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TRB Assistant Professors in Government Arts and Science Colleges Recruitment 2017 - Latest News

trb assistant professors recruitment 2017 notification date, interview date, result date
Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board has published important dates of TRB Assistant Professors in Government Arts and Science College Exam in its newly published Annual Planner 2017. 

As per TRB Annual Planner 2017 , the Government Arts and Science Colleges Assistant Professors  Recruitment Notification is tentatively scheduled to be published in the fourth week of July 2017, Interview will be conducted in the first week of September 2017 and the result will be published in the  month of October 2017. 


trb government arts and science college assistant professors notification date 2017

TRB Assistant Professors Recruitment Procedure (As per previous recruitment notification)

Note : The following procedure may be changed in the upcoming notification. Its for your basic understanding only. 

There are two consecutive steps in the Assistant Professors Recruitment by TRB. 

  • First, Marks will be provided for the certificates submitted by candidates.
  • Second, Marks will be given for Oral Test. Interview covers 34 Marks.

Marks for Experience - 15 

 There will be 15 marks for Experience. The experience in Universities, Government, Government Aided Colleges, Law Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Private Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Law Colleges will be considered for Marks. 

Marks for Educational Qualification - 

Maximum of 9 marks will be provided for Educational Qualification. 

Candidates having PhD will be given 9 marks.

Candidates with MPhil + SLET/NET qualified candidates will be given  6 marks

Candidates with only SLET/NET will be given 5 marks.

TRB Assistant Professors Interview Procedure and Marks - 10

A list will be prepared based on their Experience Marks out of  15 and Education Qualification Marks 9 (Total 24 Marks ). From the list candidates will be called for interview in the 1:5 ratio. Maximum marks of 15 will be provided in Interview.

Minimum Educational Qualification to Apply for the Post :

For General and BC/MBC candidates, PG Degree with 55 % Marks + SLET/NET or Phd.

For SC/ST  PG Degree with 50 % Marks + SLET/NET or Phd. 

Age Limit :   Below 57 Years before July 1st 2013 

Application Fee : Rs. 100 /-

Examination Fee : Rs. 500 /- 

351 கருத்துகள்

Respected visitors , this is your area. Ask your queries, post your suggestions. If you know correct answers for other friend's questions, kindly reply them. Motivate One another . Your comments will be posted soon with a small moderation.
Note:Please avoid sharing phone numbers, email Ids and posting abusive comments against the government and recruitment agencies.
  1. Will be change the Selection Norms?
    Kindly I Request the govt. to change the mode of selection. At first Written exam should be conducted, then add Education Qualification marks and experience marks and interview marks.

    1. Why? Changing the govt policy..already it will go correct a way. UGC is regulated in this higher studies appointment. Also the eligibility test is not equal PhD with experience..

  2. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  3. Written Exam should conduct for arts and science college lecturers post. then add Education qualification marks (9 marks)and Experience marks (15 marks). Written Exam Conducted for Polytechnic college and Engineering college lecturers post. but Why not follow the Same Mode of Selection in Arts and Science College Trb Exam ?.

    1. பெயரில்லா24 மே, 2017 அன்று 7:38 PM

      Sir asst professor arts science college selection first exam

    2. பெயரில்லா28 மே, 2017 அன்று 8:05 AM

      For engg and polytechnic colleges net/set is not needed. So selection is based on written exam. Here it is not required for net/set passed candidates, may be for phd candidates

    3. Engineering and Poly-technique are under technical..So no need..

  4. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  5. Is mphil registered before 2009 is considered as equivalent to net or set.

  6. Is experience in polytechnic college considered for recruitment in govt arts and science colleges?

  7. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

    1. Sumi,
      Above mentioned circular applicable to Associate Professor and above not for Assistant professor. First we should ask this question to UGC, Why it hasn't been extended to Assist Professor. Every time Net/SLET qualified candidates asking questions through portal only,They should unite and take this issue to UGC or else TRB will follow the old weight age method this time too for the recruitment of Assistant professor.

    2. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  8. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  9. Sir I have passed in SLET Exam if I want register qualified certificate in my employment card for getting above job pls tell me

  10. பெயரில்லா5 மே, 2017 அன்று 1:44 PM

    m.phil candidates can eligiable for trb exam ah?

  11. Net or Ph.D is equal eligibilty to appoint a assisstant professor. Both qualifications are equal. But the TRB not giving equal marks.

    1. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  12. Yes i accept the point sir please conduct the wrriten exam and will provided the equal mark of phd/set/net qualification

  13. We all should join together and request to the government. It is totally disheartening that selection is based on experience... It should be counted... however the methodology of selection criteria should be as such followed in the engineering faculty recruitment... Please send your opinion as a request to CM cell... secretary of higher education/trb and the honourable minister.

    1. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  14. SET/NET is an eligibility exam... For recruitment competitive exam should be d right choice of selecting candidates.... for assistant professor why do you expect candidates to have experience and articles to be published... you are not applying for associate professor role... also publishing an article isnt a big challenge now a days.... n number of publishers are there.... So it should be ruled out for this particular postings...

    1. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

    2. இந்த கருத்து ஆசிரியரால் அகற்றப்பட்டது.

  15. பெயரில்லா22 மே, 2017 அன்று 10:00 PM

    hi, can you clarify the age limit for general candidates

  16. Really not necessary to wait for 10 or 15 years... if there is a vacancy in government colleges one can qualify the exam and get selected... look at civil services exam..... one need not wait for years and years to compete and get qualified... so the administrators are recruited through comp exam... however, for teaching you are asking everyone to gain experience... in what way it is justified...???

  17. Hi all... please send email to Prince Gajendrababu sir to conduct a competitive exam for recruitment....

    1. Trb exam should be conducted for asst prof.weightage marks for Pg asst in hsc can be given.

  18. Is Mphil registered before 2009 is considered as equalent to Net or Slet please answer my question

  19. Is Mphil registered before 2009 is considered as equalent to Net or Slet please answer my question

  20. பெயரில்லா30 மே, 2017 அன்று 8:27 PM

    Dont conduct any exam?What is the necessity to conduct exam those who met the eligibility cafeteria they should deserve for their experience and qualifications. The TRB is doing correct way.They should consider full time phd for more weitage than part time.

  21. பெயரில்லா30 மே, 2017 அன்று 8:39 PM

    Need justice for deserved qualification,age and experience, They are also conducting the interview that is very good idea to examine candidate. Other procedures are unnecessary complications and further delay the selection procedures, this is the right way taken by TRB, weldone TRB. Gusys dont impose your advantages here.Their decisions are 100 percent right.

