When was the Noise (Regulation and Control) rules came to existance in India ?
AnswerIn the year 2000
Silent areas /silent zones' are the areas with in ________________around hospitals,courts and educational institutes ?
Answer100 m
What is CNG ?
AnswerCompressed Natural Gas
What is the expansion of LPG ?
AnswerLiquefied Petroleum Gas
What are the two articles which mentions about environmental protection in Constitution of India ?
AnswerArticle 48 A & Article 51 A(g)
When was the 'water (prevention and control of pollution) cess act was passed in India ?
Answer1977, amended in 1991
When was the 'Basel Convention' conducted by UNO, for which purpose ?
Answer1989, United National Environmental Programme conducted this at Basel (Switzerland). Attended by 116 countries. Basel Convention related to Hazardous Wastes and Disposal.
When was the 'Hazardous wastes (Management and Handling) Rules in India was implemented ?
Answer1989 (Amended in 2000 and 2009)
Percapita Solid waste in India per day is _________?
Answer0.5 kg/day
When did Munucipal Solid wastes (management and handling rules) was came into existence in India ?
When did 'Biomedical Waste (management and handling) rules came into existence ?
Petrolium Act in India enacted in the year ?
What is the SAGE established by International Standard Organization (ISO). When it was established ?
AnswerStrategic Advisory Group on Environment , established in 1992
Which country formed a standard for environment for the first time ? what was the standard ?
AnswerUnited Kingdom (UK), BS7750
What was the standard introduced by European Union (EU) ?
AnswerEco-Management and Audit Regulation Standards (EMAS)
When was ISO 14001 Standard published by ISO ?
Answer1996 (Environmental related standard )
How long is the Ozone above earth's surface ?
Answer25-30 km
Environmental Science - Part 10
Environmental Science Model Questions, Environmental Study Materials, Environmental Study Notes for IAS, Civil Services, TET, TNTET, TNPSC, UGC NET,Environmental Science Study Materials for Tamilnadu TRB TNTET Exam 2013, Environmental Science Old Question Papers in Tamil, Environmental Science Model Question Papers for TET, TNTET 2013, State Teachers Eligibility Test, TNTET environmental studies study materials tamil english
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