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TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment 2013 - Provisional List of Candidates for Interview Published

TRB Government Arts and Science College Assistant Professors Recruitment 2013, Application Form, Notification, Advertisement, Dailythanthi, Dinathanthi, Thinathanthi, Dinamani, THinamani, trb vacancies 2013, trb results 2013, trb goverment colleges lecturer post vacancy 2013, advertisement, trb college lecturer recruitmen 2013 advertisement, trb lecturers recruitment 2013 notification, trb lecturer recruitment eligibility, trb assistant professors recruitment selection procedure, trb assistant professors interview marks, education qualification, experience, oral interview, TRB Assistant professors recruitment, phd marks, interview marks, oral test marks, TRB Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Vacancy, Fake Experience Certificate, Punishment, Duplicate Experience Certificate, Criminal actions, trb assistant professors vacancy 2013, certificate verification call letter download
08-07-2014 : TRB Assistant Professors in Government Arts and Science Colleges - Provisional Selection List of Candidates for Interview is published in the TRB's Official Website http://trb.tn.nic.in/ . 
Direct Link to Check your status.

16-07-2014 : TRB Government Engineering Colleges Assistant Professor Recruitment Announced  (
Total Vacancies  - 139)   - Click Here for Detailed News

27.01.2014 :   TRB ( trb.tn.nic.in ) Announced New List of Certificates for Verification  View at the following website link   



TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment for in Govt. Arts and Science Colleges-2012 -Provisional Mark list of all candidates after Certificate Verification issued .

TRB Announced Certification Verification for Assistant Professors Recruitment 2013

The TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment certificate verification is going to be held on 25-11-2013 at Chennai.

Venues for Certification Verification : Nandanam Government Arts College, Lady Wellington B.Ed College, Kayithemillath Government Arts College.

Download the Call Letter for the Certification verification at TRB Website www.trb.tn.nic.in
or go to the direct link

TRB Announced Criminal Actions against Fake Experience Certificate in TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment 2013

 Out of 34 Marks in the Interview Marks, more marks of 15/34 is allotted for Experience. 2 Marks per one year experience (7.5 Years Experience will get 15 Marks ) will be provided for Experience. So Experience contributes a major marks in the TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment Interview.

Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board TRB has decided to be very strict on the fake experience certificates.

If a candidate worked in a Private / Self Finance / Government Aided College , he/she has to get Service / Experience certificate from the Principal of that college with attestation of the Regional Joint Director ( Counter Signature ).

What TRB will Do ?

TRB will check the genuiness of the experience certificate secretly.

If trb finds, your experience certificate is fake. It will

actions under Criminal Law against not only the candidates but also the institution which provided the fake experience certificate.

TRB More Transferency  This Year Onwards

The video recording of the oral interview will be implemented from this year onwards.

Application Issue Date of TRB Assistant Professors Vacancy is on 19.06.2013

Last Date to submit TRB Assistant Professors Application forms is 10.07.2013

Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board, TRB has announced Recruitment for Assistant Professor Vacancies in Tamilnadu Government Arts and Science Colleges.

Application Issue Date : June 19

For more information please see in Dinamani Newspaper Advertisement by TRB dated 28.05.2013

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124 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. what will be the syllabus for the interview?UG or PG syllabus?

  2. there has been a corrigendum inserted by trb relating to assessing one's length of teaching experience in newspapers (Daily thanthi 19 inst.p.7 velore edition) which means experience from the date of qualifying degree - SLET/NET or Ph.D.- alone will be considered. Further clarification is sought.

  3. TRB says that M.phil degree under correspondence mode will not be considered. So, the people who had such type of eligibility with NET/SET will be given for 5 marks only. But according to the new corrigendum there is a question that the people who had registered their ph.d. with correspondence M.phil degree seeking also the eligibility. How their ph. d. degree will be considered for eligibility? because they had less period of thesis submission compare to the period of submission with M.sc. degree. So, without recognised master degree they can able to submit thesis in prior. hence they may enroll in teaching earlier by one year. how much marks will be awarded for such type of ph.d. degree holders in TRB recruitment? it is a serious vision. further clarifications must be taken

  4. http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/cloud-over-university-of-madras-mcom-degree/article4875416.ece

  5. SLET/SET / NET candidates should be kept at par with Ph.D candidates. The UGC minimum standards for qualification for Asst professor had gratuitously exempted from NET/SET . Whereas under TRB they receive undue advantage of gaining 9 marks and NET/SET candidates with 5 marks. The court should look upon these issues to tell the chairman of TRB tamilnadu that they are knowingly committing grave mistakes on the lives of NET/SET candidates.


