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TRB TNTET Paper 2 Provisional Mark List and BT Assistant Notification Published - Check Soon

TNTET Paper 2 Provisional Mark List

10-08-2014 : TNTET Paper 2 Final Rank List and Selection List for BT Assistant Recruitment has been published today in the TRB 's official website  

30-07-2014 : TRB TNTET Paper 2 Final Selection List to be published with in 2 or 3 days. The Tamil Hindu Newspaper (30-07-2014)

15-07-2014 : TNTET Paper 2 Final Selection List for the Recruitment of BT Assistants 2012-2013 will be published on 30-07-2014. - Thinathanthi New, 15.07.2014

Updated on 14-07-2014 : TRB TNTET Paper 2 Mark List and BT Assistant Recruitment Notifications are announced. For Detailed Information and Subject wise vacancies click here

After publishing a new weightage mark system (June 2014 , Download the GO  at http://www.tn.gov.in/go_view/dept/28 ) for the selection of candidates for the teachers vacancy posts in Tamilnadu, the TRB is now very keen to publish the final selection list as soon as possible. 

The total number of TNTET qualified candidates in the last TNTET exam is 72,000  ( including 5% relaxation candidates ) now but this year there are   only 15,000  teachers vacancies (The total number of vacancy may increase to some more ) .  

The TRB has already completed the certificate verification process of all these 72,000 candidates.  The government has published a new weightage marks calculation system for the TNTET exam.  So as per the new weightage marks system, there will be soon a TNTET Rank List for both TET Paper 1 and TET Paper 2. The final selection list for the appointment also will be published by the TRB.  We can hopefully expect the TNTET Final Rank List and the Selection List of 15,000   successful teachers for the new appointment very soon, with in two weeks. 

All the best !

46 கருத்துகள்

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  1. iam preethi my weightage is 71.05 of tet paper 1. can i get a teacher profession in govt schools in this year ? can you tell me please. atleast is there any chances for me.

  2. majority of people selected gents or ladies in tet
    pls reply

    1. Girls may be selected more than 80%. Boys have job 20% or less. In secondary teachers selection government have followed 3-girls 1-boys teacher. But if the government followed weight age system girls may be occupied that job. Unless government follow various cut off problem for boys. Our small survey about wieghtage If ART group girls 90% got job . If MATHS group girl have 80% job.by this weight age system.

    2. Sir I request you to when the selection list published? May you ask me?

  3. is it equitable and juticiable in awading acadamic weightage marks for those studied in different circumstances with different standards of schools,colleges,universities,year of studies,for which normalisaton of marks system is reqired as follwed for adission to engineering and medical a

  4. How many vacancies in english

  5. sir my chitra my paper1 new weightage marks 70.56 so chance available tell me sir

  6. sir tntet paper 1 new weightage marks 70.56 sir so job availiable tell me sir

  7. sir tntet paper 2 new weightage marks 68.25 in maths major. any chance to get a job sir?

  8. Hai frnd.... I have passed paper 1with weightage 75.83
    DNC d.o.b 1987.. Any chance to get a job... Anyone tell me frnd..

  9. On what basis candidates are allocated? Will they categorise based on the subjects??

  10. Sir pls can u say wat is the 1st weightage mark %

  11. Dear friends TRB to publish the TNTET 2013 Exam final rank list and selection list for appointment soon, before that nobody can guess what will be the exact weightage mark for the selection for appointment as teachers. Please be waited for some more days.

  12. am karthick.. my paper 1 new weightage mark is 65.7 % MBC- VANNIYAR category if any chance to get govt job

  13. can anyone tell when the selection list will publish?
    hai my wtg is 69.4 maths BC any chance for job

  14. Hello my paper 1 mark is 63.91, can I get any chance, In govt.

  15. Hello my paper 1 mark 63.91, can I get any chance in govt job.

  16. how many members have above 70% weightage in paper 1

  17. helo sir paper 1 my new weitage is 75.50, can i get any chance in govt. job.

  18. i am 64.68 in tntet paper 2-maths subject. any chance in this year?

  19. I had passed TNTET 86 Marks (Zoology), my number also Z0343, certificates verfication over but zoology vaccancy for 489 from 2012 year.

  20. how many vacancies in maths ?

  21. my weightage is 64. something in maths.can I get the job

  22. Hello, my weitage mark is 68% in paper II and major is Englist, Is that any chance to get a job!!!

  23. sir may i know whether the candidates remaining after selection of 15000 will be considered next time or they want to appear exam again.

  24. i want to know how many vaccancies in each subject??

  25. When will the final rank list release.maths major.paper 2.caste oc.weitage mark is 72. can I get the job.

  26. Sir l h've 63 weight age scl schedule in English can I get any chance.

  27. sir, how many vacancies for secondary grade teachers?

  28. How many DNC candidates have passed in 2013 tntet paper 1 in Erode district

  29. my weightage is 67.86 maths major sc to chance get a job?

  30. i got 65.57new weightage mark in maths major can i get job pls tell me

  31. When will be the provisional mark list for paper 1 issued

  32. when will trb publish the final list. Trb does not say anything about it. if anyone knows tell me

  33. Paper 2 weightage mark 60.55 get any chance

  34. Paper 2 weightage mark 60.55 get any chance

  35. i want know what is the balance passed candidates want to do if they wait for next year or we want write next tntet exam pls clarify tis

    1. according to TRB . next year also consider for certificate verification , but no sure
      job. why beacuse every year posting based on merit list. if your at last postion every time u will be at last, please increse your score on next tntet2014

  36. hi what happens t o the relaxation candidates. pls can any one tell me
