - Candidates should have completed Any Degree and possess Type Writing Higher and Short Hand in English and Tamil.
5.Personal Clerk in Finance Department - Bachelors Degree in Commerce / Economics / Statistics + Should possess Type Writing Higher and Short Hand in English and Tamil
6.Planning Junior Assistant, Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission - BA/ BSc/Bcom
7.Assistant in Finance Department in the Tamil Nadu Secretariat
An Under Graduate (UG) degree in Commerce / Economics / Statistics
8. Junior Co-operative Auditor - B.B.M / B.Com / B.Com (Computer Application) / B.A. (Co-operation) / B.A.(Economics) /
B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship) / B.B.E.
TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Exam Pattern
- General Studies (Degree Standard) - 75 Questions
- Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (SSLC Standard) - 25 Questions
- General Tamil / General English (SSLC Standard) - 100 Questions
Exam Fee for TNPSC Group 2A Exam 2015
Examination Fee to apply for TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts Exam is Rs. 75/- (Rupees Seventy Five only).
One Time Registration Fee : Candidates who are applying for TNPSC Group 2 Non Interview Examination should register for One-Time Registration at the TNPSC Website which is mandatory for all candidates and the One Time Registration Fee is Rs. 50/- . The One Time Registration will be valid for a period of five years from the date of one-time registration.
Download TNPSC Group 2A Exam Latest Revised Syllabus from TNPSC official website
>>>>> Click and download 2A COMBINED CIVIL SERVICES - II Syllabus from the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission's Website <<<<<
(TNPSC Group 2A Syllabus is given in the Page Number 54 - 64)
For all latest news updates regarding TNPSC Group 2A 2016 Result date, be connected with us.
Share your thoughts/experience/queries about the TNPSC Group 2A Exam in the comment section below.
For TNPSC Official Website
Dear Sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குI am Renugadevi.I already registered in TNPSC portal and participate in tnpsc group2 model test. Kindly conduct the test in school syllabus wise.General Tamil and General English is important.So,First conduct the test 6-10 Tamil andEnglish.After Conduct GK,Aptitude,Reasoning.Its useful to all.Its my kind obligation. Sir,Your service is really appreciatable.This is very useful to all poor students who are not able to join in private coaching centres.Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your appreciation, we will consider your suggestions
நீக்குHello sir, I am very thankful for your free coaching service. I have attended the last year coaching also.I felt that the test conducting from 6 to 10 is very easy to follow. So I request you conduct the tests in last year pattern itself. Please sir. Thankyou.
பதிலளிநீக்குFirst we planned to cover syllabus of TNPSC Exams, then again we will start fundemental coaching from school books, the cycle will continue ....thanks for your suggestions
நீக்குis there any negative marks for tnpsc group 2a exam for wrong answers?
நீக்குNo Sir. Number of correct answers only being calculated. 1.5 Mark for every right answer. Total 200 x 1.5 = 300 marks.
நீக்குsir where i gei group 2a model question?
பதிலளிநீக்குYou can try group 2 model questions in our site, both Group 2 preliminary syllabus and Group 2A syllabus are almost same.
நீக்குsir , which book is best for group 2a(interview post) pls give any suggestion, & also i want syllabus & how to prepare sir pls give some instruction
பதிலளிநீக்குHow can I get hall ticket? whether they will post in website to download?
பதிலளிநீக்குguys group2 non interview syllabus sollunga plz
பதிலளிநீக்குgroup 2 syllabus is same as 2a - here it is
hello sir.....
பதிலளிநீக்குI want to group 2A non interview post exam syllabus.
pls sent my mail id...
நீக்குwhat syllabus
நீக்குhello sir.....
பதிலளிநீக்குI want to group 2A non interview post exam syllabus.
pls sent my mail id...
check out group2a hall ticket is available on official website.
பதிலளிநீக்குThank you friend.... I have updated
நீக்குSir i have typed the correct exam number and i paid the exam fees but when i submit my reg no it is shown as invalid registration numner i dont know what to do...
