The term 'environment' was first introduced in ecology by whom ?
AnswerJacob Van Uerkul (Biologist)
What is meant by 'environmental enginering' ?
AnswerEnvironmental engineering is the study of technical process, used to minimize pollution and to assess their impact on the environment.
The word environment derived from which language?
AnswerFrench word ' environ' or 'environnes' meaning 'around'
What is meant by 'environmental stress' ?
AnswerEnvironmental stress is considered any environmental influence that causes a discernible ecological change.
What is environmental ethics ?
AnswerEnvironmental ethics refers to the moral relationship between human and the natural world.
What is Envirnmental Impact Assessment ?
AnswerIt is a written analysis or process that describes and details the probable and possible effects of planned industrial projects.
Who are the 'Environmental Working Group' ?
AnswerA public interest research group that monitors public agencies and public policies on topic related to environment.
When earth was originated / Age of earth ?
Answer4.5 billion years ago
When life appeared in the earth ?
Answer3.5 years ago
First living thing appeared was ?
AnswerBlue green algae.
What are the two types of environment ?
AnswerAbiotic - Physicak Environment. eg. Air, water and soil, Biotic – Biological environment. eg. Flora, fauna and micro organisms
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in USA started in the year ?
When did UNO organised a conference on the human environment ? Where ?
Answer1972 , Stockholm
Earth Submit ' was conducted in the year ? Where?
Answer1992, Rio de Janeiro
How many countries attended 'earth submit 1992|' ? Where ?
Answer182 Countries and 102 head if states.
Issues discussed in 1992 earth submits are ?
AnswerGlobal warming, forest protection, ocean pollution and population control, but good solution were not arrived.
UN Population and Development Conference was conducted in the year ?
Answer1994, Cairo
Arrange the continents according to forest coverage ?
AnswerNorth America (77.3 %), South America, Russia, Australia, Central Africa, Africa, Europe, Asia (28.2 %)
In India how many floral species are available ?
In India how many floral families of plants available?
Environmental Science - Part 1
Environmental Science Model Questions, Environmental Study Materials, Environmental Study Notes for IAS, Civil Services, TET, TNTET, TNPSC, UGC NET,general environmental science for civil service exams, one word for tntet
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