  22. Dear sir when will TRB will release vacancy list for direct recruitment?

  23. பெயரில்லா31 மே, 2017 அன்று 4:06 PM


  24. Only 5 marks are given for SLET/NET and Ph.D holders are given only 9 marks. But 15 marks are given for experience. TRB should revise the weight age of mark given so that equal preference given for qualification and experience. 15 marks given for experience clearly indicate the recruitment process may not be transparent and it may lead to producing fake certificates. TRB should consider itself as sole responsible board for improving the educational system in Tamil Nadu and it should not allow any malpractice in the recruitment process.

  25. As per the TRB norms do the selection procedure every individual have certain advantages. The above discussions are crazy those who met the eligibility cafeteria, they should be selected. Do your way TRB, please do not allow unnecessary involvements from politicians interference and corruptions. Selection should be 100% merit basis. Best of luck for every eligible candidates.

  26. Written Examination should be conducted first and then only marks to be given for qualification and experience for the selection process of Asst Professor post. It's the only way to do the selection process to be fairly.Regards Pugalur Shan Thangam Raja (P STR)

  27. As per TRB selection procedure there is no written exam.Those who are already qualified for this position (PhD/SLET/NET) they are eligible to apply for this position those who are really want to apply for this job please take SLET/NET exam or to complete PhD degree. Understand your ignorance before discuss here.

  28. part time Ph.D candidates are completing all processes prescribed by university to award Ph.D. simply nobody will be awarded with ph.D degree. dont differentiate?....

  29. HI friends,this year will there be the inclusion of homescience department,bcos last time our department wasn't included.pls,if anyone knows kindly share.i'm NET qualified canditate.

  30. When full time and part time come to the selection picture the full time should have more wattage, they deserve for their 100% involvements,times etc....

  31. Keeping competitive exam will have transparency in selection. if not money will launder... You have so much of experience and knowledge and you are afraid of competitive exam... really pathetic... be bold to face the exam...

  32. Facing the exam is not matter already we ware completed NET and PhD. Try to understand your ignorance. I think above mentioned guy afraid and no guts to clear eligibility test.

  33. Yes present method of selection is unfair! Even if you have cleared net or set, you have to do phd and work at least for another 15 years then you have a chance of selection. Competitive exams is only fair way of selection. why Trb is not understanding it and still follow age old recruitment process. kerala, karnataka and many other states have changed to competitive exam alone. let us be fair, lets have exam plus weightage marks.

  34. The TRB way is correct, one of the main reason is still we are for behind in higher education (PhD).That is the reason TRB encouraging doctorate degree.

  35. @VEL: It is incorrect..... What is the purpose of doing Ph.D? To do research or to get assistand professor job??? For teaching M.Sc. and practical knowledge is enough. Ph.D is done based on your passion towards research. Then why do you want to compete in teaching job... so you dont know to differentiate passion and career??? Really pathetic situation...

  36. To join Arts and Science - TRB WhatsApp group, kindly send your WhatsApp number to 9884917775

  37. Hello @@@@.. WE BRING THE CHANGE PERSON, The TRB is looking for experienced professors, only experienced professors will provide the better quality than beginners. TRB clearly understand the current situations. I just L.O.L.about your inexperience situations...

    1. Who said so... inexperienced candidates are recruited in civil services exam... so do you tell that they are poor administrators... for assistant professors you dont need experience man only for associate professors and professors you need more experience. Hope you get it...

  38. Hello dear friends: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): A doctoral program is best for those on a research-based pathway. With a focus on research methodology, this degree is suitable for future college professors. Dissertation research focuses on national and international trends.

  39. I agree, even though I am not having any teaching experience. Only the experienced people will deliver knowledgeable students.

    "A baby has brains, but it doesn't know much. Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get".

    "No man's knowledge can go beyond his experience".
    If we discuss may things we can discuss here for ex. why the government is following community category relaxation? (BC/SC/ST/FC). The knowledge is common for all category. We must understand and follow certain government rules, if anyone not interested just find other jobs not necessary to fight here...

  40. Folks we need exam from office peon selection to president selection. Is it possible?.... I discussed with my friend about this exam matter he said he want to promote his exam preparation notes. so do not support this kind of persons follow the existing system whoever having qualification with experience they should be selected.Already we are cleared SLET/NET then what is the need for another exam only notes promoters and inexperienced candidates are frustrated now....

  41. To be honest you will never ever get selected in this experienced category... this is for you anonymous... People are very clever in producing fake experienced certificates and get selected... Dont worry... all the best for your future. I know how to secure my future...no purpose having discussion here... rather we can focus what can be done... Again for sure, i can confirm that you will never ever get selected in this method.... :)

  42. We are not asking to eliminate in counting your teaching experience... Exam + experience + PH.D + Interview should be the ideal methodology to recruit...

    1. Then no need to clear NET Or SET uh???? Ugc has said only candidates registered PhD before 2009 are eligible.

    2. NET/SET is an eligibility test to get recruited... Having competitive exam is like recruiting best of the bests...

  43. How come fake experience certificate is possible 🙆???? Experience marks are counted from the date of fully qualified status. It is obvious that everyone who is eligible is working some where. No one will be just like that or simply sitting in home after clearing NET or Set or PhD. Preference should be given if whoever having NET or SET with PhD.

  44. Why are the experienced candidates frightened? They should get more marks in the exam since they are experienced and well read. Their years of reading should make them top scorers. 10 vacancies and 1000 candidates are there for one subject , how will you get selected without the exam?

  45. All the type of teaching requirement only through of exam. But why arts and science college lecturer select old method.well knowledge person achieve exam.unfit person fail the exam.50%lecturer select examination mode.remaining interview mode.please well knowledged youth life important.

  46. Because we have already written exam and cleared.how many exams have to be written?????. For Engineering recruitment there is no such eligibility test for engineering candidates. That's why non engineering candidates have to go along with engineering candidates though they have cleared eligibility test.
    And according to ugc norms for the purpose of direct recruitment teaching experience should be counted.
    Exams are applicable for PhD candidates and not for eligibility cleared candidates.

  47. Dear friends I cant understand the above discussions for seeking one more exam here. EX. any civil service cleared person will need to take another exam? based on above discussions P.G is basic qualification so abolish SLET/NET/PHD qualifications all P.G students are eligible to participate. The T.R.B board discussed in-detail finally announced this. All selfish inexperienced folks are discussing in crazy way. TRB took strong decision here.

  48. IF Experience alone is important, why NET/SET qualification? Let them fix eligibility as Phd and minimum 20 years of experience! This time if no exam then it will be challenged in High court! let the court decide which is fair and unfair. Our constitution supports competitive exam. lets wait an watch.

  49. I had submitted my thesis on April 2016 waiting for viva, is am eligible to applying for TRB Assistant Professor job.

  50. Hai Jayashri,
    If you already cleared SLET or NET you are eligible,or else you must have completed your viva. I understand in our university system minimum it will take 1 year from the submission date. Hope the best

  51. can pondicherry people apply for trb arts and science assistant professor job?