பதிலளிநீக்குAsk TNPSC Help Desks No 1860 345 7439 (Option 7 for TNPSC) for BSNL & MTNL between 09:00 - 18:00 HRS.
நீக்குsir in vao exam I got 150/200. I am come under sc . if possible sir
பதிலளிநீக்குDear Thilkumar,
நீக்குGood chances are there to you this time, any how wait for the TNPSC's official cut off and result. All the best !
Sir send group 2 syllabus to my mail. glojeni2015@gmail
நீக்குSir pls send model quest paper and group 2 syllabus to my mail id.
பதிலளிநீக்குsir i got 147/200 in vao i am bcm female i got any chance
பதிலளிநீக்குsir plz...expected cut off for group 2 prelims ( tamil medium )
பதிலளிநீக்குsir,plz said expected cut off in group 2-a exam for bc female
பதிலளிநீக்குPlease fill this form to assess the tnpsc group 2 a cut off
sir my mark is 145/200 compared with NR BC male.. any chance.. am feel general studies so tough... any suggesstion sir......
பதிலளிநீக்குsIR i GOT 123/200 ... IS THERE ANY CHANCE FOR ME
multiply with 1.5
நீக்குHow to calculate for 300 ...anyone do rply
பதிலளிநீக்குsir i got 145/ i eligible for selection?
பதிலளிநீக்குsir, I got 143/200 belong to sc woman any chance
பதிலளிநீக்குHi Sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குI got 154/200.. BC male. Is there any chance?
hello kessal sir, many people got 140 abv so how can they get a job??
பதிலளிநீக்குbc female 147/200 is there any chance in group 2a
பதிலளிநீக்குsir, I am 144/200. can I achieve, I am B.C. female
பதிலளிநீக்குin which date u conducting next TNPSC exam... Reply me....
பதிலளிநீக்குLast week of august
நீக்குi got 136/ 200. i m mbc female. is there any chance to get
பதிலளிநீக்குsir, I am 132/200. can I achieve, I am , I am B.C. female
பதிலளிநீக்குJust called TNPSC to inquire about group 2A results... Thay told me to expect it by DECEMBER!!!!!!
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, i got 127 questions correct in group 2a , i belongs to ST female category... is there any chance to get the post... please reply me...
பதிலளிநீக்குYes you have chances..... but not sure....start your preparation for Group 4 2014
நீக்குsir i got 140/200 in grp 2 a, i belongs to bc female catagory , is there any chance ....
பதிலளிநீக்குplease refer the tnpscportal's group 2a cutoff prediction
நீக்குOC 157
BC 155
BC (M) 150
MBC 155
SC 145
SC (A) 135
ST 130
பதிலளிநீக்கு@Ramamoorthy sir, chances are ... not sure ....prepare for group 4 exam december 2014 also
நீக்குHello everyone...I am Kumaran ...I got 154 questions correct in VAO and 150 questions correct in Group-2A....Community-SC...I don't know about TNPSC cut off calculation...So pls can anybody tell me what are the chances for me...Because i did this exam for the first time...
பதிலளிநீக்குwat is the take home salary for group 2a
பதிலளிநீக்குsir i m diwagar mbc male with pstm ..........i got 149 in vao $grp2a any chance to get any of them?????plz tell me sir
பதிலளிநீக்குSir I got 148 in vao sir im sc & women is there any possibility sir
பதிலளிநீக்குin salem which coaching center best in group2 and vao
பதிலளிநீக்குHI Friend,
பதிலளிநீக்குmy communal rank 781 sc male 1982 any possible...?
hi lee, i got 217.5 sca......communal rank 46 , overall rank 4222..any chance...plz reply
பதிலளிநீக்குhi .. my overall rank is 1638 .. and my communal rank 917 ..BC Category .. Can I get into the final selection list ..?
