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General Knowledge Quiz - Exam Series 1

TNPSC General Knowledge Question Papers, TNPSC General Knowledge Test, General Knowledge Questions for IBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC
This Online GK Model Quiz Series will be highly useful for UPSC, SSC, IBPS, TNPSC, TNUSRB and all other State Civil Services Exam.
  1. Bardoli Satyagraha is connected with 
    1. Mahatma Gandhi
    2. Jawaharlal Nehru
    3. Sardar Vallabai patel
    4. Dadabai Naoroji

  2. The founder of Slave Dynasty in India 
    1. Balban
    2. Giyasudin
    3. Raziya
    4. Quit-bu-din-Aibak

  3. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth will be
    1. Zero
    2. Double
    3. Half
    4. None of the above

  4. The word "misl" is associated with the following religion
    1. Hindu
    2. Muslim
    3. Saurastram
    4. Sikhs

  5. Gir Forest is located in the following Indian State
    1. West Bengal
    2. Assam
    3. Rajestan
    4. Gujarat

  6. The famous 'Baijnath Temple' is located at
    1. Gujarat
    2.  Himachal Pradesh
    3. Rajestan
    4. Assam

  7. Dilwara -a famous Jain temple  is located in
    1. Bihar
    2. Gujarat
    3. Rajasthan
    4. Karnataka

  8. Find the water soluble Vitamin
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin D
    3. Vitamin E
    4. Vitamin C

  9. Kalinga Prize is for
    1. Bravery Deeds
    2. Army Generals
    3. Population of Science via Literature
    4. Peace Makers

  10. 'Wulur' Lake is in the Indian State
    1. Himachal Pradesh
    2. Andhra Pradesh
    3. Assam
    4. Jammu and Kashmir

12 கருத்துகள்

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  1. hello sir....y there s not pdf download link?????without tat its very difficult for me....pls reply sir........

    1. Dear krishna veni....now itself started to post the TNPSC General Knowledge Questions in English ...soon there will be PDF TNPSC Question Papers of Model and Original

  2. when the certificate verification will be????reply to merci.ece@gmail.com

  3. thank you very much sir for setting gk questions in english medium. plz sir increase the question numbers to atleast 25. this quiz is very very useful for me. i can attend this as much times i can. Daily plz post any one quiz ......

  4. Dear Sir, The mock test are available in English it will be very useful for english students

  5. Sir now iam working in TSP. . .pls gve me the full question pattern for si exam and gve some idea about that how to prepare for si exam . .

  6. Dear Kessel, I would like to know the basic skeleton on which our Indian government is formed. Like how Parliament, cabitet, legislatures are linked.