  6. Why extended last date is not indicated in trb official website???????

  7. Hi, Please send me the details of vacancy Eg: Physics : 10,Education :20,Computer Science : 50,e.t. c

  8. What about Candidates who had qualified both SET and Ph.D There is no extra marks?? I have qualified both but the max 9 marks is only awarded.

  9. i fnished regular m.phil in 1994.completed p.hd got 9 marks.i had experience from 2004 - 2008 and november 2012 -april 2013. instead of 10 marks for experience they put only 6 marks and said only 2006 onwards the experience will be counted that 2 years experience will be wasted for us why and what is the reason..... please reply

  10. பெயரில்லா21 மே, 2014 அன்று 11:30 AM

    I want to know that how the leching experience will be counted....I joined as a Lecturer in arts college from 2006 and completed my M.Phil degree Part time in 2009. Also I registered for my PhD Part time in 2011. Totally I am having 8 years of teaching experience.Which experience will be considered for TRB Assistant Professor Selection 20013...... Anybody please reply me and clear my doubt.

  11. பெயரில்லா22 மே, 2014 அன்று 6:08 AM

    I want to know that how the leching experience will be counted....I joined as a Lecturer in arts college from 2006 and completed my M.Phil degree Part time in 2009. Also I registered for my PhD Part time in 2011. Totally I am having 8 years of teaching experience.Which experience will be considered for

  12. I completed my PG in physics in 2006 and joined as lecturer. I Registered for my M.Phil degree in part time and get completed in January 2009. Also I registered for my Ph.D part time in physics in January 2011 still doing my Ph.D. How to calculate my teaching experience for TRB

    1. First of all you just try to complete your Ph.D. then we will think about the experience.

  13. Dear Colleague.
    I completed my PG in physics in 2006 and joined as Lecturer. I Registered for my M.Phil degree in Part time and get completed it in January 2009. Also I registered for my Ph.D Part time in Physics from January 2011and still it is in progress of doing my Ph.D.Still I am working as a Assistant Professor. How to calculate my teaching experience for TRB. What is my Total Teaching Experience according to TRB calculation. Anybody knows please calculate it for me and it may be useful to someone else.

  14. I lost my TRB Certificate verificate form... but, I have to submit to interview on 28/08/14... Mine is mathematics.... what can i do?

  15. Please not to try NET/SLET, because these are not equal to PhD. There is no equal marks for net/slet. so try PhD and get 9 marks.

  16. which university Phd's are eligible for government college appointment as assistant professor ?

  17. PhD=SLET=NET, but PhD=9, NET/SLET=6 so 6=9. A new derivation by Tamilnadu TRB. Will I get Nobel Price?

    1. The PhD is the highest degree but NET and SLET are not degrees.
      3-10 years are needed for PhD degree but 3-10 months enough for NET/SLET.
      NET/SLET like test is necessary for registering PhD degree.
      Most PhD holders are scholars/scientists but NET/SLET holders are only the candidates.
      PhD holders can get project from Rs.1 lakh to 1 crore for the college.Can NET/SLET get it?.
      The most PhD holders are living for the science, for the people and for the country but NET/SLET are living for their people!

      How do you say PhD = NET/SLET ?

  18. when the appointment order will be issued for the selected candidates

    1. are u sure? have all the writ petitions and cases filed in high court are cleared? ttwo more subjects commerce (ca) and commerce (IB) are pending?

  19. will TRB conduct test in the next appointment of assistant professor in arts college or the same procedure will followed?

    1. current recruitment process takes nearly two years. next appointment after election 2016. more possible for written test

    2. TRB should conduct exam and select AP's for arts college similar to PG Assistants and AP's in Govt Engg college

  20. when is the appointment??????????????

  21. is there any news about AP appointment in march?

  22. when the TRB will send appointment order for selected candidates?