பதிலளிநீக்குhave tnpsc corrected the answer key for the question vikenkanda- religious speech, mrs.subbulakshmi- art and architeture pls confirm
பதிலளிநீக்குmy overall rank is 4411 and communal rank is 2405 will i be called for counselling
பதிலளிநீக்குi am tenth public wright in 500/500 my aim
பதிலளிநீக்குi missed my reg no.i have only application no.
பதிலளிநீக்குhow get it reg no?
This is Siva my overall rank 523 and communal rank153 mbc any chance
பதிலளிநீக்குdear sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குi have doubt in mark. i have secured 178.5 marks. my correct questions are 130 approx. on what they are distributing the marks?
dear sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குwhat about physically challenged people cut off. and also please tell me how to get hall ticket number if lost
பதிலளிநீக்குi have secured 156 marks in group 2A, BC category. let me know whether i have passed or not?and let me know am i eligible for this. ( NOTE:how to calculate cut off marks)
Hello Sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குIs the published group 2a result for all the posting or for particular. I need to know is the result for RTO is published.
Please reply.
Thanks in advance.
got 144 marks in group2a . SC(A) female. what is my status
பதிலளிநீக்குno chance ...i am SCA rank 29....i am also struggling...think ur position
நீக்குSir I got 169.5 mark in group2.MBC female.can I have any chance to get job
பதிலளிநீக்குMs Ananthi,
நீக்குThe cutoff for 1st phase of counselling for MBC seems to be 223.5- 225. So try well in gr-iv (if you have applied for it). Most of them who prepared for gr-ii and failed may succeed in gr-iv. good luck.
Sir I was Missed my Group 2 A Call Ticket Number So I Can't able to see the result so pls suggestion to me see the result
பதிலளிநீக்குSir i got 148.5 marks in bc female can i have any chance to get the job?
பதிலளிநீக்குMy cut off mark is 180 in group 2a. Is there any chance for counselling under mbc category?
பதிலளிநீக்குHard luck. :-( better luck in gr-4
நீக்குSir I got 228 marks in group 2a ..mbc female candidate overall rank 1428 and community rank 428 will I called for 1st phases counselling
பதிலளிநீக்குSurely, you will be called in the 1st phase. Congrats!.
நீக்குWhen can we expect the 1st phase of counselling to be held ? any ideas ?
பதிலளிநீக்குSome of the vacancies in the group 2a notification where listed on a condition that they will be available only if the amendment to Special Rules for Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service is issued. Is the amendment issued ? If not ,what will be the total number of vacancies then ?
பதிலளிநீக்குAnybody got call letter for Group 2A counselling? I got call letter for my overall rank 1721. Date of certificate verification 12.1.2014. Date of counselling 13.1.2014. What will they ask in counselling. How should i prepare? Thanks
நீக்குHow did you get the call letter ? Post or Email.Please Reply
How did u get the call letter?. Cutoff is not yet announced. Don't do fun.
நீக்குReally u got ur call letter
நீக்குI have received call letter for grp 2a counselling 7th and 8th
நீக்குSir I have got 231 marks in group 2a ..BC male candidate, Overall rank 913 and BC Community rank 523 .will I called for counselling
பதிலளிநீக்குI am spec category candidate ph rank 70… Mark 207… Any possibilites?
பதிலளிநீக்குI got 1700 overall rank and 970 bc rank. And call letter on 12,13.1.15 but in paper it is shown as 29.12.14 on which date we hav counseling and will I hav possibility of a job old please reply.......
பதிலளிநீக்குI am having certificate verification for group 2a on Jan 7.But I have missed my degree consolidated marksheep.Could you please let me know if it is mandatory and will it be a problem in attending counselling
As of my knowladge provisional certificate ll do and check for other documents which should not have any spelling mistake and spelling in every certificate or proof must be same.
