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TRB Government Polytechnic College Lecturers Exam Will be Conducted Again - Hon'ble School Education Minister

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Government Polytechnic College Lecturers Exam Latest News Updates

24-02-2018 : Tamilnadu Polytechnic Lecturer Exam will  be conducted again - Hon'ble School Education Minister.  
The minister also stated that proper  explanation regarding this will be given to the High Court. It is noted that, earlier the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has ordered to stay on TRB on order cancelling recruitment process of Government Polytechnic College Lecturer Exam. 

News Source : Polimer News, 

22-02-2018 : Hon'ble Madurai Bench of Madras Hight Court Ordered to Stay Government's order for the Cancellation of Polytechnic Lecturer Exam 2017.
In the judgement, the Hon'ble Court stated, since it is easier to the TRB to find out the candidates who involved in malpractice, the whole examination should not be cancelled and the marks of the other persons should be re-valuated.  The Government has stated in its reply that, there was no malpractice happened in conducting of the examination and the malpractice happened only during the transfer of the answer sheets for valuation purpose through a private agency. 
tamilnadu polytechnic college lecturers exam 2017 latest news
TRB Polytechnic College Lecturer Exam 2017 - Tentative Answerkey Published at TRB Website

TRB Polytechnic College Lecturers New Notification Released

Online Application

  • Note :As per the Judgement  of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras, ,dated 05.07.2017 the candidates applied through the notification dated 16.06.2017 need not submit their applications once again and the applications already received shall be considered.
  • Please visit the TRB website for detailed information.

Madras High Court Cancels Polytechnic Colleges Lecturers Exam Notification. 

      In a case filed by Mr.Chellamuthu and others against the TRB's Government Polytechnic College Lecturers Exam notification 2017 , the High Court have given this Judgement. The complainants have claimed that TRB had not followed AICTE norms in the Polytechnic collage lecturers recruitment 2017. All India Council for Technical Education defines qualification for Polytechnic Lecturers as First Class in Under Graduate Engineering Degree or a Post Graduate Engineering Degree. But in the TRB notification published on 26.6.2017, it is mentioned  that First Class in the Under Graduate  Engineering Degree only as the required qualification. Hon'ble High Court has ordered the Government to publish a new notification as per AICTE norms.    

News Source : Dinamalar, 06-07-2017

Tamilnadu Government Polytechnic College Lecturers Recruitment 2017  Notification Published

Teachers Recruitment Board of Tamilnadu has  published notification for Lecturers (Engineering / Non- Engineering) in Government Polytechnic Colleges Exam 2017

Total Number of Vacancies - 1058

Important Dates to be Remembered for TRB Govt Polytechnic Lecturers Examination
Exam Notification Date : 16.06.2017 
Online Application Start Date : 17.06.2017 
Last date for submission of Online Application : 0 7 .07.2017 
Examination Date : 13.08.2017
trb government polytechnic college exam total number of vacancies subject wise

Subject-wise Vacancy Details  of  TRB Polytechnic Lecturer Posts
  • Civil Engineering- 112
  • Mechanical - 219
  • Electrical & Electronics - 91
  • Electronics & communication - 118
  • Instrumentation & Control - 3
  • Computer Science - 134
  • Information Technology - 6
  • Production Engineering - 6
  • Textile Technology - 3
  • Printing Technology - 6
  • English - 88
  • Mathematics - 88 
  • Physics - 83
  • Chemistry - 84
  • Modern Office Practice - 17 

Educational Qualification for TRB Polytechnic College Lecturers  
Lecturer in Engineering subjects - A first class Bachelor’s degree in the respective branch.

Lecturer in non-Engineering subjects: A first class Master’s degree in the respective subject. 

Polytechnic Lecturers Exam Pattern - 150 MCQs for 190 Marks

Main Subject 
1 Mark questions : 100 for 100 Marks
2 Mark questions: 40  for 80 Marks

General Knowledge 
1 Mark questions: 10 for 10 Marks

Total - 150 Questions = 190 Marks

How to Apply for TRB Polytechnic Lecturers Exam ? 
Only through Online Mode from TRB Official Website

Direct Link for Online Appplicaiton https://trbonlineexams.in/polytechnic/

Download Syllabus for TRB Government Polytechnic College Lecturers Exam 2017

Download Official Notification from TRB Website 

Polytechnic College Lecturer Exam in  TRB Annual Planner 2017

trb polytechnic lecturer exam notification date latest news

Happy News for all Engineering Graduates who are eagerly waiting for TRB Polytechnic College Lecturers Exam 2017 ! You have great opportunity  to get your dream job in this year itself.  As per, TRB Annual Planner 2017 published by Teachers Recruitment Board, the Government Polytechnic Colleges Lecturers (1137 posts) Exam 2017 notification is to be published in the second week of June 2017, the examination will be conducted on 13th August 2017 and the result is tentatively scheduled to be published in the month of October 2017. Tentative total number of vacancies in the upcoming TRB Government Polytechnic College Lecturer Exam 2017 will be 1137.


