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Tamilnadu Lab Assistant Exam Case in Madras High Court - Latest News Updates

Tamilnadu Lab Assistant Exam Case todays newspaper news, lab assistant exam case latest news, lab assistant exam case in madras high court latest news today, lab assistant exam 2015 result date, appointment case
17-06-2015 : Government Clarification on Lab Assistant Exam Selection Procedure  - Dinamani News

School Education Department, in its reply for a case related to Tamilnadu Lab Assistant Exam in the Madaras High Court has informed that the appointment of Government School Lab Assistant Vacancies will be based on weightage marks and interview marks. 

The case is adjourned to 18th June 2015. 
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16-06-2015 : School Education Department reply at Madras High Court. The School Education Directorate Director Mr.kannappan has replied that the Written Exam Marks only will not be selection criteria. But the weitage marks and interview marks of the candidates will be considered for selection. 

When Judge  asked about, how candidates will be called for interview with out considering written examination marks, the Director informed that further reply will be given to the Honourable Court after geting openion from the government. 

News Source and Courtesy : Dinamani, 16-05-2015 Read Original News 

48 கருத்துகள்

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  1. what is the status of the case in the court,please tell when the results will be published sir

  2. please conclude this case as soon as possible becaz all employers have believed this job

  3. Yaru sir sonnathu conforma 15th resulta

  4. Pls tell me sir when result will be published. .....

  5. when sir result please tel me sir i'm waiting for your answer sir please

  6. Case ennachu and result eppo


  8. பதில்கள்
    1. We can expect the Tamilnadu Lab Assistant Exam Result to be published after the completion of pending cases

    2. Thank you sir. But what about case status?when next hearing? Please update sir

  9. Respect admin, lab asst case details a update pannuga.. All r egarly waitg for that

  10. Dear kessel sir pls tell the date

  11. Jothi ; what they are going. why there is no any update about result... Pls share the Result date.. we are all waiting.

  12. dear sir, iam amjadalikhan from cuddalore dist, if can you give the regarding lab assistance result and case details?