நீக்குDear Sir, I want to get into a specifc department in Grp 2a, however, if by the time I go for counselling if the vacancies in open category is full in that particular department(Please note only the OC vacancies in that particular department is full , whereas other departments still has vacancies in OC ) , will I be allowed to get into my preferred department through mu communal vacancy ? Please let me know..
பதிலளிநீக்குSir my ovrwll rank is 1147 and comm rank is 644 .cv on 7 th and couns 8th. Is thr any chanc to get job ingrp 2a
பதிலளிநீக்குfriends is there anybody attend todays counseling
பதிலளிநீக்குI am BC Male. I got 228 marks. My overall rank is 1373 and communal rank is 773. Will I get job
பதிலளிநீக்குWhat is qualified and suitable candidate means as per TNPSC? If all BC general and General turn general filled means, will BC male allowed to select seats in PSTM and Women categories?
பதிலளிநீக்குdear sir.i am bc female..i have counsellng on 21 ..will i get job..
பதிலளிநீக்குchances are slim........... BC vacancies would have been filled by that time. Sine women you may get a chance...-sundar
நீக்குeven i have counselling on 21 what is your rank
நீக்குSir i am suhaina BC muslim mark is 189,my communal rank is there,any possibility to attend the counselling?
பதிலளிநீக்குSir am sabeena bc muslim female. My mark 142.5 any possible sir?
பதிலளிநீக்குWhat is the expected salary for the TNPSC
பதிலளிநீக்குGroup 2a Job ? group2a la yanana post irku athuku yana salarynu xplain panuga sir. plz tel me
Sir...I'm ST communal rank is 40 .is there any chances to get job in group 2 second counselling
பதிலளிநீக்குSir this is Siva I got posting in highways dept but they are asking 5 years bond can I join other govt job once I get into .. is the bond for only quitting job
பதிலளிநீக்குgroup 2/group 2A exam is same or different .pls explain me sir
பதிலளிநீக்குhi sir...
பதிலளிநீக்குwhen will they conduct the 2nd phase councelling for group 2A post ? kindly reply sir
Hi sir, Group 4 2015 My Overallrank 3374 Communal rank 1180 MBC any possible sir, Kindly reply sir.
பதிலளிநீக்குAnybody got group 2a selected offer letter .
பதிலளிநீக்குYaravadhu group 2a la join pani irukengala plz tell me . nan counselling attend panen but yenaku joining letter varala . yaravadhu join panirukengala plz tell me
பதிலளிநீக்குHi frs I am completed BE and we apply to group 2 exam but 400 post only available forBE qualification. And we are not eligible revenue ass post 600 post so my doubt is now apply msc degree correspond. Then we will eligible la otherwise we do bsc then only eligible pls clear my. Its s useful to so many eng students I am wait for ur reply fri pls
பதிலளிநீக்குif you want to apply for arts degree posts in group 2 , you should do a degree in any arts subject ..... post graduate degree may not be considered
நீக்குgood evening sir
பதிலளிநீக்குi am a final year student for ece i was blank for next year in getting any job please give any sollution
its depend on caste brother
நீக்குHi sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குDoubt regarding group 2 A(phase 2) list
I'm from bc community nd I have scored 214.5/300 mark in exam conducted on 29/6/14...yesterday dey have announced 2nd phase candidates...I randomly checked some reg num marks to knw the cut off...I fount that the candidates who got less mark than mine (lyk 204/300)have BeEn called for...I don't know why my num is missing...can anyone clear my confusion plzzzzzzz...
I too faced the same problem. When I enquired the TNPSC officials through phone, they said those who got less than my mark in the same communal category have studied in tamil medium. They siad it PSTM quota...!!! wHo kNOws...:?:-(
நீக்குits depend on caste brother
நீக்குsir i have 113 questions correct in group II (GT-62,GK-51) i am from tamil medium belongs to BC category if there any chance for Main exam sir plz reply me sir
பதிலளிநீக்குSir group 2a cv list vitrukanga . indha cv list 1 st phase counselling list la yeduthavangala ila 2 nd phase counselling la yeduka poravangala plz reply me sir
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, I am bc female and I have got 128 /200 questions right in gr2 prelims. Is there any chance for me to go for mains?
