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PhD Duration can be considered as Experience - UGC Latest Regulation on PhD vs Teaching Experience

University Grants Commission (UGC) has notified  its latest regulation saying that the PhD degree study period may be treated as teaching experience of candidates when they apply for Assistant Professor, Lecturer posts. 
ugc latest regulation on phd and experience assistant professor lecturer jobs

Note : UGC's Latest Regulation on PhD candidates will only applicable for the Regular Research Scholars only, part time PhD candidates can not claim. 

News source : Dinamalar , 7-3-2016

3 கருத்துகள்

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  1. Is it applicable to engineering Ph.D,
    those are doing in IITs/NITs?

  2. Whether the full time Ph.D period experience will be considered by TRB for assistant professor positions?

  3. No it is for all those who are doing phd in full time can be considered as teaching experience it was circulated to all VC's of universities for all departments
