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TNPSC, TNUSRB Online Mock Test - Geography - 2

Test portion  - Physical Geography - The Universe

  1. 'cosmic background radiation' discovered by Amo Penzias tried to confirm which of the following theory ?
    1. Inflation theory
    2. Oscilating Universe theory
    3. Big Bang theory
    4. The steady-state theory 

  2. The galaxy closest to the Milky way is
    1. Alpha Century 
    2. Sirius
    3. Proximo Century
    4. Andromeda
  3. Largest ground based astronomy project ALMA belongs to 
    1. UK
    2. USA
    3. Russia
    4. China

  4. Which one of the following is an example of Red Super Giants ?
    1. Lalande
    2. Sun
    3. Moon
    4. Betelgeuse

  5. How many constellation in the sky 
    1. 52
    2. 64
    3. 76
    4. 88

  6. Which of the following theory about Universe's formation is widely accepted by astrophysics scholars
    1. Big bang theory 
    2. Inflation theory
    3. Ocilating Universe theory 
    4. Steady-state theory 

  7. The term ' big bang' was coinded by 
    1. Amo Penzias
    2. Robert Wilson
    3. Fred Hoyle
    4. Aristotle 

  8. Which of the following is the smallest measurement unit 
    1. Parsec
    2. Light Year
    3.  Light Average
    4. Astronomical Unit

  9. 1 Parsec is equal to _______ ligh year
    1. 1.56 light years
    2. 2.26 light years
    3. 3.26 light years
    4. 4. 46 light years

  10. Which of the following is not a dwarf planet 
    1. Cares
    2. Eris
    3. Pluto
    4. Sirius A

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