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High Court Suspended Existing Weightage System of TRB TNTET Exam

See the Old and Revised Weightage Marks System announced by TRB for TN TET Paper 1 and Paper 2   Click Here

There were so many objections and criticisms from the candidates about the Weightage mark system introduced by the TRB.
For example, 15 marks was alotted for Plus Two Marks.

The 12th mark score was graded into the following

Above 90 % Marks  - 15 Marks
80% - 90% Marks   - 12 Marks
70% - 80 % Marks  -  9 Marks
60% - 70 % Marks  -  6 Marks
50% - 60% Marks   -  3 Marks

The candidates went to the court objecting this grade system. Hearing the case, the High Court has suspended the TRB introduced weightage mark system.

Madras High Court Suggestion for TRB TNTET Weightage Mark System

The High Court has suggested TRB a new grading criteria to replace the existing weightage system. According to that suggestion, every percentage in the Plus Two, Degree, TNTET Exam may be given grading like 0.15, 0.25, 0.60 etc.

But the court has cleared that this is a suggestion only, the TRB may find its own criteria but it should be scientific. To approve or disapprove the above suggestion of High Court is in the hand of TRB.

We can soon expect a new Weightage Mark System for TNTET Exam from TRB.

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