  52. Yes you can apply, absolutely you are e legible, welcome to Tamilnadu...

  53. Hai how to get syllabus for lecturer(TRB) in departmet of tamil

  54. The selection is based on your experience and qualifications so need not worry about syllabus, please read the selection procedure above...

  55. Selection criteria has been challenged now in the High Court. Most probably the recruitment procedure will change. Let's hope for the best... :)

  56. No news 📰 in press so far. When was the case filed???? . In that case all pg completed candidates are eligible to write exam.

  57. I had submitted my thesis on Nov 2016 waiting for viva, is am eligible to applying for TRB Assistant Professor job.

  58. Not all the pg candidates will be eligible... PG and NET/SET will be eligible...

  59. If TRB conduct exam all P.G students are eligible and abolish SLET/NET exam....

  60. We cannot abolish SLET/NET... It is conducted as per the direction of UGC as well as the supreme court.

    1. If following ugc norms go to ugc Web and read... for the purpose of direct recruitment teaching experience should be counted. And no need to wait for 15years. 7.5years is enough to get fifteen marks. And it is counted from the date of eligibility status. We do have everything NET SET PhD as well. Waiting for the exam. Trb or TN government has to follow ugc norms

  61. I agree sumi mam as per UGC norms SLET/NET/PhD and experience counts are mandatory for direct recruitment. Delhi university(central university) selection procedure is exactly the current TRB norms particularly experience. please refer and follow central university norms.

  62. As per your point... 7.5 years is enough to get 15 marks... perfect... Think there are 1000 candidates apply for a subject and almost 300 candidates have 7.5 years of teaching experience and ph.d then everyone of them will get the same mark (15 + 9 = 24 marks) and for interview only 10 marks are provided. So on what basis these 300 candidates will get recruited, if there are only 50 postings for a subject. This will bring in more money laundering in the recruitment. Also, you dont know who performed well in the interview in this case... hardly one or two mark difference will be there... It is really a tedious task to get recruited. Also, remaining 700 candidates money and effort will go in vain even though they have necessary eligibility condition. Instead if we keep competitive exam for 200 marks (as such engineering exam) and then add the marks for experience and interview will give an edge to the best candidates... This is what my opinion is... However the perspective differs among each candidate... Let's see what the high court decides...

    1. Community category is there. They are giving importance to physically changelled as well. That's good turn. Other community category is not fair.. Let's wait and see..

  63. Remove SLET/NET qualifications then every one will get chance to prove their ability or else follow the central university selection process or implement current TRB rules. Follow the rules dont impose your personal advantages ....

  64. What about Ph.D Through UGC NET JRF SRF.... as Experience count???

  65. I think existing selection Procedure is better in that way they select experienced and qualified hands , if trb will provide written exam the seniors will force to follow the existing Procedure of selection for asst professor in government colleges

  66. Somebody told again trb should conduct the exam means what is purpose of set and net , what is this , this not a exam,

  67. I am ugc NET jan 2017 qualified in commerce. I dont have mphil or phd. Based on trb marks allocation will i get selected for government colleges for Assistant professor job? Also kindly let me know Will it worth to do mphil now?

    1. M.Phil is useless. better you do Ph.D... Also join in some colleges as management faculty and gain some experience.

  68. I cleared UGC NET.But I did my PG in distance education only.. Can i expect job in govt college?

  69. Your experience starts from Jan 2017 now you are in the 1 mark for experience as you cleared net on Jan 17 suppose if u did PhD before 2009 your experience is calculated from that date that you have commented now doing mphil is worth or not , if you do m Phil you get 6 marks with net , otherwise you get 5 only for net so the value of Phil in trb is one mark

    1. Sir it is that PhD registered before 2009 or the regulations 2009.need clarification???? Because aided colleges appointing those who have completed PhD after 2009. Let's wait and see trb notification.

    2. I couldnot understand this point. Experience starts from jan 2017 means what?. I am not working in any private college. Kindly let me know

  70. Will phd commerce candidate get stiphend in university?

  71. Written exam is best for all TRB requirements

  72. The Announcement of Tamilnadu Govt. present Procedure is Good.
    Marks for Experience - 15
    Marks for Educational Qualification - 9
    TRB Assistant Professors Interview Procedure and Marks - 10
    So, Total: 15 + 9 + 10 = 34 Marks. Very good System to implement by Govt. Through this System, More Ph.D's and Rich Experienced Faculty members will be benefited. It is the immediate requirement for the present young Students community. Thanks alot for Our Tamilnadu Government.

  73. The Present Announcement by Tamilnadu Government System is very nice. Let it be....

  74. UGC and Supreme court says to conduct SET/NET exam for Asst. Professor recruitment.UGC says that SET/NET is compulsory for Asst.Professor. Norms for Asst. Professor is SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D.
    TRB must have given equal 9 marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D. But TRB followed wrong mode.TRB has given 5 marks for qualified SET/NET and 9 marks for Exempted Ph.D.
    Why UGC and Supreme court says that to conduct SET/NET for Asst. Professor recruitment.
    It is Asst. Professor recruitment, not for Associate Professor recruitment. TRB must follow Asst. Professor norms. Give preference to SET/NET . Otherwise give equal marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D.
    There are more than 80,000 qualified SET/NET candidates in Tamil Nadu so for. It will increase after TNSET 2017 result.
    For the benefit more than 80,000 SET/NET candidates, TRB must conduct written exam like all other states are followed written test for Asst. Professor recruitment.
    Then what is the purpose of UGC conducting SET/NET and says that SET/NET is compulsory for Asst. Professor recruitment.
    SET/NET is not eilgible for Associate Professor recruiment. SET/NET is only eligible for Asst.Professor recruitment. TRB must follow UGC Asst. Professor norms,and give equal marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D. Otherwise better to conduct written test is the best for all.

    1. You are absolutely right. I cleared my SET and NET, still i know i wont get job and waste of money applying if the present way of selection is followed. we need exams as fair selection policy.

  75. Trb must conduct exam because only 10000 set/net qualified in 2010,but now more than 1 lakh set/net qualified in Tamil Nadu. Conducting written test is the only fair for all qualified, trb must give equal 9 marks for qualified set/net/exempted PhD.

  76. UGC says that norms for Associate Professor recruitment is Ph.D.
    UGC and Supreme court said that norms for Assistant professor recruitment, SET/NET is compulsory,but gives exempted Ph.D. Exempted means Excused.

    In School norms for 1-5 std is T.Ed. Norms for 6-10 std is B.Ed.In school B.Ed can not be appointed for 1-5 std, because norms for 1-5 is T.Ed.

