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Tamilnadu B.Ed Course Duration Increase to Two Years - B.Ed Admission 2015 - 2016 Notification in July 2015 - Latest News Updates

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09-08-2015 : B.Ed Courses in Tamilnadu Will be Two Years - Tamilnadu Government's Decision . - Dinamani News Today. 
tamilnadu b.ed admission 2015 course duration two years
Source : epaper.dinamani.com

The counselling for the B.Ed Admission 2015-2016 will be conducted from 28-09-2015. 

Tamilnadu B.Ed Courses Duration Increases to Two Years from this year - Government decides to implement the NCERT order - Tamil Hindu Newspaper News
According to the news report the Tamilnadu Government has decided to implement the NCERT rule to increase the duration of B.Ed Courses in Tamilnadu from  one year to Two years. 
Screen shot of Tamil Hindu Website
Expected changes from this year in B.Ed Courses

  • Course duration will be  for two years
  • Teaching Practice will be for 20 weeks (Previously it was 40 days)
  • First year - 6 weeks
  • Second year - 14 weeks
  • More importance will be given for ICT oriented teachings .

When is the B.Ed Admission 2015 - 2016 Notification ?

The notification for the admission of B.Ed Courses for the year 2015 - 2016 is expected to be published in the month of July 2015 .

News source and courtesy : The Hindu Tamil, 20-06-2015

09-08-2014 : The Honourable Higher Education Minister in the Assembly when answering a question regarding B.Ed Course duration increase had replied the increase in B.Ed Course duration from one year to two years is under the consideration of National Council for Teachers Education  ( NCERT ).

2 கருத்துகள்

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