TRB 192 Assistant Professors in Government Engineering Colleges Recruitment 2016 Notification Published CLICK HERE

There are 41 Government Polytechnic Colleges are functioning in Tamilnadu. About 450 lecturers are teaching for both Engineering subjects and non engineering subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English etc in those Govt. Polytechnic colleges. 

Tamilnadu Government announces starting of new Polytechnic Colleges 

Tamilnadu Government has announced to start two new Government polytechnic colleges at Cudalur and Tirpur. 

TRB to recruit the Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges

The  details about the vacancies in the Government Polytechnic Colleges have been sent to the Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB).

Maximum Age Limit for Polytechnic Lecturer Exam : Maximum age limit to apply for TRB Polytechnic Lecturers Exam will be 57 years.

The official recruitment notification for Assistant Professors in Tamilnadu Government Engineering Colleges also to be published by Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) soon.

TRB Latest News Source : Tamil Hindu Newspaper today (19-10-2015)

317 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. Is it possible to update how many vacancies are available in each department.

  2. God only know the when published application

  3. is it true or fake information.please tell me the correct page number of that paper

  4. Respected sir,
    When recruiting assistant professor in government polytechnic college , the eligibility to appear for the exam is to have first class in their post graduation (non- engineering subjects like English). How is it possible to ask all community should have first class in their post graduation...?

  5. I have only 57% in my M.A.English. but trb is asking 60% for recruiting assistant professor in government polytechnic college. What to do?. Reply me please

  6. Don't make foolish.if it true publish otherwise don't do like this again.

  7. It will be great if we can get an official announcement on this recruitment. Many are eagerly waiting for this to happen soon. Hoping for the best.

    I have a clarification on the eligibility criteria for assistant professor in engineering.

    Is it from bachelor degree or post graduate degree onwards ? Please clarify. Thanks in advance.

  8. Ithu puli varuthu kathai mathiri than iruku

  9. Dote has told that they have surrendered all vacancy details regarding engg and polytechnic exam to Trb.I don't know what trb is doing.

  10. tell me beast coaching center for government lecture job (egg grade)

  11. when will trb announces this post? does any one knows? if the exam date is released i will quit my job and began to prepare for that.



  14. Past 1 1/2. Half years I called to trb office to enquire about Govt polytechnic colleges lecturer recruitment always they are telling with in 2 months.24 the of this month also I called to them they said process is going on and within January end.you can expect notification and they said they can't release because if election commission announce notification about CM ELECTION.
    For this recruitment GO has paassed in the year 2012 June month from govt they given to DOTE in 2012 .From DOTE they have given to,TRB 2013 year starting . But still they are telling it is under the process. Even I wrote to CM Special cell as petition about this recruitment. I got reply from DOTE director. after that only they published news in Hindu Tamil paper. I am requesting all of them to give petition via CM special cell in.online. If we take news to CM special cell there is high chance we will get notification with in December.

  15. For engineering college direct requirement is take place through Anna university apply date finish on 23-11-15 .....

  16. is there anybody having ece 2012 polytechnic question paper .if u have means pls send it

  17. Hi viewers may I know when notification will be released if released pls share that news in this page.

  18. Hello sir.... I m from Maharashtra...currently I m in final year of BE(stream:electronics engineering).upto may my graduation will be completed and after that I want to work as an lecturer in my stream itself...could u please help me to findout job as an lecturer in polytechnique college sir?

  19. Hi viewers...is there any update reg trb polytechnic exam or any motivations...pls share...

  20. Hi viewers I thing Trb will be published in notification in this month middle.....

  21. Sir i have done BE (CSE).please say if any one knows abt gov polytechnic lecture exam.. if knows please share d info...

