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Download TNPSC Group 4 2019 Hall Ticket

tnpsc group4 new syllabus, tnpsc ccse iv new syllabus, tnpsc new group 4 exam notification date, vao age limit in new group 4 exam 2017
TNPSC Group 4 2019 Hall Ticket is issued in the TNPSC's Official Website 
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TNPSC Group IV / VAO Exam 2019  Notification Published 

Important Dates
Exam Date : 01-09-2019 Online Online Application starts on : 14-06-2019 Last Date to apply Online : 14-07-2019 
Note : More details will be published  in the TNPSC's official websites www.tnpsc.gov.in or tnpsc.exams.net or tnpsc.exams.in  on 14th June 2019.

Start your sincere preparation from today itself !!! 
Don't worry about the time, three months are more than enough for Group 4 preparation. Start Your Preparation with www.tnpscportal.in's Online Test Batch. For more Information visit https://www.portalacademy.in

About TNPSC Group 4 Test Batch : 
☞    எளிமையாக , விரைவாக மொத்த பாடத்த்திட்டத்தையும் படித்து முடிக்கும் வகையிலான தேர்வு திட்டம் (Test Schedule). 
☞  மொத்தம் 35 தேர்வுகள். (பொது அறிவு - 35, பொதுத்தமிழ்-35)  ஒவ்வொருத் தேர்விலும் பொது அறிவு பாடத்திலிருந்து 100 வினாக்களும், பொதுத்தமிழ் பாடத்திட்டத்திலிருந்து 100 வினாக்களும் கேட்கப்படும்.
☞ தேர்வுகள் Online மற்றும் PDF வடிவில் வழங்கப்படும்.
☞ TNPSC பொது அறிவுத் தாளின் முழு பாடத்திட்டத்தையும் முழுவதுமாக படித்து முடிக்கும் வகையில் 25 பாடவாரியான தேர்வுகள். அதனைத் தொடர்ந்து 10  முழு பாடத்திட்ட மாதிரித் தேர்வுகள். 
☞ ஒவ்வொரு தேர்விற்கும் திறனறிவு கேள்விகளுக்கான விளக்கங்கள் PDF வடிவில் வழங்கப்படும .  
☞ சமீபத்திய TNPSC தேர்வுகளின் மாதிரியில் தயாரிக்கபட்டுள்ள வினாத்தாள்கள்.
☞ அனைத்து மாணவர்களுக்கும் Online Exam Interface இன் மூலமாக தேர்வுகளைப் பயிற்சி செய்வதற்கான User Name மற்றும் Password வழங்கப்படும். ஒவ்வொரு தேர்வு முடிவிலும் நீங்கள் பெற்ற மதிப்பெண்கள் விவரம் மற்றும் மொத்த வினாக்களையும் விடையுடன் PDF வடிவில் டவுண்லோட் செய்துகொள்ளலாம். மேலும், தங்களுக்கு வழங்கப்படும்  User Name மற்றும் Password மூலம் ஆன்லைன் தேர்வை நீங்கள் எப்போது வேண்டுமானாலும், எத்தனை முறை வேண்டுமானாலும் பயிற்சி செய்து கொள்ளலாம்.  
☞ தேர்வை பயிற்சி செய்தவுடன் ஒட்டுமொத்த தரவரிசைப்பட்டியலில் உங்கள் இடத்தை தெரிந்துகொள்ளலாம்.

tnpsc group 4 online test batch

TNPSC CCSE-IV (Group IV) 2018 Notification Published
Tamilnadu Public Service Commission has published its official notification for the new Combined Civil Service Exam IV or CCSE-IV  which includes both Group IV and VAO posts. The short notification has been published in the newspapers. The detailed notification is published in the TNPSC Official Website  www.tnpsc.gov.in/latest-notification.html .

To See Total Number of Vacancies, Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Examination Pattern of TNPSC Group IV Posts Click HereTNPSC VAO Posts - Click Here

Posts included in TNPSC Group IV (CCSE-IV) Exam 2018 
    tnpsc group 4 2017 - 2018
  • Village Administrative Officer - 494
  • Junior Assistant (Non Security) - 4096
  • Junior Assistant (Security) - 205
  • Bill Collector - 48
  • Field Surveyor - 74
  • Draftsman - 156
  • Typist  - 3463
  • Steno-Typist (Grade III) - 815

No Changes in VAO / Group IV Age Limits - TNPSC Clarified 

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has informed in a  recent press release that there will be no changes in the existing minimum and maximum age limits for both VAO and Group IV Posts. Regarding VAO posts, the minimum age limit will be 21 years and maximum age limit will be 40 years as followed in previous year examinations. 

TNPSC Group IV Latest News Source : Dinathanthi, 08-11-2017

TNPSC VAO and Group IV Exams to be conducted as single Exam (CCSE-IV)

Previously, Tamilnadu Public Service Commission was conducting Group IV and VAO Exams separately. On 02-11-2017, TNPSC has made an important announcement saying that it has decided to conduct both Group 4 and VAO Exams as single exam which will be called as Combined Civil Service Exam - IV (CCSE-IV). 