    Similarly, Ph.D is for Associate professor recruiment.SET/NET is compulsory for Asst. professor recruitment,here Ph.D is only exemption for Asst professor recruitment.

    In 2013-14, TRB conducted interview for Assistant Professor recruitment for Arts and Science college.At that time TRB had given 9 marks for exempted Ph.D and 5 marks for qualified SET/NET candidates. TRB had not given equal 9 marks for SET/NET/EXEMPTED Ph.D. There are more than 20,000 candidates had cleared SET/NET exam at that time . TRB violated UGC and Supreme court statements.

    Life of qualified 20,000 SET/NET candidates were spoiled at that time even though SET/NET is compulsory for Asst. Professor recruitment. Nobody ( SET/NET candidates) selected in 2013-14 interview.Only exempted Ph.d candidates
    were selected. SET/NET candidates had been failed even though qualified according to UGC and supreme court statement in 2013-14 interview.

    TRB followed wrong mode.TRB had not given equal marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.d.In 2015,Mr.Swaminathan advisor of NET/SET association filed case in High court that TRB had not given equal marks for SET/NET/exempted Ph.D.Due to
    this all SET/NET candidates were failed during 2013-14 interview.

    BUT Today More than 90,000 candidates has cleared SET/NET exam in Tamil Nadu so for.Now TRB 2017 planner says that it is going to conduct interview for Asst professor recruitment arts and science colleges.

    TRB is conducting exam for Engineering colleges, Polytechnic colleges and for school also.Why doesn't conduct exam for Arts and science college Asst. professor recruitment?

    In interview also TRB never follows Asst professor norms, SET/NET is compulsory,but TRB gives 5 marks for them.TRB gives 9 marks for exempted Ph.D. It is Asst professor recruitment. It is not Associate professor recruitment.

    When conducting Asst professor recruitment, TRB must follow Asst professor norms only ( more than 90,000 SET/NET candidates are qualified so for in Tamil nadu).In 2013-14 TRB mistakenly gave 9 marks for Ph.D and 5 marks for
    We hope that TRB will give equal 9 marks for SET/NET/exempted Ph.D in 2017 recruitment. Otherwise again TRB is again going to spoil life of more than 90,000 qualified SET/NET candidates in Tamil Nadu).

    TRB did mistake one time accidentally. But again and again never do the mistake. Only solution to this is to conduct written exam for Asst professor recruitment like all other states are conducted written test.

    Otherwise we request to TamilNadu Governer (Chancellar of all Universities) , Higher Educations Minister and Higher Educations Secretary that Give equal marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.d, otherwise conduct written test for Asst
    professor recruitment.

    1. The same thought we had when we attended 2012 interview as a fresher clearing NET OR SET . now we have taken efforts to complete PhD as well. No one was there to fight and we lost because of no experience. Now more than five years completed we are waiting with experience. How many exams have to be written?? NET or SET or PhD should be given equal marks and those who have taken efforts to complete PhD after clearing NET or SET should be given priority.
      NET /SET /PhD =6marks
      NET /SET and PhD = 9 marks.
      In this way we can differentiate best of bests

  77. Yes I agree the above said statement.
    First preference has go to Ph.D+NET+Pubications(publications should be impact factor based not number based)>
    followed by Ph.D +SLET+publications>
    then > PH.D alone (neiter NET nor SLET) +Publiations
    Finally, M.Phill+ publications
    Allotment of 2 Marks per year of teaching experience is completely wrong. Even Associate professor recruitment, UGC need 8 years of teaching experience only.
    5 marks are enough for teaching experience that too 1 mark for each year maximum 5 years are enough.

  78. Hi, I am got 15 years of teaching experience in engineering college. I was laid -off 2 years back. Now I work in IT sector. Also, I have cleared SET exam in 2016. I have got M.PHil too. Will my experience be considered?

  79. UGC nerver says to conduct written exam for Asst Professor recruitment in Engineering colleges, BUT TRB is conducting written test for Asst professor recruitment in Engineering college to give equal opportunity for all qualified candidates.

    Similarly UGC nerver says to conduct written exam for Asst Professor recruitment in Polytechnic colleges, BUT TRB is conducting written test for Asst professor recruitment in Polytechnic college to give equal opportunity for all qualified candidates.

    BUt TRB is not conducting written test for ASst professor recruitment in Arts and Science colleges.TRB is not giving equal opportunity for all qualified SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D candidates.We do not know what is reason behind that. TRB is well known how to conduct written exam. It is conducting written test for Engineering colleges, Polytechnic colleges and even in school also.Why don't conduct written test for Arts and Science colleges?.
    All the fields like TNPSC nowadays recruitment is conducted by written test only because to give equal opportunity for all qualified.

    For Assistant Professor recruitment , UGC says that SET/NET is compulsory.It is also given exempted for Ph.D.TRB followed in 2013 Asst Professor recruitment interview, it gives 9 marks for exempted Ph.d.For asst professor recruitment SET/NET is compulsory, actually first preference goes to SET/NET, but TRB gave 5 marks for SET/NET.It must have given equal 9 marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D. No body knows that Why did TRB follow Wrong mode at that time.

    When exempted Ph.d got 9 marks in interview, TRB must be given more than 9 marks or atleast equal 9 marks for SET/NET because UGC says that SET/NET is compulsory i.e first preference for asst professor is SET/NET.

    TRB follows wrong mode only for Asst professor recruitment in Arts and Science college.
    i)It is not giving equal 9 marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D according to UGC norms on interview.
    ii) It is not conduting written test like in Engineering college, Polytechnicl college, schools.If TRB is conducted written test,all the qualified people get equal opportunity.
    iii) Govt UGC says SET/NET is compulsory for Asst professor recruitment,Govt TRB recruitment never follows the UGC norms, not giving equal marks for SET/NET/Exempted Ph.d. TRB is spoiling life of more than 90,000 SET/NET qualified candidates in Tamil Nadu
    iv) SET/NET is compulsory for Asst professor recruitment. TRB gives 5 marks for SET/NET but gives 9 marks for exempted Ph.D. TRB must follow UGC norms. More then 90,000 SET/NET qualified in Tamil Nadu are made to be foulished by TRB.

    If somebody spoils one person, highest punishment will be given to him by law or from GOD.
    Here TRB is spoiling more than 90,000 SET/NET qualified persons in Tamil Nadu even though they are in under the first preference category for Asst professor recruitment according to UGC.

    If somebody did mistake, we go to Govt. Here Govt is doing mistake, Where do we go?

    Only Honorale Higher Education Minister and Higher Education Secretary have rights to ask TRB Board to conduct written test for Arts and Science college Asst Professor recruitment to get equal opportunity for all qualified
    SET/NET/Exempted Ph.D like how TRB gives equal opportunity in Engineering colleges, Polytechnic colleges and Schools.