  22. sir,
    Can u please say me the syllabus for civil Engineering.( polytechnic jobs)

  23. Wat abt the assistant prof engineering college posts notified last year,

  24. In website they mentioned phone no that is not inside Trb office no.It is like information center outside office ground floor running like call center they are not govt employee what ever information from inside Trb office they are sharing that only they know. they don't know what is going about this recruitment. Somehow I got inside phone no then I enquired Trb office.They said they asked some clarification in UGC regarding those who have completed MS whether they are eligible to appear exam for Asst Professor job(refer Dina mani in the month of Jan 2016) after receiving clarification they will realese notification for Govt Engg colleges Asst professor. But I lost hope.If we put case in court then only they will realese notification atleast within September or October.otherwise in the year 2017 only.even I have not completed ME.I am waiting for notification of lecturer post Govt polytechnic colleg. Please someone who applied for Asst Professor post July 2014 first apply RTI to Trb to know what is reason to kept abeyance this notification based on we can apply case in court.If I completed ME and applied for this post I would have put case
    Please some one take responsibility.

    1. Sure sir. I send three letters to trb office. but they replied unnecessary answers. They are not provide correct information.

    2. what they replied...? when exam date?

  25. பெயரில்லா18 மே, 2016 அன்று 12:08 PM

    Any news regarding engg and polytech trb recruitment.

  26. if anyone knows about trb polytechnic recruitment inform me too...

  27. if anyone knows about trb polytechnic recruitment inform me too...

  28. Hi All,

    Has anybody written exam for assistant professor for govt engg colleges in Tamilnadu in the month of Jan 2016.Am waiting for results.if anyone know the status,kindly share.

  29. surely it will be in next academic year.don worry

  30. trb poly and engg notify will come 2017


  32. 2016 la notification varatha???

  33. govt extended temp staff working so no chance for trb poly n engg in upcoming years.

    preparing is simply waste

  34. surely it will come in next year because govt has opened the new colleges in many places

  35. Notification vanthalum case potu stay vanguranga apuram casea kanduka matranga see engg collge recruitment is under abeyance. No improvement for 2years

  36. trb is one of fastest board for fillup the vacancy...

  37. i got b.e in ECE And PG in process control instrumentation .iam elegible for engineering Trb .if anybody know means reply me.

  38. Trb notification came aspirants prepare hard n tough for d exam.so create Facebook community to share text book details n experience of ur dept

  39. Y cross major is not allowed but that also did ME know ....

  40. Polytechnic lecture job ku announce panitagala yentha website? Pls tell me anyone

  41. hi any news about polytechnic lecture post

  42. I am B.E graduate in Computer Science Department and i have passed 2012 batch.i am qualified for this trb polytechnic exam for polytechnic lecturer?

  43. Dear Sir, Kindly i know the date for requirement about the polytechnic lecture post.

  44. Sir any update on polytechnic assistant professor notification?

  45. TRB ploytechnic exam is going to come..Notification will come on jan.
    Al the best friends

  46. I got 59.6 % in M.A English. Am i eligible for applying polytechnic trb?
    Pls reply if anyone know regarding this?

  47. Pls share anything regarding my query regarding eligibility criteria on percentage ground.

  48. Friends they planned to conduct n coming months..after tis PGTRB we can expect.

  49. Hi any update in polytechnic lecturer post

    1. HELP LINE

      044 - 28272455, 7373008144, 7373008134

      Actually Higher official from TRB said that notification is going to put with in 2017...Said easily..The above are helpline numbers.If possible Friends u And ur friends can cal and enquiry regarding TRB poly.Surely they wil take a step for notification/...

  50. Keep on calling.i m also doing..
    Good news wil come soon ..
    The same strategy we followed for chennai corporation exam and it worked..so keep doing.We r n tamilnadu so we have to struggle for every notification...so let's try

  51. many times i called to trb ,they told like that proceesing going on

  52. Dear Everybody,
    I want a clarification: I am B.E second class but above 60 % and also M.Tech First class. Am I eligible for TRB Polytechnique Direct Recuritment? Please clarify anyone who have clear information on this

  53. I am requesting all of them to give petition via CM special cell in.online. If we take news to CM special cell there is high chance we will get notification for TRB polytechnic

  54. Any news about polytechnic leacturer post

    1. Only thing is to fight for our rights..
      Either call/msg to cmcell/TRB office regarding tis..
      Giving pressure on ourside is t only way for the recruitment..
      I am doing..If possible udo..Namakenna irundingana nothing will happen..

  55. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  56. Pls put polytechnic trb notification pls pls pls

  57. When ll come polytechnic trb any body knows?

  58. When ll come poly technic trb? Pls tell me

  59. intha year ku announcement kudupaangala maatangala innum ethana days ku wait panna ?