பதிலளிநீக்குFriends, pls help me out. I am bc female and I have got 128/200 questions right in gr2 prelims. Is there any chance for me to go for mains?
பதிலளிநீக்குi got 133 question correct. do i have chance for main exam. i have PSTM cerificate. i am B.C female.
பதிலளிநீக்குwhen i will get the answer
நீக்கு135 plus is the safe score....any how you can start your preparation
நீக்குSir, 26.12.14 group 4 exam i got it 135/200 (typist) - MBC female , i called certificate verification on 23.07.15 , but there is any chance for councelling sir pls reply to me sir
பதிலளிநீக்குhai sir i am ramesh i scored 130 out of 200 in group 2 .any chance to main exam?
பதிலளிநீக்குDear sir, i'm a bca graduate from bangalore University. I have not studied tamil ever. I'm newly married and my husband is a tamil guy so I wants to be continue my life in tamil Nadu. Am I qualified To apply this tnspc exams.
பதிலளிநீக்குYes, you can apply for TNPSC VAO, Group4, Group 2A, 2 and Group 1 exams. All the best !
நீக்குmbc female 133/200 is eligble for mains or not
பதிலளிநீக்குsir naan 3 daysa comment upload panna try pandra but visible after approval nu tha varuthu aana then partha comments varamatrathu sir i am mbc femace my mark 133/200 is it eligible for mains or not?
பதிலளிநீக்குenoda comments 3 daysah visible aagala then hw can get reply from u sir
பதிலளிநீக்குHi sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குI got 181.1 marks..mbc tere any chance in group2 non-interview posts.
இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.
பதிலளிநீக்குsir i have completed M.A., B.L., Am I qualified To apply group 2A?.
பதிலளிநீக்குYes you can
நீக்குGood Morning, This is Mamallan, TNPSC Aspirant I need your help sir .My One Time ID is 12341384 i Lost my Password ....
பதிலளிநீக்குTell me Procedure to get my password
please check your email for old messages . search your inbox for 'TNPSC' .....if not find, please call TNPSC help number
நீக்குathilaye option irukku.. forget password:
Good Day,
பதிலளிநீக்குwhat should i fill in the place of ISSUING authority for one time registration in TNPSC online application my certificate I have DEPUTY TAHSILDAR seal (who is the issuing authority) but i cant find that option in online application form...the options available were ( taluk tahsildar, tahsildar, head quarters deputy tahsildar, special deputy tahsildar and zonal deputy tahsildar) i'm from gudiyatham (Vellore District) which option should i choose now...kindly help me.
What is the validity of BC certificate, is it 10 years?...i got my BC certificate on 2003 at gudiyatham, so can i use this certificate to apply for upcoming TNPSC exams?
Thank you.
what should i fill in the place of ISSUING authority for one time registration in my certificate I have DEPUTY TAHSILDAR seal but i cant find that option in online application form...the options available were ( taluk tahsildar, tahsildar, head quarters deputy tahsildar, special deputy tahsildar and zonal deputy tahsildar) i'm from which option should i choose now...kindly help me
பதிலளிநீக்குIn the notifications, some post are marked with * and **.What it Means??
பதிலளிநீக்கு* Carried Forward Vacancies
நீக்கு** The vacancies in respect of the post of Assistant in Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Medical and Rural Health Services Development, Public Health and Preventive
Medicine Department, Vigilance and Anti-corruption Department,Survey and Land Records
Department and Commercial Taxes Chennai (South) Division have been announced in this
Notification pending approval of the Staff Committee / pending amendment to Special Rules for Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service. Hence, the number of posts given against these vacancies are subject to approval of Staff Committee / pending amendment to Special Rules for Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service.