  23. what happened to TRB? why posting is getting delay? anybody knows please reply.

  24. appointment at least in april???

  25. interview for remaining subjects on 25.3.15. so appointment will be after that process in april

  26. can anyone explain SC judgement regarding qualification for AP? whether the Ph.D after 2009 are eligible?

  27. when is the appointment? anybody knows. please reply

  28. In the backdrop of recent Supreme Court verdict that made National Eligibility and State Level Eligibility Test (NET/SLET) mandatory for appointments of Assistant Professors and lecturers in colleges.Supreme Court had upheld the regulations framed by University Grant Commission (UGC) prescribing minimum qualifications for national and state level entrance tests for appointment of teachers/assistant professor in colleges.
    A Supreme Court bench of Justices T.S. Thakur and Rohinton Nariman on March 19, had dismissed a batch of appeals filed by Ph.D/M.Phil holders challenging the regulations as revised by the Union government but said they would only be prospective.

  29. any change in appointment procedure after sc judgement?

    1. probably there will be no change in the present appointment because the candidates cannot be affected as the eligibility condition is such at the time of applying for the post. The SC judgement may be implemented in the next appointment. If only net/slet is eligible then why should the ph.d holders apply for this post and get disappointed after two years. meantime they might have prepared for net exam. most of the selected candidates quit their job and still some private colleges send them out. those selected candidates especially experienced and senior persons are waiting for posting and let them be appointed very soon without any problem.

    2. NET/SET qualified candidates applied for this post and get disappointed every time not Ph.d holders...

    3. Only very few NET/SET qualified candidates in MBC,SC category got job... other category candidates are very disappointed in every recruitment... Rs.15,600-39,100+AGP 6,000/- pay scale is for MSc/MA qualified candidate... Ph.d holders can compete for associate prof. pay scale(Rs.37400-67000) with AGP Rs. 9,500/-...

    4. Most of the Ph.D holders are 10-15 years experienced. Their experience and good exposure in teaching will make intelligent students and research will also develop. more over the future educators should be more bold for handling the present generation students and inspire the students with innovative ideas. this will be possible only with research experience. Ph. D holders (who have done really,in esteemed institutions like NIT, IIT, Annauniversity, University departments of madras, bharathidasan,etc) have crossed many tests like paper presentation in international conference, course work, doctoral committee meeting, synopsis submission viva - voce, public viva-voce with lot of queries from audience and examiners. in addition to this for each research paper in indexed journal they have to work for 6 to 8 months. Ph.d is not easy for everybody.

    5. well said. 100% true who have done ph.d sincerely with dedication

    6. If All things are possible for Ph.d holders , they simply pass in SET/NET exam and get more credits..

  30. when is the appointment? atleast in june?????????????

  31. april is over .when will be the appointment ?

  32. When will be the appointment? The process started in the year 2013 (28/05/13) and the same day of the year2015 is going to be reached. The trb has released the total selected list before two months then why there is a delay?

  33. பெயரில்லா4 மே, 2015 அன்று 7:22 PM

    Any change of TRB selection list based on supreme court verdict regarding NET/SET is mandatory for asst. professor.....?

    1. பெயரில்லா5 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:09 PM

      no. may be implemented in next trb. if the selection list is changed again there will be more cases filed from ph.d holders and the appointment will take five to six years.

    2. பெயரில்லா8 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:33 PM

      supreme court verdict regarding NET/SET comes means never trb recruitment will come.....

    3. பெயரில்லா8 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:36 PM

      why appointment delayed? any case filed by NET/SET holder ?

  34. பெயரில்லா5 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:10 PM

    appointment this june or next june?????????

  35. பெயரில்லா7 மே, 2015 அன்று 7:52 PM

    appointments in the second week of may 2015

  36. பெயரில்லா13 மே, 2015 அன்று 10:46 PM

    May second week has come. Is there any news abt appointment?

  37. பெயரில்லா14 மே, 2015 அன்று 6:08 PM

    When is the appointment

  38. பெயரில்லா18 மே, 2015 அன்று 9:22 PM

    After amma take oath as cm

  39. பெயரில்லா25 மே, 2015 அன்று 10:44 PM

    when is the appointment?

  40. பெயரில்லா26 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:49 PM

    no news about assistant professor appointment.