  60. As per aicte rules,be is enough for polytechnic trb.but if second class in b.e ,m.e with first class required.so we file a case in court to ask trb to follow this rule for trb polytechnic recruitment

    1. I have filed RTI regarding this. I will update after I got reply.

    2. Sir ,apply rti to dote regarding polytechnic recruitment to follow aicte rules.

    3. Please check this Tamilnadu government order:G.O.(Ms) No.111 Dt: May 25, 2010. As per this G.O the education qulification supposed to be First class either in B.E/B.Tech or in M.E/M.Tech.

  61. eppo annouce pannuvaanganu any ideas irukaa guys

  62. Sir,apply rti to dote to follow aicte rules for polytechnic recruitment.

    1. This information true or not.in this 2017 no recruitment in polytechnic ah?

  63. surely it wil come in th month of august 2018

  64. Hi friends any news about polytechnic trb? Pls inform.

  65. When will polytechnic exam notification come?any idea..

  66. @kowshika..What about the current updat, pg recruitment done when they will issue notification for polytechnic?

  67. Dear friends,

    I asked polytechnic notifications from different sources,they said coming 2017 only

  68. 2017 k friends which month. Callfer only 2012. Still no callfer about polytechnic trb

  69. Its waste of time to wait for trb polytechnic in this new govt !! They will less emphasize for education department !!

  70. As per g.o ,trb did not follow the rules in trb polytechnic recruitment 2012. They asked b.e with first class and 3 Marks for m.e. what can we do . please apply rti regarding this.

  71. TRB wont conduct polytechnic exam for this year..
    i checked out from trusted sources..
    Meanwhile keep preparing for the exam..
    we r n tamilnadu...they wil give more more importance to politics rather than other stuff.
    Its our fate..

  72. Folks surely it will surely come... Jus b prepared we can expect it at any time..

  73. Hi friends any idea about preparation for ECE. how can I start and reference materials.pls inform me.

  74. Hi ,i heared some of the annamalai university engg faculty shifted to government polytechnic .is this information is true.pls guys clarify me.

  75. Enapa. Arts and science staff than shift pandranganu sonanga ithulaium avangala pota .namalam epathan velaiku pogarathu

    1. This too wont happen , they planned to survive with guest lecturers !! Teaching jobs are non production jobs

  76. No government had told them to attend the exam

  77. When will come polytechnic trb.any have idea. Pls tell me

  78. Friends when will come polytechnic notification. In 2017 is this possible? Please any one know put it.it is useful for those waiting for this one.

  79. Hi friends recently I contacted trb office regarding about trb polytechnic exam, we can expect polytechnic call for, pls guys don't give up your preparation, we are waiting for our life through this exam, continue your preparation, keep calling to trb office about trb polytechnic exam

  80. Hi friends motivate one another don't give up your preparation, this time vacancies are huge, we can expect notification at any time

  81. Sure TRB poly will come at end of this year b prepared start preparing frndz

  82. Friends shall we form a group in watsapp/fb for self coaching..
    Anybody interested mail me archanalogin4622@gmail.com..
    Or else anyone who r ready can tak admin role.
    It wil b useful for all who r really preparing for that..
    @D Kessal please help for that

    1. Super Mam group discussion brings success we can follow this

    2. @Kowsika hari , Mam i am willing to join in group mail for preparing TRB. My email ID vimlkumar43@gmail.com. Pls any one create Admin mail id as soon as possible

  83. Very good idea mam, let's try our level best,

  84. Hi friends..iam belongs to ECE DEPARTMENT... Created a group for TRB POLYTECHNIC interested ECE candidates join via WhatsApp group link provided..https://chat.whatsapp.com/BKSxJgnEpw8ASUg1o2aJSe

  85. Anyone prepare for EEE frndz any EEE is there

  86. Sunil paliyal ,hr.sec.secretary vathu step edupara polytechnic trb varuvatharku.

  87. பதில்கள்
    1. Regard Education Qualification: No favour info by PIO in RTI. So filed First Appeal. Let us wait for reply for First Appeal.

  88. anybody call to trb office any news about call for pls inform?

  89. Hi friends, I contacted trb office regarding about trb polytechnic exam, they assured for the exam, we can expect notification at any time, each and every one pls do call trb office regularly then only they can consider and will take step for that,

  90. When i call to trb office most of time engaging tone will come or if ringing not attending the call.if they attend and told innum aentha information varala.one by one notification varaum endru solluranga.

    1. Enakku therincha varaikum annamalai university staff ah govt polytechnic ku transfer pannaporatha solranga. So this is very bad news for us. Total ah 240 staff irukanga. This is our prioblem. Enna seirathunu yheriala.

  91. Hi, any of you from English department?
