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Tamilnadu MBBS, BE Admissions 2014 - Cut off may increase due to more centums

Tamilnadu MBBS Cut Off Calculation Method

Biology - 50% of total marks secured in Biology Subject

Physics - 25% of total marks secured in Physics Subject

Chemistry - 25% of total marks secured in Chemistry Subject

Total - 100 %

Due to the increase in the centums in Physics and Chemistry subjects, this year the cut off may increase upto 0.5 to 1 % than the last year.

Tamilnadu Engineering Admission / BE Cut off Calculation Method

Maths -  Your Maths Mark / 200 *100

(Total marks secured in maths of  200 to be converted in to mark/100.)

Physics -  Your Mark/200 * 50
(Total Marks to be converted for 50.)

Chemistry - Your Mark/200 * 50
(Total Marks to be converted for 50.)

So there may be 0.25% to 0.5 %increase in the cutoff marks of BE admission also.

9 கருத்துகள்

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  1. My Medical cut off this year 2014-15 is 197.75. I belong to BC. Can I get MBBS seat in govt. college or if not atleast in Self financing colleges? Please reply.

  2. My Medical cut off this year 2014-15 is 197.75. I belong to BC. Can I get MBBS seat in govt. college or if not atleast in Self financing colleges? Please reply.

  3. My cut of is 198.50 (bc) 197 n maths. Wl i get mbbs seat in gov medical colg n chennai? R atleast wl i get gov seat n any of the 18 gov colg n tn? Pls Reply...

  4. I have 197.5 cut off belongs to bc
    Can I get gov MBBS seat

  5. hi sir my name is muruganandham, i finished 10 and following 3 yr diploma. unfortunatlly i start 3yr degree at diploma last yr based on 10th certificate and i was completed degree also.
    this is consider 10+3+3 or 10+3+2?

    can in eligble to attan TN SI Exam.

  6. பெயரில்லா7 மே, 2015 அன்று 10:45 AM

    What is the expected cutoff for 2015-16. Is it expected to be higher or lower than 2014-15? How the cut-off is calculated? is the cut off for 100 or 200?. As per this site it is for 100.but may have asked the question for 200?. Can a student from SC get a medical sheet in govt college with 94.5 % of 190/200 marks.

  7. பெயரில்லா28 மே, 2015 அன்று 11:22 AM

    my cut off is 191.25.can I get medical seat?