    TRB is fair for Engineering, Polytechnic and School recruitment, But the Same TRB is not fair for Arts and Science college recruitment. What is the reason behind that?.TRB knows how to conduct written test.
    We request out Honorable Minister to make it fair and conduct written test for Arts and Science colleges recruitment for the life of more than 90,000 SET/NET qualified candidates in Tamil Nadu.

  80. Hi sumi,
    UGC says that for asst professor norms is set/net/exempted PhD.
    UGC never says set and net and exempted PhD.
    Any one of above is qualified, then give equal marks for set/net/exempted PhD.
    We are never rule creator. We are only followers of norms.
    In 2012 nobody was to fight because at that time only 7000 to 8000 candidates were qualified in set/ net. At that time suddenly called for recruitment and conducted interview. There was no time to fight. But so many cases were filed at that time also.
    But today more than 1 lakh set/ net qualified are in Tamil nadu. Even it will increase after tnset 2017 result.
    Generally mass number of people qualified in engg college, so ten conducts exams.
    Now in arts and science college also mass number of people qualified in set/ net, it will increase after tnset 2017 result.
    So trb must conduct
    Written test+ weightage system.
    That is the best for all.
    Trb now clearly knows that mass number of set/ net qualified in Tamil nadu.
    For the benefit of all qualified,
    We hope that trb will follow
    Written test+weightage system.

    1. No use fighting here. Let's wait for notification and file case to give equal importance to net /set /PhD

  81. It is better, trb must follow and conduct
    Written test + weightage marks
    For asst prof recruitment.
    There are lot of set/net qualified people in Tamil Nadu.
    Written test + weightage marks
    Is the only solution and best for all qualified.

  82. Till now Ugc never says that set/net/phd for asst professor.
    Ugc says that set/net/exempted PhD for asst professor.
    Every body knows that exempted means excused.
    Ugc says that norms for associate professor is only PhD.
    But for asst professor PhD is exempted.
    If trb gives 9 marks for exempted PhD, why doesn't it give equal 9 marks for set/net(it is compulsory for asst prof).
    We are not fighting. We are saying that follow asst prof ugc norms.
    So for our trb and honorable higher education minister have received lot of email regarding this.
    Surely trb changes the selection pattern, it will follow like egg college.
    Written test + weightage marks

  83. If TRB is going to conduct the exam, Please allow all pg qualified students and abolish SLET/NET qualifications. We all pg qualified students are ready to fight in the court. lets see in the court or else to follow the central university assistant professor selection procedure/implement the current TRB system.

  84. People who have completed English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry at least have chances to enter into polytechnic and engineering colleges through Trb written exams. They have opportunity to work in colleges. But those who people who have studied life sciences cannot get a job in colleges through written exams.

  85. Till now ugc says norms for asst professor, minimum standard is set/net, but exemption phd.
    Norms for associate prof is only phd.
    Trb is conducted by most highly expert people.
    In school Bed people can not write TET-1 exam, they are eligible to write only TET-2 exam. That is norms.
    In colleges, asst prof set/net is first preference, phd is exemption.
    Trb last time conducted interview, it followed associate prof norms mistakenly.
    We request trb to follow asst prof norms otherwise you call for associate prof recruitment, then set/net never apply.
    But here trb has called for asst prof recruitment. We request trb, conducting exam is the only resolution for all.

  86. Now asst prof recruitment is called for.
    We request trb that do not follow associate prof norms what trb did last time on interview.
    We request trb to give equal marks for set/net/exempted PhD according to UGC asst prof norms.
    We request trb to conduct
    Written test + weightage marks
    Like trb is conducted in engg college, polytechnic college, schools.
    That is fair for all.

  87. Yes it is really correct.
    Trb conducts written test for English, maths, chemistry,physics in English college. Here trb is fair.
    But trb does not conduct written test for the same people in arts and science colleges. Here trb is unfair.
    We request trb to conduct written test for arts and science.
    We need justice.

    1. English college or Engineering college.?? If trb following central University rules there must be certain point. we have already written exam and cleared.how many exams have to be written?????. For Engineering recruitment there is no such eligibility test for engineering candidates. That's why non engineering candidates have to go along with engineering candidates though they have cleared eligibility test.
      And according to ugc norms for the purpose of direct recruitment teaching experience should be counted.
      Exams are applicable for PhD candidates and not for eligibility cleared candidates. But equal importance should be given for NET SET or PhD. All should get either 6 or 9 marks.

  88. Generally right people read norms and follow the norms.
    But forgery people never read norms and never follow norms.
    When trb interviewed last time, it said set/net/phd in its notifications.
    Suppose at that time trb clearly read ugc norms for asst prof, it would have been said like set/net/exempted PhD in its notification.
    Then only everybody comes to know that set/net is first priority, phd is exempted.
    If trb understood this at that time, may be, it had been given equal marks for set/net/exempted PhD.
    We request trb, kindly it will display set/net/exempted PhD in its notification for asst professor recruitment according to ugc norms.

  89. Yes,what you said is correct.
    Trb must say set/net/exempted PhD.
    It is asst prof recruitment. Higher priority is set/net. PhD is higher qualification but here UGc clearly said PhD is exempted for asst prof.
    To resolve this, conducting exam is better.

  90. It is totally in the hands of state government regarding the recruitment of asst professor in arts and science colleges. In a matter of days or weeks, the notification for asst professor will come. lets wait and watch whether the trb have brought fair selection policy. Every single eligible applicant should have fair chance for selection, not only few people who has experience and Phd. Lets see exams or the same old story! Soon we'll know!

  91. Last time trb did mistake. This time we never allow trb which again doing the same mistake.

    More than 1 lakh people will capture trb office to get justice.

    Several questions will be asked in court. Trb must have to give answer. Surely this time highest punishment will be given to trb by high court.

    Minimum standard achieved set/net qualified(owner of asst prof house) gets 5 marks and standing outside the house.
    Exempted PhD (tenant of asst prof house) gets 9 marks and sitting inside house.
    Conduct written test+ weightage marks is the only solution for all.

  92. Rude people always have misbehavior. They live as selfish, adamant, always give bother to others.

    What is the problem to conduct exam?

    If trb follows
    Written test + weightage marks,
    Nobody will be affected.

  93. Trb followed wrong mode last time and didn't read properly norms of asst prof.

    Illiterate people only says to trb to follow last time pattern.

    But highly educated people never says like that, they will tell trb to correct mistakes, to change pattern, to follow asst prof norms according to ugc.

    Last time trb created confusion among the qualified, didn't give equal marks among the qualified.

    It is not fair at that time. At least this time trb must change the pattern.
    Conducting written test+weightage marks will be solution for all qualified.

  94. Trb must change pattern.
    It must give equal opportunity for all qualified.

    Conduct written exam+weightage marks like in engg college.