  41. பெயரில்லா27 மே, 2015 அன்று 10:09 AM

    bye- election date is annaounced. appointment?????????????????????

  42. பெயரில்லா30 மே, 2015 அன்று 11:34 AM

    college is getting reopened on june 1st. when will be the posting??????

  43. பெயரில்லா30 மே, 2015 அன்று 1:59 PM

    when is the appointment???????????????????????????????????????? please tell me

  44. Appointment order may come at any time.Don't worry friends. Be positive

  45. for how many years to wait? then next appointment ??????????

  46. Colleges r forcibly sending out assistant professor who got selected in trb.greatest injustice.. Govt must take action against such colleeges

  47. when is the appointment? any genuine news . please reply

  48. for how years to wait? so many of the selected professors are in 50's. Govt. should consider their life and take necessary steps immediately.

  49. When the Appointment orders will be issued ? Many Private Colleges already sent out the TRB Selected Candidates and struggling for the past 03 Months without salary. Please let us know when we will get the orders.

  50. any case filed regarding appointment of AP?

  51. Is that Pending Caseses Against AP appointment is delyaing the Order ? Yesterday DCE had confirmed that the Govt Colleges will be Opened on 18th of JUne 2015. But No Information about filling up the AP Vacancies.

  52. we will move supreme court if net,slet holder demands are not met

  53. what is the reason for delay? anybody knows please reply.

  54. why the appointment getting delay? anybody knows please reply

  55. College is getting reopened tomorrow approximately 1000 selected asst prof are jobless past three months. Tamilnadu government should kindly consider this and issue appointment letters as soon as possible.

  56. school trb process is going fast. what happened to college trb?

  57. Why Government has not shown any concern about NET holders. Appointing M.Phill holder as Assistant Professor is highly injustice after SC announcing NET SLET is mandatory for appointment for assistant professor.TN Government has think over about Who is Superior either UGC or SC or Themselves.

  58. july first week orders will be issued (?)

  59. let the trb issue the orders soon. nearly thousands of selected candidates are jobless and the expecting their appointment for more than two years.

  60. when the orders will be issued?

  61. after election. july 12th??????

  62. will net.slet cases affect the current recruitment

  63. what happened to the appointment?

  64. when is the advertisement for next trb 2014 and engineering trb?anybody knows please reply.

  65. dear professors appointment orders coming soon.

    1. I contacted trb they said tn government not issued orders to fill asst prof posts yet.........so waiting continues

    2. atleast before july??????????

  66. dont be worried. appointment orders coming very soon. nambikai mattume namathu sothu

  67. Appointment orders will be issued very soon

  68. same dialogue by trb daily. when is the real appointment any body knows. please reply