Source : TNPSC Group 2A 2015 Notification
Sir,I completed MSc 5year integrated course in regular education. Can I apply for TNPSC Group2A post .pls reply fast
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, I Finished 10th ,Diploma and UG in correspondence. Am, I eligible to apply for group 2A non interview exam
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, please advise whether SAMACHEER books (6-10) only enough to clear group 4, VAO, Group 2A or need to prepare higher secondary books? Please tell your suggestion sir
பதிலளிநீக்குplease change my personal details in one time Reg.ID male to female.i have apply for exam or not?
am i eligble for exam? pls reply
Is it mandatory to register in employment exchange...? whtr thy will check for this during tnpsc c.v..?
பதிலளிநீக்குNo age limit for MBC..?
Is tnpsc site opening? anyone encountering same problem like me ?? please reply
பதிலளிநீக்குSir,my degree certificate has only month and year of passing not the date of passing.what should i do for the date of passing in application.Thanks
பதிலளிநீக்குplease see again it mark sheet or degree marksheet date will be there
நீக்குThere is a date mentioned below the marksheet as 18/06/2011,but the month and year of passing is april 2011.My college comes under anna university,coimbatore.please help me.
நீக்குi too having the same confusion!
நீக்குcan u plz anybody leave a reply??
Sir, I applied TNPSC Group ll A exam. After completing the application i got completion alert message and the REGISTER NUMBER. This Register is enough to get Hall ticket or will you give any other password like other exams. Please reply me sir.....
பதிலளிநீக்குKessal sir I have applied for tnpsc group 2a exam online...tnpsc send me a sms with my register number...but it did not send me an email with application number and password. .what should I do
பதிலளிநீக்குKessal sir i have applied for tnpsc group 2a exam online...tnpsc send me a sms with my register number...but it did not send me an email with application number and password. .what should I do
பதிலளிநீக்குpls tell me how you fill these details in application
நீக்குdate of result published for each qualification
sir application edit option is not availabe i need to edit what i do sir
பதிலளிநீக்குi am also did the same mistake what can i do??? do you know anything about that???
நீக்குI completed the typewriting exams Both Higher and I also got the results also. But certificate didn't come. can I apply the group 2a exam. How can I apply?
பதிலளிநீக்குpls tell me what is date of result published (for each qualifications) n where can i find
பதிலளிநீக்கு- VELU
Sir I have applied for tnpsc group 2a exam online...tnpsc send me a sms with my register number...but it did not send me an email with application number and password. .what should I do
பதிலளிநீக்குcheck in your spam folder..
நீக்குYes guys me also got only msg what we do
பதிலளிநீக்குKayal I think the register number they have send in enough to download hallticket...if you get the email from tnpsc with application number please inform me
நீக்குIf u get some new information regarding this matter please reply me
நீக்குKayal I think the register number they send by sms is enough to download hallticket
நீக்குIf u get any information about this matter please reply me
நீக்குYes guys me also got only sms with reg no what should I do
பதிலளிநீக்குYa sure katelyn
பதிலளிநீக்குThanks kayal
நீக்குsir i studied both (diploma,degree and +2, degree) in different years...which i specify in one time registration??diploma deg, or +2 degree...?please reply sir...
பதிலளிநீக்குGRP 2 A exam postponed to january....
பதிலளிநீக்குPeople who have successfully applied for GRP 2A kindly help me, what u have selected for ISSUING AUTHORITY of community certificate, my certificate is issued by DEPUTY THESILDAR but i cant find that option in online application form.
பதிலளிநீக்குI think zonal deputy thesildar is there.. both deputy thesildar and zonal deputy thesildar are same..
நீக்குsir application edit option is not availabe i need to edit what i want to do ?
பதிலளிநீக்குThey didn't mention BE ENGINEERING GRADUATES.I think they only recruit Science graduates.can anyone tell is it true or not?
