What is the function of 'Fungicides' ?
AnswerTo protest crop plants from fungal pathogens
Herbicides is used for ?
AnswerKilling weedy plants
Nematicides are used for ?
AnswerKilling nematodes, which can destroy the roots of crop plants.
What are Organochlorides kind of pesticides ?
AnswerDDT, Aldrin, Linane
In which year Bhopal Gas tragedy happened in India ?
How many people were killed by Bhopal Gas tragedy ?
AnswerMore than 8000 killed and 30,000 seriously injured
What is the poisonous chemical caused gas leak at Bhopal ?
AnswerMethyl Isocyanide
What is the name of the company caused bhopal incident ?
AnswerUnion Carbide, an agricultural ionsecticide factory
Whare are the Organophosphate pesticides ?
AnswerParathion, Malathion, Phosdrin
What are carbamates pesticides ?
AnswerCarbaryl, Carbofuran
What are fungicides ?
AnswerCaptan, Dinocap
What are Fumigants pesticides ?
AnswerEthylene Dibromide, Methyl Bromide
What are herbicide pesticides ?
AnswerSilvex, Dinoseb
Harmful health effect caused by DDT ?
AnswerNervous disorders, Decreased white blood cells
The medium affected by DDT are ?
AnswerWater, food chain
How much energy does a computer use per year ?
Answer876 KWh/Yr
Harmful health effect caused by Dioxin ?
AnswerKidney Damage, Liver and Nervous System, Carcinogenic
The medium affected by Dioxin are ?
AnswerWater, food chain
What are fossil fuels ?
AnswerCoal, Lignite, Crude Oil, Natural Gas
Harmful health effect caused by Fenitrothion ?
AnswerReye's Syndrome in Children
Environmental Science - Part 2
Environmental Science Study Materials for Tamilnadu TRB TNTET Exam 2013, Environmental Science Old Question Papers in Tamil, Environmental Science Model Question Papers for TET, TNTET 2013, Environmental Science Model Questions, Environmental Study Materials, Environmental Study Notes for IAS, Civil Services, TET, TNTET, TNPSC, UGC NET
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