    Otherwise change pattern

    Experience 15 marks
    Set/net/PhD. 9 marks
    MPhil 1 marks
    Interview. 10 marks
    Total 35 marks

    This is the only solution for all qualified and also get equal opportunity.

    1. Your Idea will also wont work. there are Many people who have more than 20 years of experience so 15 marks for experience will not help others to get the opportunity. Exams is only fair deal of selection. Even only interview could lead to corruption.

  95. Today 29/7/17, TRB announced in its notification, so for 1,34,982
    Candidates applied for asst prof post in polytechnic colleges.
    Exam is going to be conduct on 16/9/2017.

    Engg,polytechnic, arts and science, all are direct recruitment selection by TRB.

    There are more than 1 lakh SET/NET qualified in TN. It will increase also after TN SET 2017 result.

    This time more than 1,40,000 candidates Will apply for asst
    professor post in arts and science college.

    We humbly request TRB, to conduct exam for arts and science college like in Engg, polytechnic college.

    Please TRB must conduct exam for arts and science for the benefit of all qualified (more than 1,40,000).

    1. Yes , that is correct.
      conducting exam is the best for Arts and Science college.
      Because this time applying candidates are nearly equal to engg, polytechnic colleges.
      We hope that TRB must consider this and follow for the benefit of all qualified.

    2. Lets hope for the best! ie Fair Selection Policy

  96. GuEst Lecturers Working In Government And Private Colleges Are Getting Points accOrding To Their Year Of Experience. And For Their Appoinment They are Not Undergoing Any Sort Of Qualifing procedure. And MaximuM Appointment Is Done On The BaIses Of Reco. recComendation. Even At Their Work Period Its Unknown Wether The Perform Well. after All This They Are Awarded PoInTs
    So Why Cant People Working In Research Institutes Of Government Be Awarded Ponits According To Their Working Experience. So People Appointed From Research Basis COuld Motivate Student For Their higher Studies And They Can Flourish.

  97. All NET?SET cleared candidates wants exams and rest don't want it. lets wait to see what govt and TRB have decided. So far it is no exam! May be have to challenge in court. If it is so recruitment will delay! To avoid this best we have competitive exam which is supported by our constitution.

  98. Never give weightage marks for guest lecturers. Inequality issues starts here only. Like wise,selection by entrance exam also not good because it will be benefial for the freshers and bookworms not the intellectuals. So, my suggestion is opportunities and weightage should be given to those who are already working in reputed institutions or government organizations.

  99. Generally application fees 100 + processing recruitment fees 500, totally it is 600, every candidate has to pay.

    It is nearly 1,40,000 qualified going to apply for asst professor recruitment in arts and science college this time.

    We are going to pay nearly 10 crores to TRB this time.

    After 1 week, 1:5 ratio calling to interview, automatically more than 1 lakh candidates will be rejected.

    If TRB conducts exam, all qualified will get a chance.

    TRB must consider this for arts and science college this time.

    We request TRB to conduct EXAM for arts and science college like Engg, polytechnic college.

  100. There is rights for all qualified.

    Every qualified must get a chance for that.

    We all hope that TRB will conduct EXAM similar in Engg,Polytechnic.

    May be,now TRB has no confusion.

    May be, now TRB is ready to conduct exam for arts and science.

    Let's hope.Surely TRB will conduct exam this time to get a chance for all.

  101. Dont fight and dont beg to any body just leave it to TRb, decision already made only think waiting for G.O.

    1. Surely you won't get job if TRB followed last time pattern.
      If you have maths knowledge, do the calculation, 1:5 ratio calling interview, automatically you will be rejected because every body knows, this time more number of qualified people will apply.

      We are not fighting, we are only requesting.

      Highly educated people never says, last time we followed wrong pattern so that we are going to follow this time also.

      If really educated people, they will tell correct the mistakes and says to change the pattern, otherwise says to conduct Exam for all qualified.

  102. entrance examination will be useful to youngsters and freshers not for the seniors

    1. This is asst prof recruitment.

      It is not associate prof and prof recruitment.

      If you think more and more qualified, apply for associate prof and prof recruitment .

      When you come to asst prof recruitment, follow asst prof norms.

  103. In commerce, we have PhD,more experience,last time interview more than 140 people in commerce got 33 out of 34, but total seats for general+BC is 40, age priority cut off based 40 were selected, remaining people rejected even though got full marks.

    It was also happened in History,Tamil and some of the science discipline in last time.

    This time many more number of qualified people is going to apply.

    If follows last time pattern, surely we never get job. Because last time limited number of people applied, we didn't get, the job even though having full marks.

    TRB must change the pattern.

    Better conducts exams. Interview is only 10 marks, but if conducts exams 100 or 200, more number of people never comes in the same marks.

    Surely it will give opportunity for all qualified.

    TRB, TNPSC is nowadays conducting exam for all the fields to be fair.

    Just like If TRB conducts exam for asst prof in arts and science college similar in Engg college, surely it is better for all.

    1. Yeah. In computer science, I had 15 years experience + phd and got full marks last time interview.
      Last time total number for CS is 120 post.600 people called for interview based on 1:5,there were 350 people had PhD among 600,eventhough all of 350 people got equal marks, only 100 were selected based on age cut off, remaining 250 rejected.
      If TRB follows last time pattern, surely we have no hope to get job because more qualified will apply this time.
      If TRB conducts exams, may be we will have little hope to get job.
      If TRB follows last time pattern, we won't get job, wasting time, wasting money. Conducting exam is only to give hope for all.

  104. Follow the central university procedure.

    1. When more number of qualified people applied, before interview, govt must conduct exam.
      If you want interview, you face written exam.
      Is there any problem to face written test?

      What ever you say, but conducting written exam + weightage is the only solution for all, similar in Engg colleges.

      We are giving solution for all. Positive thoughts promote our life, if we have negative thoughts, it will spoil our life.

    2. Interview is not needed. According to asst professor UGC norms, SET/NET/EXEMPTED PhD all are qualified.

      The purpose of interview is only to find qualified, here so interview is not needed because all are qualified.

      Conducting exam is the only best way.

      Recently Central Govt, Supreme Court and even Our PM Modi are saying that don't conduct Interview for selection, They are saying that conducting exam is the best for selection,so that it will not lead to corruption.

      Do you understand? Experienced people will understand.

  105. Till now there is no information about Exam for Asst Prof in Arts College. Notification will be released in days or week time. I hope some one will go to court to get fair selection or justice if no exam is conducted.

  106. What is the qualification of Assistant Professors in Government Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu.
    Whether SET is eligible for the said post

    1. Minimum standard for asst professor recruitment SET/NET is still compulsory according to UGC norms.

      But UGC has given exemption for PhD.