    1. தகுதித்தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி தொடர்பாக உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் பிறப்பித்த உத்தரவு காரணமாக, தமிழகத்தில் அரசு கலை கல்லூரிகளில் 1,093 உதவி பேராசிரியர் நியமனத்தில் சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள அரசு கலை அறிவியல் கல்லூரிகளில் தமிழ், ஆங்கிலம், கணிதம், இயற்பியல் உட்பட
      பல்வேறு பாடப்பிரிவுகளில் 1,093 உதவி பேராசிரியர்களை நியமிக்கும் வகையில் ஆசிரியர் தேர்வு வாரியம் கடந்த 28.9.2013 அன்று ஓர் அறிவிப்பை வெளியிட்டது. இக்காலிப்பணியிடங்கள் அனைத்தும் 2012-ம் ஆண்டுக்குரியவை ஆகும். 2009-ம் ஆண்டு பல்கலைக்கழக மானியக்குழுவின் (யுஜிசி) விதிமுறைகளின்படி, கல்லூரிகள் மற்றும் பல்கலைக்கழகங்களில் உதவி பேராசிரியர் பணிக்கு ‘ஸ்லெட்’ அல்லது ‘நெட்’ தகுதித்தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றிருக்க வேண்டும். பிஎச்.டி. முடித்திருந்தால் மட்டும் தகுதித்தேர்வில் இருந்து விதிவிலக்கு அளிக்கப்படும். இந்த விதிமுறையைத்தான் ஆசிரியர் தேர்வு வாரியம் நிர்ணயம் செய்து அதன்படியே, உதவி பேராசிரியர் பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பங்களைப் பெற்றது. ஆசிரியர் பணி அனுபவம், கூடுதல் கல்வித்தகுதி, நேர்முகத்தேர்வு ஆகியவற்றின் அடிப்படையில் விண்ணப்பதாரர்கள் தேர்வுக்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட்டு, தமிழ், ஆங்கிலம், வேதியியல், தாவரவியல், விலங்கியல், வணிகவியல், பொருளாதாரம் உள்ளிட்ட பாடங்களுக்கு இறுதி தேர்வுப்பட்டியல் வெளியிடப்பட்டது. பணிநியமன ஆணை விரைவில் வழங்கப்படும் என்று ஆசிரியர் தேர்வு வாரியம் அறிவித்திருந்தது. இதைத் தொடர்ந்து, உளவியல், சமூகவியல், சமஸ்கிருதம், இந்திய கலாசாரம் உள்ளிட்ட பாடங்களுக்கு கடந்த பிப்ரவரி 25 மற்றும் மார்ச் 25-ம் தேதிகளில் நேர்முகத்தேர்வு நடத்தப்பட்டு மார்ச் 31-ம் தேதி மதிப்பெண் பட்டியல் வெளியிடப்பட்டது. தேர்வுப்பட்டியல் விரைவில் வெளியாகும் என்று அறிவிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. இதற்கிடையே, உதவி பேராசிரியர் பணிக்கு, பிஎச்டி. முடித்திருந்தாலும் ‘ஸ்லெட்’ அல்லது ‘நெட்’ தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி கட்டாயம் என்று உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் அண்மையில் ஓர் உத்தரவை பிறப்பித்துள்ளது. இதன் காரணமாக, 1,093 உதவி பேராசிரியர் நியமனத்தில் சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. பணிக்கு தேர்வுசெய்யப்பட்டவர்களில், ஸ்லெட், நெட் தேர்வுகளில் தேர்ச்சி பெறாத பிஎச்டி பட்டதாரிகளும் கணிசமான எண்ணிக்கையில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளதே இதற்கு காரணம். எனவே, ‘ஸ்லெட்’, ‘நெட்’ தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றவர்கள் அடங்கிய புதிய தேர்வுப்பட்டியல் தயாரிக்கப்படுமா? அல்லது முதலில் பணிக்கு அனுமதித்து குறிப்பிட்ட காலத்துக்குள் தகுதித்தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற கால அவகாசம் அளிக்கப்படுமா? என்பது தெரியாத நிலை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. பிஎச்டி. முடித்திருந்தாலும் ‘ஸ்லெட்’ அல்லது ‘நெட்’ தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி கட்டாயம் என்று உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் அண்மையில் ஓர் உத்தரவை பிறப்பித்துள்ளது. இதன் காரணமாக, 1,093 உதவி பேராசிரியர் நியமனத்தில் சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.

  69. within 7 days we will get order

  70. order is ready. dont be worried. appointment will be very soon.

  71. hope we get appointment order before wednesday.

  72. next trb eppo? exam irukka? If anybody knows please tell

  73. Can I expect the appointment order at least before this weekend

  74. What is the status? Anybody knows pls comment..

  75. nobody receives appointment order. we ask dc office, they said only after one weak order will be issued due to official formalities.

  76. we have been waiting for years to get posting. just one more weak to go? lets wait and see.

  77. Counselling for the existing Asst professor for transfer will be done first then only appointment for the new Asst professor

  78. wednesday appointment order coming


  80. we call dce office. they said 10 days for order. appointment only during august.

  81. Called dce office orders will reach us by monday

  82. friends, monday order will come.

  83. Called DCE and confirmed will get appointment order Monday without any failed and informed to everyone

  84. Received appointment order but not mentioned the joining date

  85. I completed m.phil in chemistry [full time] aug 2007. I joined as an asst.professor in engg. College from 18/ 08/2008 to till date And also I.registered ph.d in chemistry (part time) 01/01/2009 and completed 13/06/2013 in bharathidasan university how to calculate my teaching experiance pls.reply immediately.

  86. plz tell me is it possible to get the experience certificate as per the trb format.do the previous institutions give?