பதிலளிநீக்குwhere to check certificate number in anna university degree certificate friends help me
பதிலளிநீக்குSir , i did mistake while enter the deatils in Group II A apllication form, How do i edit the correction. please help me
பதிலளிநீக்குI have completed 5 year integrated course(MSc Information Technology)in Anna university,What is my GO number and issued date.I couldnot apply without these.Please Tell me Am i eligible for group 2a exams.
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, I am Gokila, Already i have one time registration Id.Two days before i change it my marital status at the one time registration application and also i applied TNPSC Group 2A exam. After i can take the challan print out for exam fee to pay on post office.But still now i have not received (message) Registration no & pass ward. Now only i read the instruction, before 29.09.15 registered one time registration cannot be editable, at the same time new one time registration also not possible to apply further as New User.Now i already applied my application is eligible or not eligible to write up coming group 2A exam? How can i get the hall ticked? kindly reply me....................
பதிலளிநீக்குHi Sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குIf I am a government employee already, Shall I apply for group 2 A exam??
Will it make any changes in recruitment process???
Hi Sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குmy sub caste mudaliar. but in dropdown its not available. Please any one give justification
sub caste is not mudaliar...ask ur parents what's ur real sub caste...sengunthar, Kaikolar, like something u belong ok...
நீக்குsir u have registerd in OTP with 50rs but again should i have to pay 75 for examination fee??
பதிலளிநீக்குsir i have completed B.E(CSE) in 2014,shall i apply for group2 non interview post?
பதிலளிநீக்குSir , I'm living in pondicherry.i did my B.Tech CSE in pondicherry.My question is, being pondichery resident and 25 year old,am i eligible for TNPSC for group2 non interview exam?i have my employment registration at pondicherry .please clarify my doubt.
பதிலளிநீக்குPlease advise, a candidate belongs to puducherry state can apply for this group 2A exam. In such case the selection would be purely on merit or based on preference to tamilnadu state.
பதிலளிநீக்குcan apply, write the exam,,,, but selection is in General category only.. no caste reservation for other states or UT.... treat as practice exam...
நீக்குHello sir,
பதிலளிநீக்குPlease help me its urgent !!
I did one time registration long before and paid the fee for one time registration long before when i opened to apply for group2a it showed me " your one time registration is yet didnt over" so i filled the form again and applied for the exam but i didnt not get any sms or mail regarding the registration number or anything .yesterday i got a mail that i havent paid the fee so if applicable please do that. since i applying for the second time i gave NO FEE and applied and when i opened the application form it is showing "your registration is over " and the application number is ...
but i did nt get any mail or message .
Please help do i need to register agian??
i applied for group 2a,i got only mail not sms.what to do?
பதிலளிநீக்குDear admin iam bc female candidate I selected yes for fee concession option for tnpsc group 2a exam. .am I eligible for it please reply..
பதிலளிநீக்குHai i have payed through net banking(indian banking) and completed my registration successfully but still it shows me the payment page.please reply me.
பதிலளிநீக்குi am exserviceman and BC candidate my degree certificate issued by govt of india min of defense so iam eligible for group 2 exam
Dear Sir,I heard that kind of certificate will only consider for central govt jobs only like bank,railway etc.Any way try your luck, meaning just apply and appear for the exam.Lets see how the things move on
பதிலளிநீக்குSir, is there any negative marks for group2A and VAO exam??? plz tell me sir....
பதிலளிநீக்குNo negative marks for tnpsc xams
பதிலளிநீக்குWhat is the cut off mark to qualify the group 2A non interview post exam?
பதிலளிநீக்குThey have given as 90 mark as minimum qualifying mark,but the total mark is 300(150+150) marks for 200(100+100) questions.that mentioned 90 marks is out of 150 or out of 300?and also any negative mark is there?Please reply .
no negative marks.
நீக்கு90 marks which is just minimum qualifying mark, cut off mark wud be announced by tnpsc on basis of requirement , it may change accordingly,
various engineering jobs in chennai corporation. please check all.