      Further details go to UGC web site.First read asst prof norms.

      Most of highly educated people never read norms. That is the problem here.

      We can teach illiterate people. I think you are in absent mind.
      Better read asst prof UGC norms if you have time, may be you will get clear idea.
      So for you never read means that is up to your knowledge.

    2. Are you really doctorate?
      Now you understand, why UGC says SET/NET is compulsory and it is minimum standard.
      Why UGC has given exemption for PhD. Exemption means excused.
      They came by pass accidently last time wrong pattern.
      This time all qualified must face written test+weightage marks.

  107. Any Knows the address or Phone number of TN NET/SET Association? They are powerful enough to challenge in court if no competitive exam is conducted for Asst Professor in Arts college. Any members of that association please update your present status of action regarding the recruitment.

  108. I am working professor yesterday we got the mail from TRB very urgent "Submit detailed vacancy list until last year" so now TRB collecting vacancy list department wise then it is is consolidation work,approval then only G.O -release. So for no change in the existing rules.

    1. Still some of the people are adamant and not to follow asst prof UGC norms. That is up to their knowledge. Let it be.
      High court will give punishment for them.

      TRB already collected vacancy list from JD Offices. It is not needed for TRB to collect from any road side people.

      After High court judgment, TRB will release its NOTIFICATION. Let's see.

      All the states are followed UGC asst prof norms and is selecting through EXAM only.

      This time TRB will follow UGC asst prof norms and will conduct Exam similar in ENGG colleges.

  109. Why can't some one send an RTI request to TRB, Asking Why they are not conducting Exams to Asst Professor recruitment. Many states conducts exams to asst professor and why not TRB? What is problem for TRB in conducting Competitive Exam?

  110. Recently, UP Govt says that it will allow only SET/NET to apply for asst prof recruitment and also it allows PhD people those who completed before 2009 only.

    Still UGC says that SET/NET is compulsory, it is minimum standard for asst prof. But gives exemption for PhD if they have met 2009 standard otherwise don't give exemption for PhD.

    UP Govt strictly says that people of SET/NET/but PhD completed before 2009 are only eligible to apply for asst prof recruitment.

    According UGC, PhD is eligible for associate prof or prof recruitment.

    According to UGC, When come to asst prof recruitment, SET/NET is compulsory, but here PhD is only exemption.

    Trb followed wrong mode and pattern, and also violated UGC norms last time. That time minimum standard achieved qualified people were spoiled.
    IF TRB Conducts EXAM similar in Engg colleges, It will only give solution to all qualified.

    1. Is it? Is that PhD registered before 2009 or regulations 2009.need clarification??? Because aided colleges appointing those who have completed PhD after 2009. If so it is 👋 good for eligibility cleared candidates. Easy to filter.

    2. Now Every one is started to read asst prof norms very clearly. Let's see. What is our TRB going to take decision?

  111. I completed my PhD in 2016.
    Whether am I eligible to apply for asst prof recruitment.

    UP GOVT clearly stated recently PhD completed after 2009 are not eligible to apply for asst prof.

    What is our TRB decision?
    Whether our TRB will allow PhD completed after 2009 or not?
    So for no notification.

  112. This is the first time more than 1,50,000 qualified people is going to be applied for asst prof recruitment in arts and science colleges. But total number of post is 1883.

    Every one is paying 600 rupees,it is nearly 10 crores.
    Every one is expecting to be fair.
    Like all other states ,if TRB conducts EXAMS,it will be better for all qualified.

  113. Will notification of Asst Professor gets delayed? how long? Why no press is discussing about this delay? Why no public opinion about the request for exam is published in news papers. Only in Kalviseithi there were some request to write to trb and education secretary regarding need for competitive exam for Asst Professor in Arts and Science college. Delay is OK but need information about selection. will they care for public opinion or follow the same old unfair selection. procedure.

  114. Due to TRB wrong selection pattern last time, Some educated people is cheating other educated people. No one read asst prof UGC norms.If they read clearly norms, no problem will arise. All the people will accept EXAM+weightage marks.
    We can not explain norms to some educated people who are sleeping and wants to break the norms like last time.
    If court had given punishment last time, they wouldn't have asked today to follow last time pattern.
    Now only TIME has come to ask them. Truth never fails. High Court will surely give orders to conduct Exam+weightage mark this time.

  115. TRB Clearly follows Norms 1-5 Std is T. Ed and 6-10 Std is B. Ed.
    Suppose if TRB allows B. Ed for 1-5 Std, High Court will ask question, Why is Govt conducting T. Ed? But TRB is genuine for school, also for Engg, polytechnic.

    UGC conducts NET, State conducts SET for asst prof. TRB didn't follow norms last time. What is the purpose of conducting NET/SET?.

    TRB conducts exams for school, Engg, Polytechnic. Now TRB Clearly understand, it must have to conduct exams for arts and science college.

    Exam is must even in IAS selection. Now all the states follow exams only, because it will not lead to corruption.

    All the qualified will get clear in mind, if TRB conducts EXAMS similar in Engg,polytechnic, school. It is duties of TRB not to confuse all qualified. It is duties of TRB to follow asst prof norms and to conduct exam like all other states.

  116. Central Govt now stops interview for recruitment,it conducts exam only so that it will not lead corruption.
    We are all educated,everybody heartly knows how many lakhs are asking in aided colleges.
    Govt must give hopes to all qualified,it must conduct exam for all qualified. It is only fair for all.

  117. Earlier Govt gave appointment through employment seniority for all fields,that time less number of qualified people were there.
    Now more number of people becomes qualified,so In all fields, Govt conducts exams to get equal opportunity for all qualified.
    UGC says SET/NET,TRB not followed norms.If it is going like this,there is no doubt that Higher education will be vanished or corrupted in future.
    To protect higher education, conducting exam is the best way for recruitment like in Engg,polytechnic.

  118. Conducting exam is the best way that won't lead corruption.
    All the people knows that some of the people are ready to pay any rate, they are always looking for a chance to create corruption.
    Govt should not give a chance for idiot educated people.
    To resolve this, conducting exam like in Engg colleges.
    It will not lead corruption as well as it gives equal opportunity for all qualified.

  119. We couldn't understand our TRB.
    TRB has given in its notification recently, Engg, Polytechnic and Arts and Science, all are direct recruitment.
    It is conducting exam for Engg, Polytechnic. It is not conducting exam for arts and science.
    What is the reason behind that?
    Why TRB is not doing fair for arts and science.
    Generally, It is not needed to ask TRB, because it knows very well, it must conduct exam for arts and science.
    We are asking our rights. Conducting exam similar in Engg is the best way.

  120. Today lot of people are writting exam Group II a for 1963 Post. Conducting exam gives a hope for all because surely it will not lead to corruption.

