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Free Online Coaching for TRB TNTET 2015 Exam by TNPSCPortal

tet exam free coaching, tamilnadu teachers eligibility test online coaching, tnpscportal online test
TRB may announce next TNTET  Exam in the last quarter of 2015 . Though there is no official announcement regarding this, we hope, the this year may be a blessed year for all TRB TET aspirants. Dear friends we thank you for your overwhelming support for our TNTET Model Online  for 2013 TNTET Exam ( Click here to see that) . Now we are planning to introduce free online coaching for TNTET 2015 aspirants . This guidance is fully free and it will really helpful for you to get your dream job as a government teacher. Online Test questions will be in Tamil only.
How the couching is conducted ?  
  • You will be given syllabus portion for every week.
  • At week end you will have to attend an Online Test for the given syllabus.
  • Your result with rank list and answer key will be published in www.tnpscportal.in
How to Join in this Online Coaching ? 

1..Follow us on Google +  

2. Join TNTET Mail Group for getting Online coaching details periodically at your email. 

When will the online coaching starts ? 

The online coaching will be started on March 2014 . How ever, it depends upon how many candidates join in this online guidance. If more number of candidates join, the coaching will be started as soon as possible. So, kindly introduce this online coaching to your friends also. 

32 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. sir when will you start the online coaching class for tntet 2015. we are very eager to start our preparation under your guidance. so please inform the date of the 1st session

  2. 143 questing correct then I have both Tamil and English typtriting certificate pls tel me chance to got job

  3. sir pls tel me when wil online test start 4 tet.................. we are eagerly waiting

  4. Will there be a tntet exam in 2015. The condition of the case in supreme court is unknown. There is no news about the tet exam. Please give a reply about the exam. The online coaching also remains still. Is there any chance of conducting the exam this year.

  5. There came a news that this year 24000 people are going to get retirement in government job That includes school teachers also. So we expect the notification of tet 2015 soon. I am right sir.

  6. I hope that tnpsc portal wont give false statement. They said that in the early months of 2015 tet will be announced. Pg trb certificate verification is also going to be over soon. Next the trb will announce the tet 2015. Think positively things will happen in the same way.


  8. Plz start the online exam . Indha exam eludhinadhala decemberla eludhina tnpsc examla 159 Mark correct. Thank u sir

  9. sir myself saravanakumar bc category pstm in 10th 12th and dece..i got 152/200 in group4 exam will i have any chance for junior assistant post in counseling

  10. sir we have got the news that the tet exam will be conducted during august 2015. when will you start the online class sir. sir we need more number of tests.we eagerly waiting for the online test. only 4 months are there to come. hard work will always give success. we are ready to work hard. please guide us to achieve the goal. ie the government job as a teacher. we have full faith on you.

  11. Sir please start the online class soon sir the tetexam 2015 has been announced. We need more practice

  12. I think you will start the class only after the trb tet 2015 notification

  13. Sir reply our questions sir. Which month you will start the online class. The month march has ended. To my knowledge trb wont announce the tet exam this year also. Because the cases wont come to an end this year. So start preparing for some other competitive exam. Enna chinna pilla thanama erukku.fed up on seeing the site. All are fake news.

  14. Sir start the class with the available members. Tet has created a bad impression in all minds. It is difficult to get more members. 45000 people have passed tet.they dont wish for next tet.only few wish for the 2015 tet. So start the class with the current members. By seeing us writing the current online test there will come more members. First start then it will move fast and faster.

  15. sir please start the tet coaching sir we are eagerly waiting for your guidance sir april month also come pls start as early as possible.

  16. When will you start the coaching pls tell me

  17. We r waiting for ur online coaching

  18. how can i join this coaching. sir i already passed in this exam, what will do?

  19. Please. Say the truth. Will there be the tet exam in 2015 .only the person who comes under the cut off will get the job. Till they come under cut off they have to write it again and again. Simply putting the case wont give any positive result. It will take years to come to an end. Others join the aided schools with the tet certificate.the solution is simple. The govt rules cannot satisfy all of them. many of us are expecting the tet 2015

  20. Let the cases be one side. Announce the exam let the willing people may write the exam. Those who got pass mark either 82 or 90 If they come under cut off they will get the govt job. Cut off is main. To satisfy the passed members 1 mark employmentt senerioty may be considered. Evvaluthaan etha solla ennum naal venduma.

  21. Sir we are waiting for the class very eagerly. Because we are not able to join in any regular coaching class. Please start the class as early as possible.

  22. sir pls start tet online coaching sir.tet exam is coming soon.we have very less time for preparation.we are helpless.we are expected your coaching and guidence.so don't waste our time.pls give your motivation sir. we are very eagerly waiting for your tet coaching....

  23. sir we are not able to join any tet coaching classes.so we want your online guidence.when will u start tet coaching...i am in the begining stage.i don't know how prepare tet paper2...pls reply sir...

  24. sir, we r expecting more from this. pls start the coaching classes now itself. because it is the right time and we r having enough time to prepare our huge syllabus. after the announcement we r unable to study and revise.thank u