From the Dinathanthi News (03-11-2017) ...

Group IV Exam is applied by 15 lakh candidates and VAO exam by 12 lakh candidates. Since the education qualification is mere SSLC, 60 % of the candidates applying for Group Exam also apply for VAO Exam.TNPSC spend about Rs.15 Crore to conduct each examination. For conducting an examination, TNPSC require huge manpower of education and revenue departments. When a candidate doesnt get his/her desired post, he/she select his desired post in the next examinations. In this way, about 20% of the posts become vacant and TNPSC again has to conduct examination for the vacancies.  In order to avoid all these, TNPSC announced conducting both the Group IV and VAO exam as a single exam. 

Basic of Village Administration to be removed from the syllabus 

Since separate departmental training is given for Village Administrative Officers as other departments, so there is no need of including Village Administration related portions with in this combined Examination Syllabus. It is mentioned in the Dinathanthi newspaper as "பிற தேர்வுகளில் அந்தந்த பதவிக்கான பணிப்பயிற்சி அளிப்பது போல், கிராம நிர்வாக அலுவலர் பணிப்பயிற்சி தனியே அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. இதனால் இதுகுறித்த பகுதி போட்டித்தேர்வுக்கான பாடத்திட்டத்தில் இருக்கவேண்டிய அவசியம் இல்லை என்றும் கருதப்படுகிறது."  

What will be the total number of vacancies in upcoming CCSE IV Exam ?

Since both Group 4 and VAO posts are combined, the total vacancies in the upcoming CCSE IV Exam may be higher. We may expect about 8000 plus vacancies in the forthcoming CCSE IV notification. Regarding syllabus, most probably,  the existing Group IV Syllabus may be maintained or slightly modified (let us wait for the notification).  

tnpsc combined group 4 and vao exam 2017
Screenshot from www.dailythanthi.com

33 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. பதில்கள்
    1. As per tnpsc's press release, removal of basic of village administration from the syllabus of upcoming TNPSC CCSE IV Exam is confirm...there is no other clue about major syllabus change....we have to wait till the publication of TNPSC Official Notification

  2. பதில்கள்
    1. Are u not aware ... TNPSC is going to merge both Group IV and VAO into single CCSE IV Exam ...so there will be no separate notification for the VAO Exam Only

  3. Sir i am cleared type writing exam lower tamil and english.now i am applying for higher. The type writing exam will be feb first week. shall i apply for the post of typist

  4. Sir grp 2a result eppa varum.nan 158expect BC female kitaikua.

  5. What about the vacancy details for group 4 and vao and how will the vacancy distribution for both will happen and how about the question paper will we have two sets of question paper where we will be asked to attend for either group 4 or vao does it go like that it would be helpful I kindly oblige u to post the answer as soon as possible sir thnkng you waitng for the same......

  6. What about the vacancy details for group 4 and vao and how will the vacancy distribution for both will happen and how about the question paper will we have two sets of question paper where we will be asked to attend for either group 4 or vao does it go like that it would be helpful I kindly oblige u to post the answer as soon as possible sir thnkng you waitng for the same......

  7. sir.when ccse-IV notification will be come.? give me the suggestion

  8. பதில்கள்
    1. most probably there will be any major change in the syllabus ....hope Group IV syllabus will be followed...anyhow wait for the notification

  9. Sir I completed me senior and junior level in English typwritng and I also appeared in Tamil junior typewriting and got my result recently with first class in distinction my certificate will arrive any time by now if the notifications for this exam comes soon before I get my typing certificate what am I supposed to do can I apply for typing job without the lower Tamil certificate or should I wait till the certificate comes???? Please do lemme knw so I am priorly prepared tq so much sir for the previous questions' reply waiting for this reply too

  10. Sir current affairs ku entha book padiklam

  11. When we can expect the online application form for TNPSC (VAO+IV) exam ?
    And would be the last date for applying ?

  12. when will group4 2nd phase result
    and what will be the overall rank

  13. Dear sir,
    How many days will be there for preparation between notification and exam date???
    Kindly clarify sir.

    1. Take example of Group IV 2016 Exam. Notification was published on 09.08.2016 , Exam was conducted on 06.11.2016 and the result was published on February 2017. So you will be given about THREE Months and the result will be published with in THREE Months of the Exam date. Plan your preparation accordingly.

  14. Sir which month to which month I have to study current affairs for ccse 4 exam

  15. Hi Kessal,

    Regarding last VAO recruitment details, out of 813 vacancies many candidates were attend counseling and got order and not joined because they’re also cleared group 2 a exam also. So what happened to that vacancy, either it will come to waitlist candidates or it will go for next notification.

  16. sir i think ccse 4 notification will come after annual planner.
    is my guess right

  17. Hello Sir I am planning to apply for the post of typwriting should I mention my certificate numbers while applying??? I obligingly ask you to reply at the earliestso I am priorly prepared sir tq!!

  18. Sir i completed SSLC in tamil medium. Do i need to get pstm certificate to apply for group4
