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TNPSC Detailed Exam Notifications should be published in the website instead of newspapers - TN Government

tnpsc exam notfication online at www.tnpsc.gov.in
TNPSC used to publish all examination notifications in two Tamil Newspapers and One English Newspaper. The entire notification details is also published in the TNPSC website in Tamil and English. TNPSC has started online application facility through its official websites www.tnpsc.gov.in / www.tnpscexams.net from the year 2012 and it is effectively followed till date. 
tnpsc examination announcement in newspapers and online

Now, the Administrative Reforms Department of Tamilnadu Government has suggested the Tamilnadu Public Service Commission  to consider publishing full details only in the website. It suggests TNPSC that the short description of few lines about the notification may be published in the newspapers. 


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