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900 Post Graduate Teachers to be appointed for 100 upgraded schools through PGTRB Exam

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Tamilnadu Government has upgraded 100 Government High Schools as Higher Secondary Schools . Now these upgraded schools need about 900 new PG Assistants posts . These 900 posts are expected to be filled by TRB .

News Courtesy  :
Dinamalar, 27-09-2014
தரம் உயர்த்தப்பட்ட 100 மேல்நிலை பள்ளிகளுக்குடி.ஆர்.பி., மூலம் 900 முதுகலை ஆசிரியர் நியமனம்  Read news

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  1. Hello sir,
    For TRB, what should I prepare? Need to prepare B.Sc and m.Sc portions (for maths). Please advice me on this. I am expecting your reply. My I'd is kdevi.kannan@gmail.com