    If TRB conducts Exam for arts and science, it will surely give a hope to all qualified and also will not lead to corruption.

    If TRB is not conducted exam this time,most of the people knows, there is no doubt that poison, corrupted people only will get a chance, they are ready to pay any rate.It will not be transparency. More experienced people will understand this.
    Better conducting exams like Engg.

    All states are followed Exams to give hopes for all. We request TRB to conduct exam for arts and science.That will be transparency and best method.

  121. Any idea about notification? When? Why TRB is silent about this? There are thousands of representation have been sent requisition for competitive exams. No word from them. Absolutely silent!

  122. Sure TRB will be reading all mails received for conducting exams.May be it is on discussion.
    Lot of people are asking exam for transparency.High court will surely give orders to conduct exam like Engg.It is rights for all qualified.

  123. No need to conduct exam ugc never says to conduct exam,central university recently announced direct recuritment with experience and qualified Slet or net or phd candidate could be selected only exlam will lead corruption

    1. TRB in its notification clearly given Engg, polytechnic and Arts science, all are direct recruitment. You see and read the notification clearly.

      All states are followed exam only.

      Then you ask, why TRB is conducting exam for Engg, polytechnic direct recruitment.

      You ask, Why don't TRB Conduct exam for arts science direct recruitment.

      You ask TRB, Engg is direct recruitment, exam is conducted.
      Arts science is also direct recruitment, why TRB is not conducting exam.

      Do you know, what is the reason behind that? Experienced people will understand this.

      This time High court will surely give orders to conduct exam similar in Engg.

    2. Entire nation is fighting against corruption. Even our PM Modi and Supreme Court say that stop interview, conduct exam.
      Do you know, Tamil Nadu followed Exam for all fields except arts and science. This time High court will say to conduct exam for arts and science college also.

  124. Every body clearly knows that all the aided colleges are already corrupted. They are declaring payment in open statement.
    This time more than 1,50,000 qualified will apply for 1883 post. Latest survey, more than 20,000 people are ready to pay any rate, The idiot, corrupted people are saying that it is very cheap compared to aided colleges.
    If TRB follows last time unfair selection pattern, Higher education will be surely corrupted like aided colleges.
    Better conducting exam like Engg is the best method, it will not lead corruption.

  125. Notification can be defered for a month or more!

    1. It is not postponed. Within 10 days Trb will announce its new pattern change. It is going to conduct exam like direct recruitment of Engg, Polytechnic colleges.

    2. Happy to hear this, but our TRB will not change like this. 99% they would follow the old pattern.

  126. Written exam marks +weightage is the fair method for Arts and Science college Asst. Professor post. TRB and Our Govt consider it.becaus now there are lot of Qualified candidate.

  127. Every body knows that many of the people are trying to corrupt higher education.
    If people giving or getting corruption, their life will end in danger.
    Even though all knows clearly, survey says that many corrupted people are still there.
    We could stop corruption only through conducting written exam+weightage marks.
    It is not problem for trb because already it is conducting this method for direct recruitment Engg.

  128. Seeing survey, we understand that how corrupted people are still increasing, it is just like to put fire ourself.If higher education is going to be corrupted, that is all, everything is over. Better conduct written exam + weightage marks is the only solution for all.

    1. Your attention exam will also lead to corruption in our state. In fact more corruption than conducting interview. Only ten marks corrupted here. If exam conducted youngsters with highly influential will easily get into it. After three years you all be in this mode of selection. Every one is selfish. That's it. We are waiting for exam

    2. I think you haven't heard about aided colleges.
      When you get chance skipped, then you understand exam pattern is right.

  129. Written exam+ weightage is fair method. This system only gives equal importance and chance to all qualified candidate

  130. How conducting of Exam would eradicate corruption? Totally Groundless. I could remember a proverb in Tamil. If you hide the comb, will it stop the marriage. Corruption is entirely different. We couldnt check that through exams.

    1. Then you tell our TN Govt not to conduct exam for school, Engg, Polytechnic.

      Do you know, after long fighting,we created TRB, now we are implementing exam for all fields.
      We are asking to implement in arts and science also.

  131. This is the method followed by central University of Tamil Nadu for the scrutinizing applications for Assistant Professor recruitment.
    This method don,t have have any exam pattern.
    Do you people think this is wrong method?
    As per the screening norms of the University / UGC, the scores awarded by duly constituted
    screening committee is based on Academic record, Post Doctoral Fellowship / Teaching
    Experience, Research Quality, Professional achievement, Publications and with other prescribed
    If you have any doubt plz refer central university of Tamil Nadu website.

    1. What is wrong method?
      Tamil Nadu Govt conducts
      TNSET for asst prof. More than 1 lakh qualified are there. It will increase also after TNSET 2017 result.
      It is Tamil Nadu recruitment. Why don't give equal MARKS for all qualified. Then High court will ask our Govt, why do you conduct TNSET.

  132. Follow the cental university selection procedure:
    Eligibility Criteria for Delhi University Recruitment

    Educational Qualifications:

    At least 55% marks (or corresponding grade) in Master’s or equivalent degree.
    NET conducted by UGC, CSIR.
    Applicants holding Ph.D are exempted from the requirement of NET.
    Applicants who have finished their masters before 1991, are allowed relaxation of 5% making minimum 50% compulsory at PG.

    Selection Procedure:

    Once you submit your application, a duly formed selection committee will scan your application.
    Based on your qualification, you will be called for an Interview.
    Final selection will be based on your interview and document verification.
    TRB WAY IS 1000% right.

    1. Why you are not saying, all the states are followed exam. Haven't seen that?
      Do you know, even TRB follows exam for direct recruitment Engg. Why don't for arts and science?
      You are asking for you.
      But we are asking for all qualified.

  133. TRB announces in its notification clearly, it follows direct recruitment for School, Engg, Polytechnic, Arts and Science.

    It conducts Exam for all direct recruitment except Arts and Science.

    TRB must follow Exam for Arts and Science like direct recruitment Engg.

    Conducting Exams + weightage marks that will not affect any qualified except corrupted people.

    1. Yes conducting exam +weightage marks that won't affect any qualified. If you have experience what ever it is,weightage marks will give. Then why are you afraid. Facing exam is the only solution for all.

  134. Any hint about the TRB Asst Professor Exam? so for no information received regarding the TRB's idea of conducting exam. IF that is so they would have notified their intention in any of the news papers or some news channels. so there's going to be no exam. Only old method of selection procedure.

    1. Did you get any news, why TRB is delaying.
      Did you get any news through any channel why TRB is delaying.
      Guessing always make fails.
      Let's see what TRB will announce.

    2. Be bold, face exam.
      We have already faced exam in school, college.
      Don't get frightened. Not only you, we are all going to face exam to get equal opportunity for all qualified.
